Republican Leaders Reach Port Security Conference Deal ...
A major maritime security bill will head to the House floor
tonight with a last-minute provision that would crack down on
the $12 billion online gambling industry but without other
controversial additions, such as court security measures and
protections for phone companies that cooperate with government
wiretapping, House Homeland Security Chairman King told
CongressDaily today. King said the text of the conference report
is done and will be brought to the House floor tonight for a
vote. House and Senate Republican leaders were trying earlier
today to attach last-minute measures to the bill. The only one
that survived was from Senate Majority Leader Frist that would
crack down on Internet gambling, King said.
A last second victory for Frist will ban online gambling for good. This will put the banks in charge of stopping payments to sportsbooks, and theoretically places like Neteller as well.
These fuckers! They keep sticking their noses into our affairs.
A major maritime security bill will head to the House floor
tonight with a last-minute provision that would crack down on
the $12 billion online gambling industry but without other
controversial additions, such as court security measures and
protections for phone companies that cooperate with government
wiretapping, House Homeland Security Chairman King told
CongressDaily today. King said the text of the conference report
is done and will be brought to the House floor tonight for a
vote. House and Senate Republican leaders were trying earlier
today to attach last-minute measures to the bill. The only one
that survived was from Senate Majority Leader Frist that would
crack down on Internet gambling, King said.
A last second victory for Frist will ban online gambling for good. This will put the banks in charge of stopping payments to sportsbooks, and theoretically places like Neteller as well.
These fuckers! They keep sticking their noses into our affairs.