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Why Ruth is better then Bonds....

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  • #46
    All I'm saying is you have to respect what bonds has done. There are alot of guys on steroids that are not doing the things bonds is doing.He is the best player of our era.someone brought up batting avg. In the modern era(after 1956) when blacks and all other nationalities were allowed in the league there is only 1 player on the top 20 list for carreer batting AVG. Tony gwynn. So you think that 19 of the best 20 hitters in history came before 1960 or do you think maybe the pitching is a lot better.And in the modern era noone has a higher OBP or cannot compare numbers of people who played in a segregated league.


    • #47
      Originally posted by moomoo
      All I'm saying is you have to respect what bonds has done. There are alot of guys on steroids that are not doing the things bonds is doing.He is the best player of our era.someone brought up batting avg. In the modern era(after 1956) when blacks and all other nationalities were allowed in the league there is only 1 player on the top 20 list for carreer batting AVG. Tony gwynn. So you think that 19 of the best 20 hitters in history came before 1960 or do you think maybe the pitching is a lot better.And in the modern era noone has a higher OBP or cannot compare numbers of people who played in a segregated league.
      I have ZERO respect for Bonds. Pre-steroids he was a very good player who put up good numbers. No where near the numbers he's put up since steroids.

      I'll give you this. He is the BEST baseball player on steroids.

      I think 15 of the best 20 hitters were pre-1960.

      I'm 45 years old. I was born in 1960. If anything you'd think I'd be partial to the modern day player. Modern day baseball players are a fucking joke.


      • #48
        Originally posted by moomoo
        Ruth never got intentionally walked with the bases loaded.
        First, how do you knw?

        Second, the game is played much different today. There's more media attention today.


        • #49
          Indeed waht Bonds has done over the course of his career is commendable. The fact remains though that number one Babe Ruth changed the game from the singles and bunts to the home runs we see today. He is the one person anyone can tell you all about. True he was a drunk but he was the greatest baseball player of all time. He made the game what it is today.

          If it was not for smaller parks, different baseballs, better bats, worse pitchers, and "steroids", Bonds would not be doing any of this. They changed the balls years ago to make them travel farther. Pitchers are nowhere near what they used to be. Parks are so much smaller now so that more fans can attend and owners can make more money.

          It almost seems like it is a different game that is played today. It is really hard to compare the two but when you consider everything, Ruth pitching and what not, it is hard not to realize that Ruth and Bonds are two great players but Ruth had more intagibles to deal with.


          • #50
            Originally posted by weazel079
            Here is my conclusion. If Babe Ruth grew up during this era, he would be unbelievable and by far the best player of this era. But if brought him from the past into the future as of now he would be just a good player. The technology, health information, and training techniques now is uncomparable to 80 years ago. Hope this is understandable.
            How do you know that wouldn't have made Ruth an even better player?


            • #51
              Neither Bonds nor Ruth could hold Mike Pagliarulo's jock. Clearly the best hitter of any era.


              • #52
                This is the responses. What I find amazing is how steriods or growth hormones or whatever chit that made him BIG & better, turned him into this super baseball player. Not including this year, but the previous 2-3 years, I've never seen a human have the kind of eye-hand coordination in addition to the bat speed and so on that literally gave him such an advantage in every single at bat...remarkable. I don't think we'll see anything like it again in our time...our kids might see it, but not us...but I'm sure that person will be an even freakier human...

                You all realize how hard it is to do what he's done, right? The entire game of baseball is set against a batter to be successful...which is why a person can fail to get a hit 7 times in 10 AB's for a career & make the HOF...

                Anyway, I'll let you guys go back to your debate...I too am not a Bonds fan & to see how this so called human changed his body for the game & money & self, is what it is...MLB is a joke and the owners & union are creating or have created a monster...the roids in the minors is as bad or worse...LOL

                FUCK YOU, FUCK ME


                • #53
                  apples and oranges here. RUTH might have saved the game as was the dominant player of his era. Bonds is clearly the best player of this era. The diffirence is the CLOUD over BONDS achievements. He was a very very good player before he got on the CLEAR na d CREAM ......but obviously these players wouldnt use that stuff repeatly if they didnt see improvement....and boy did BONDS see improvement. Ruth is a legend and Bonds is a talented a-hole. in the end.......RUTH will always be the biggest legend in baseball because his dominance and the dominance of the yankees

