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Lebron the best player in the leauge>>

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  • #76
    If he ain't leaving Cleveland then some big names better be coming to Cleveland. Because if not LeBron will be ringless for a while. Mo Williams as your second best player won't cut it for very long in LB's eyes.
    "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


    • #77
      Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
      Also, guys can make as much as they want but some choose not to, like Tom Brady. He could care less about endorsements even though he is offered a ton.
      Could care less? He is the 13th highest paid athelete in terms of endorsement money and BY FAR the most profitable football player. I also have a Maxim, GQ and Vanity Fair on my coffee table and he is in print ads of all three! It is probably a result of him wearing a helmut than caring that he is 13th and not 5th.

      My mistake...#2 in football to Peyton Manning, who never turnss down a good endorsement deal!
      Last edited by Three Jack; 05-27-2009, 10:32 PM.
      Three Jack's Record


      • #78
        Hey guys, this is the thing about LeBron. The only goal that I hear them talking about at length is his quest to become the first billion dollar athlete... not winning a championship.

        It's all about money for him right now and I guess that's fine. He is still very young. He wants to get that aspect squared away first. I can understand that. When players get older and can start seeing the end of their peak years, that is when they get hungry for rings. It's just that I want to remeind Cavs fans: He doesn't really care about rings at this point. It's all about $$ for him!

        As I have said before they are all thinking: "I GOTTA GET MINE!!!"

        AND YOU SHOULD TOO!!!!!

        Last edited by peanutgallery; 05-27-2009, 10:45 PM.
        2019 SEASON
        42-34-1 +4.30 units

        11-11 +2.60 units


        • #79
          Originally posted by Three Jack View Post
          Could care less? He is the 13th highest paid athelete in terms of endorsement money and BY FAR the most profitable football player. I also have a Maxim, GQ and Vanity Fair on my coffee table and he is in print ads of all three! It is probably a result of him wearing a helmut than caring that he is 13th and not 5th.

          My mistake...#2 in football to Peyton Manning, who never turnss down a good endorsement deal!
          Three Jack, I read a story about a year ago that said Tom Brady could be the spokesman for about 150 companies that he turned down. Sure, he does a lot but there is SO MUCH MORE he could do if he wanted to.


          • #80
            Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
            The stats show his numbers are raised from this series to the previous series. They are all postseason numbers. He has had to play with no help. He's had to play so hard this series it's incredible, how he continues to put up forty a game is unbelievable.

            Who brought Jordan into this anyway?

            LeBron ain't where Jordan was, not by a long shot, but if he gets out of Cleveland and away from these bums, he certainly can be.
            How exactly do you call Lebron's Supporting cast a bunch of BUMS when they posted the best record in the entire NBA and swept the first 2 rounds of the playoffs by barely breaking a sweat? What a ridiculous comment

            Howard and his 3 point shooters are getting all the attention, but the fact is this series could just as easily be 3-1 Cleveland and then what would everyone be saying? Not too many people in the league can match up with Howard and obviously the old slow Z can't do it which is causing most of the problems.


            • #81
              Originally posted by ICD55 View Post
              How exactly do you call Lebron's Supporting cast a bunch of BUMS when they posted the best record in the entire NBA and swept the first 2 rounds of the playoffs by barely breaking a sweat? What a ridiculous comment

              Howard and his 3 point shooters are getting all the attention, but the fact is this series could just as easily be 3-1 Cleveland and then what would everyone be saying? Not too many people in the league can match up with Howard and obviously the old slow Z can't do it which is causing most of the problems.
              They are a bunch of bums. They played well in the reg. season. And to me that means nothing because now its crunch time in the conf. finals, and where are they?? It's easy to win games when there is no pressure and nothing to lose. It's harder now in the conf. finals and they have disappeared. Who's stepping up besides LeBron? Mo Williams flapping his gums and then passing up open shots late in the fourth. Guys in OT refusing to body up Howard. They literally stood there and watched while Howard took the game away.

              Howard's teammates are the ones who aren't bums. Clutch shooting by Lewis, and great scoring performances by Alston. But guys like Mo, Z. Wallace, etc. aren't doing much to help out their superstar.

              This is a matchup of two superstars, and they are both playing well, one team's supporting cast is out playing the other by a healthy margin though.

              You say this series could easily be 3-1, well, if LeBron doesn't hit a three with one second left it could very easily be 4-0 Magic and there wouldn't be a game to watch tonight.
              "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"

