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Lebron the best player in the leauge>>

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  • #61
    Originally posted by peanutgallery View Post
    What's the income and state tax like in New Jersey? That will play a part in where he ends up. Moving to New York would KILL his flow! Major taxation!!!
    The extra contract $$ and the millions of advertisements he will be on throughout NYC will cover any tax. He'll be making millions, and believe it or not will be advertised a hundred times over in NY compared to Cleveland. He will be the face of sports in the most populated city in the U.S.
    "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


    • #62
      Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
      The extra contract $$ and the millions of advertisements he will be on throughout NYC will cover any tax. He'll be making millions, and believe it or not will be advertised a hundred times over in NY compared to Cleveland. He will be the face of sports in the most populated city in the U.S.
      Even if he goes to the Nets, his face will be everywhere in NYC and the Knicks would be pissed! LOL


      • #63
        I used to be a Nets fan when Kidd was on the team, I jumped ship with him to Dallas, still root for NJ. And if they can clear some cap room, they can certainly get LB's attention. Good young cast in NJ, not to mention a superstar in D Harris. If LeBron does come to NJ however, say bye bye to Vincanity. I would love to see LB in NY or NJ, seeing him live at home a couple times a year would be insane!!
        "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


        • #64
          Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
          I used to be a Nets fan when Kidd was on the team, I jumped ship with him to Dallas, still root for NJ. And if they can clear some cap room, they can certainly get LB's attention. Good young cast in NJ, not to mention a superstar in D Harris. If LeBron does come to NJ however, say bye bye to Vincanity. I would love to see LB in NY or NJ, seeing him live at home a couple times a year would be insane!!
          I agree. Vince will be gone and that is why i left him out. He would have a great inside out nucleus with Lopez & Harris. Both are still very young too. That could be a scary team with those 3 and who knows what the other players would be. I think Jarvis Hayes and Ryan Anderson could be a couple of nice young pieces to build with too, along with maybe Yi Jianlian? That team could be young, athletic and very, very, good!


          • #65
            Yi should be gone this off season, he doesn't click with the Nets and doesn't play as well as was expected when traded for Jefferson . That trade was part of the reason I gave up on NJ altogether. Anderson is a good young kid, along with Boone inside. Dooling and CDR are also great role players.
            "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


            • #66
              Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
              Yi should be gone this off season, he doesn't click with the Nets and doesn't play as well as was expected when traded for Jefferson . That trade was part of the reason I gave up on NJ altogether. Anderson is a good young kid, along with Boone inside. Dooling and CDR are also great role players.
              Sounds like Lebron and a nice veteran or two mixed in and the Nets are front runners for the Title!


              • #67
                LeBron + Devin Harris has my vote for the title if it happens. People don't realize nearly how good Devin is, he is IMO a top 3 PG in the league. Not to mention a prolific scorer. Something LB hasn't played with his entire career is another guy who can fill it up, like Harris can.
                "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                • #68
                  Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
                  LeBron + Devin Harris has my vote for the title if it happens. People don't realize nearly how good Devin is, he is IMO a top 3 PG in the league. Not to mention a prolific scorer. Something LB hasn't played with his entire career is another guy who can fill it up, like Harris can.
                  I agree 100% about Harris.

                  I drafted Lopez on my Fantasy roster last year and i watched him closely all season. He is going to be a double-double machine with 20-10 possible every night out. I love that guy too and he can't be left out (IMO).


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
                    The extra contract $$ and the millions of advertisements he will be on throughout NYC will cover any tax. He'll be making millions, and believe it or not will be advertised a hundred times over in NY compared to Cleveland. He will be the face of sports in the most populated city in the U.S.

                    That is a huge myth. Of the top 10 richest athletes, only 2 (#6)A-Rod and #10)Jeter by 3 million) resides in New York City.

                    You don't need to be in New York to cash in on advertising. That's wrong! Look at the section titled endosements! Jeter and A-Rod have the LOWEST in the top 10! So saying that the extras in endorsements would cover any tax - that's ridiculous.

                    Besides, if that Chinese firm buys part of the Cavs, that kind of marketing in would trump anything that LA or NYC would have to offer. Please believe that!

                    And as far as taxes are concerned, it does play a huge role in where a player goes to play or where a weathly person decides to reside. Am I thinking of the Boston Bruins owner? or Buffalo Sabres owner... anyway, the dude is going to save like $3,500 A DAY by moving to Florida where there is no state tax.

                    It is a big, big deal. And that extra money from advertising because you're in NYC is a huge myth...

           - The Fortunate 50
                    2019 SEASON
                    42-34-1 +4.30 units

                    11-11 +2.60 units


                    • #70
                      Look at Kobe vs. LeBron! Kobe who lives in Los Angeles by your logic should make more on endorsements and advertising. Why doesn't he? A dude from Cleveland, Ohio! the RUSTBELT! makes more in endorsements than he does! You don't need to be in NYC or LA to cash in!!!
                      2019 SEASON
                      42-34-1 +4.30 units

                      11-11 +2.60 units


                      • #71
                        You make a good point, Lopez does have one issue however, and that is his mid range shooting. If he could learn to consistently knock down 10-15 footers, he would be lethal. With the drive and kick offense the Nets run, Lopez gets a lot of looks from 10, 12 feet out and if he knocked those down with any consistency he would open the floor up tenfold for the Nets. Needs to expand outside the paint basically.

                        I am a big fan of CDR as well, not the best shooter, driver or dribbler, but gets things done every time out and understands his role on the floor.
                        "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by peanutgallery View Post
                          Look at Kobe vs. LeBron! Kobe who lives in Los Angeles by your logic should make more on endorsements and advertising. Why doesn't he? A dude from Cleveland, Ohio! the RUSTBELT! makes more in endorsements than he does! You don't need to be in NYC or LA to cash in!!!
                          C'mon now, Kobe was one of the BIGGEST Endorsement guys going until the rape charges. Many companies dropped him after that. Also, guys can make as much as they want but some choose not to, like Tom Brady. He could care less about endorsements even though he is offered a ton. Others take every one offered. If Lebron is in or near NY, it will open up a TON more endorsements. Whether or not he chooses to take them all on is up to him.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
                            You make a good point, Lopez does have one issue however, and that is his mid range shooting. If he could learn to consistently knock down 10-15 footers, he would be lethal. With the drive and kick offense the Nets run, Lopez gets a lot of looks from 10, 12 feet out and if he knocked those down with any consistency he would open the floor up tenfold for the Nets. Needs to expand outside the paint basically.

                            I am a big fan of CDR as well, not the best shooter, driver or dribbler, but gets things done every time out and understands his role on the floor.
                            That may come in time for Lopez but as a Rookie, i was VERY impressed with him!


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by peanutgallery View Post
                              That is a huge myth. Of the top 10 richest athletes, only 2 (#6)A-Rod and #10)Jeter by 3 million) resides in New York City.

                              You don't need to be in New York to cash in on advertising. That's wrong! Look at the section titled endosements! Jeter and A-Rod have the LOWEST in the top 10! So saying that the extras in endorsements would cover any tax - that's ridiculous.

                              Besides, if that Chinese firm buys part of the Cavs, that kind of marketing in would trump anything that LA or NYC would have to offer. Please believe that!

                              And as far as taxes are concerned, it does play a huge role in where a player goes to play or where a weathly person decides to reside. Am I thinking of the Boston Bruins owner? or Buffalo Sabres owner... anyway, the dude is going to save like $3,500 A DAY by moving to Florida where there is no state tax.

                              It is a big, big deal. And that extra money from advertising because you're in NYC is a huge myth...

                     - The Fortunate 50
                              This list doesn't make any sense to me. Endorsements must incorporate A LOT more than just advertising $$ on this list. Phil Mickelson has 53,000,000 in endorsements compared to only 13 for Peyton Manning. In what world did this happen?? How? Where's the $$ coming from?

                              He is making 28M in Cleveland, it certainly won't be going down if he moves to NY, is all I am saying. Going to NY, in the long run, will not hurt his bankroll, he will also be signing the most lucrative contract in NBA history, no matter who he signs with. Taxes really won't be a problem.
                              "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                              • #75
                                LEBRON wont leave cleveland!! they would stop going to the games HE IS CLEVELAND trust me hes going nowhere BUT cleveland

