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I Believe McNAMEE 110%

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  • aplous

    Originally posted by Kaptain

    My first statement, about the 80k being a croc, was at first glance I thought he said to pay for one kid's college, and that was 80k a year.......this was before I learned we are talking about 3 kids at once.

    If you have 3 kids at once, and they choose whereever they want to go, yes, it could easily be 80k, maybe even 100k.
    thank you sir......simply saying, read, comprehend, retain, and then fire the shot....

    I appreciate you saying indeed can get well over the figure he stated, and yes it depends on what type of degree......

    Once again, thanks, nice debating with ya, and me being a Sr Card Member....

    you said
    The only points I am trying to make before Kapt. pulled the "Im the Senior Member at BC card" are this:

    show me where I even eluded to this being a trump card....

    Sr citizen, yes, been there, yes....

    yet another misconstrued interpretation by you....

    I reiterate
    Comprehend what you read
    Retain those correctly interpreted thoughts
    Then fire you shots.....

    you fired yet another stray bullet, as you didn't take the time to read it carefully......

    With that being said, thanks for your point of view, it's how it's presented that's important........

    Best to ya.........kapt.......simply a plain old member pull, no stroke, don't believe in it.....

    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


    • Chado, I had my kids borrow some because I want them to understand that it is not a totally free ride. They understand and get good grades. Some parents pay it all and I think some kids may want to just party on Dads dime.
      NBA is a joke


      • Chado

        Originally posted by Chado1
        Your kids are very lucky that you guys are paying or did pay for their college education. They are very spoiled cause a few girls/guys that I know from high school that are in prominent universities in the province of ontario all had to pay for their own education through student loans. I guess things may be different in the states or something because pretty much every person I know/knew from high school all got a student loan (called o.s.a.p) to pay for their personal education and pay it back once they receive their degree and start working. RARELY and I mean VERY rarely will you find parents who actually dish out the money for the kids university or college funds in canada unless they are rich so things may be run differently in the U.S. in that regard. Or maybe student loans arent as easily accepted for it in your country I am not sure.
        Lucky --- yes

        Just cause a parent cares enough to get/give his kids a head start. re paying for college, cause one can afford it, doesn't create a mold of "being spoiled".....

        Being spoiled is paying for a kids college, then the dumb ass doesn't even go to calss, flunks out, and then parents take him back home, let he/she lounge around doing nothing, and live off of em for years----that's being spoiled....

        Each parent has his/her options as how to handle their kids cost of college......

        I'm saying there are so many intangibles/hidden costs involved, it's amazing.....and highly costly....

        Flare even said, or someoned did, that their kid's college was 5K ayear, cause he/she lived in the house and commuted....
        Here's hidden costs----Transportation (CAR), Ins. on same, maintenance on same, gas to commute, kid still at home---eating---utilities---etc, cost of books are generaly separate from tuition, food while at school---sac lunch or buy out---all these things are the hidden costs that will easily another 5K to this compound it with multiple kids in college at same's astronomical

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • Is an elite education worth the extra $$$?

          Interesting article from the Washington Post from a couple of years ago. Of course, the independent variable in the economic studies cited is elite private vs a variety of public institutions, not top-notch public vs. lower-tier public institutions. Findings should make one think, nevertheless.


          • Good discussion - and we owe this all to "I believe McNamee Lies" LOL.

            This thread turned out ok although it was jacked pages ago!

            Oh and I believe Petitte.
            NBA is a joke


            • Originally posted by flarendep1
              Good discussion - and we owe this all to "I believe McNamee Lies" LOL.

              This thread turned out ok although it was jacked pages ago!

              Oh and I believe Petitte.

              No shit!!!

              I look every time the thread is bumped to see more opnions on Mcnamee vs Clemens and somehow all i keep reading is the prices for college tuition???


              • Originally posted by wayne1218
                No shit!!!

                I look every time the thread is bumped to see more opnions on Mcnamee vs Clemens and somehow all i keep reading is the prices for college tuition???

                What more opinion could one get in the situation? Clemens is a roid monkey who is trying to buy his way out of it....


                • Originally posted by aplous
                  What more opinion could one get in the situation? Clemens is a roid monkey who is trying to buy his way out of it....

                  Maybe so but i still don't know what the price of College has to do with it!


                  • Originally posted by wayne1218
                    Maybe so but i still don't know what the price of College has to do with it!
                    Clemens saved $100,000 in college tuition by getting a scholarship. Now he is using his college fund to pay lawyers.


                    • College is overrated somewhat....I went to college and got a degree so I know



                      • Originally posted by longnex
                        Clemens saved $100,000 in college tuition by getting a scholarship. Now he is using his college fund to pay lawyers.

                        Oh, i get it now!


                        • Originally posted by wayne1218
                          Oh, i get it now!
                          Glad I could help you out buddy.


                          • Originally posted by wayne1218
                            Oh, i get it now!

