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  • Kaptain there are plenty of good schools out there that don't cost 25k per year to go too. There are a lot of really good schools that you can get into for $10-15k per year. Then if you subtract loans from that it wouldn't cost one $80k per year.

    It depends on the College that they pick. It can also depend on if they are in Medical School, Law School etc.


    • Any Wisconsin state school is about $10,000 per year. My step son will graduate in 4 years. He also became an RA his last 2 years which paid his room and board. My step daughter will finish her first 2 years at a UW-extension which by living at home only cost her tuition(about $5,000 per year) Our agreement is that they pay 1/3, I pay 1/3 and their dad pays 1/3 wherever they want to go.
      My daughter on the other hand already has $10,000 in a college investment fund (she is 4). We put in $100 per month since she was born. There are some good investment funds available if you want to plan ahead.
      You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


      • My 18 year old sister just got promoted at McDonalds and is now making 35K per year...if you can believe that!!!
        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


        • Originally posted by Chado1
          My 18 year old sister just got promoted at McDonalds and is now making 35K per year...if you can believe that!!!
          She says that specific management there make 50-60K per year if she got that high....
          SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


          • The only points I am trying to make before Kapt. pulled the "Im the Senior Member at BC card" are this:

            1. There are affordable options out there for school that aren't 80K. I wasn't under the impression that we were talking about sending 4 kids to Med/Law school all at the same time like Kapt's kids.

            2. If the area where you live is too expensive, try and find a cheaper area to live in! In metro St Louis there are areas where a 2bed 1bath home is 250k, there are also areas 45 minutes west of downtown where a 3bed, 2bath home is $130k. There is options!


            • [QUOTE=Kaptain]

              when one makes blatant/adamant statements as you did, on an open forum, be prepared to be called out when they are erroneous........get your facts straight, then fire your shots....


              My statements were not erroneous, just my opinion. If you want to send your kids to expensive school and pay for their Med school, etc, that is great, if not, there are other options out there.


              • Originally posted by Chado1
                My 18 year old sister just got promoted at McDonalds and is now making 35K per year...if you can believe that!!!
                You will never be without a job if you remember these 2 phrases.
                1. "Would you like fries with that"
                2. "Welcome to Walmart"

                You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


                • Monte

                  Originally posted by BettorsChat
                  Kaptain there are plenty of good schools out there that don't cost 25k per year to go too. There are a lot of really good schools that you can get into for $10-15k per year. Then if you subtract loans from that it wouldn't cost one $80k per year.

                  It depends on the College that they pick. It can also depend on if they are in Medical School, Law School etc.
                  go back and read what I said....

                  There are plenty of schools that you can go to for 10-15 K a year....
                  That's why I said, depends on what kind of degree do you want....2 yr or 9 year degrees......

                  And by your own statement, if you go to one for 15 K a year, that sums up to 45K a year for 3, and doesn't include, in some cases, housing, food, clothes, insurance, transportation, etc.....and incidently, what kind of degree is the 10-15K a year give ya....

                  And, in reference to the loans, that doesn't mitigate costs per year, it simply stretches out and defers payments,,,,,cost remains the same.....

                  In essence, you are agreeing with what I said, but leaving out some hidden tangibles that always pop up.....

                  My problem was, a member stated, he had multiple kids in Collwege, at a cost of 80K per year, and APLOUS, blatantly/adamantly stated that was a croc....

                  The member never said what kind of degrees, (2-9 yr ones), and didn't stipulate where thay lived, and who payed for the hidden costs I referred to....they add up drasticly....

                  and yes Loans are there for the kids to make, then when they come out of college, they start off "in the hole", "in debt", before they even get cranked up....

                  My beliefs, and I'm reiterating, PARENTS should pay for their education, we brought em in the world, and let's try and give em a better than 50-50 chance of being successful....

                  Those that disagree with me, fine....wait till you get there, is what I'm saying, it's not as plannable, easy as one would think....

                  If the college grads come out owing on a student loan, say 80k, it's kinda hard on them to borrow money (to start business--career), if you're already in debt.......They're starting off in the hole, and this is what I as a parent, decided I didn't want to happen to them...

                  Simply saying, there's a lot to it.....after you get there, and have 3 or more in college, post your findings here, as I won't be around to see em, but others may.....

                  In simplicity, I relate APLOUS's statement in the same regard, as "if he was a professional bear hunter", and I for one, "never hunted bear", would come into a thread he started about what it cost to go "bear hunting" in some foreign country, and show a figure, that I found too high, and then go in his thread, and blatantly say, that's a croc....

                  I would have no idea, just as he possibly couldn't have, re the costs of multiple kids in college....

                  I guess it would depend on "did the bear hunt"
                  Mosquito repellent
                  Transportation to and fro
                  Books on "how to"
                  How long the stay was
                  Going for "Lil Bear", or "Big Bear"
                  Transpo of kill back to house
                  Taxidermy if needed
                  PassPort...........................none of the above was included in the 5K cost "Bear Hunting" trip to foreign country..........

                  there are too many intangibles when multiple kids are in college at the same time....IMO....

                  Been there

                  Done that

                  Got the "T" Shirt.......kapt
                  Last edited by Kaptain; 02-19-2008, 09:12 AM.

                  Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                  • aplous

                    Originally posted by Kaptain

                    when one makes blatant/adamant statements as you did, on an open forum, be prepared to be called out when they are erroneous........get your facts straight, then fire your shots....


                    My statements were not erroneous, just my opinion. If you want to send your kids to expensive school and pay for their Med school, etc, that is great, if not, there are other options out there.
                    you say your statements were not erroneous....then were you calling him a liar....

                    saying blatantly---thats a wrong

                    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                    • Originally posted by flarendep1
                      Tuition at my kids college:

                      Scranton University ---- $38,000 yr
                      High Point College NC ---- $30,000 yr
                      Loyola MD --------------- $45,000 yr

                      Thats 113 k /yr, after academic,financial aid,etc. = 80 k /yr Some of this is put into a student loan they have taking out. We expect them to get jobs and pay some of this off, its not a free party ride!

                      This is just my own example, you guys with kids, start saving!!

                      "In state" universities can get you down to 10-18 k/yr per child. Community college is Ok for 2 yrs then transfer but my kids are good students and this was their choice. You only go thru it once I wanted them to make their own choices.

                      Aplous, what part of this don't you understand, did they teach you to read a your college??

                      Kapt, thanks, you get it.
                      NBA is a joke


                      • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                        Kaptain there are plenty of good schools out there that don't cost 25k per year to go too. There are a lot of really good schools that you can get into for $10-15k per year. Then if you subtract loans from that it wouldn't cost one $80k per year.

                        It depends on the College that they pick. It can also depend on if they are in Medical School, Law School etc.

                        Correct, but if you read my post, you will know that did not force my kids to go to the school of MY choice. It was their choice based on thier career choice and interests.
                        NBA is a joke


                        • [QUOTE=Kaptain]
                          Originally posted by aplous

                          you say your statements were not erroneous....then were you calling him a liar....

                          saying blatantly---thats a wrong

                          My first statement, about the 80k being a croc, was at first glance I thought he said to pay for one kid's college, and that was 80k a year.......this was before I learned we are talking about 3 kids at once.

                          If you have 3 kids at once, and they choose whereever they want to go, yes, it could easily be 80k, maybe even 100k.


                          • Aplous, thats cool, my point is that young guys with families better really plan cause i will only get worse. Glad I will be over the hump in 3 more years. Hope i all pays off for them.
                            NBA is a joke


                            • Originally posted by flarendep1
                              Aplous, thats cool, my point is that young guys with families better really plan cause i will only get worse. Glad I will be over the hump in 3 more years. Hope i all pays off for them.

                              I agree, I hope it pays off big time. Im sure it is very gratifying to see your kids get thru college and make it on their own.

                              Graduated in 05, got a job, moved away from home, got married in 07, my parents are digging it. (Especially when I got off they payroll)


                              • Your kids are very lucky that you guys are paying or did pay for their college education. They are very spoiled cause a few girls/guys that I know from high school that are in prominent universities in the province of ontario all had to pay for their own education through student loans. I guess things may be different in the states or something because pretty much every person I know/knew from high school all got a student loan (called o.s.a.p) to pay for their personal education and pay it back once they receive their degree and start working. RARELY and I mean VERY rarely will you find parents who actually dish out the money for the kids university or college funds in canada unless they are rich so things may be run differently in the U.S. in that regard. Or maybe student loans arent as easily accepted for it in your country I am not sure.
                                Last edited by Chado1; 02-19-2008, 10:10 AM.
                                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!

