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I Believe McNAMEE 110%

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  • I Believe McNAMEE 110%

    His speech he just made seems 100% genuine to me and i really think Clemens is fucked. He thought it would all go away and he has only dug himself deeper and deeper. I went from always being a Clemens fan to being totally disgusted with him and his lies!

  • #2
    I also think that Clemens Lawyer is nothing but an idiot.


    • #3
      I agree 100% with both posts ...


      • #4
        "Andy misheard me saying i used HGH"

        Please Roger ... GIVE IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Spark
          I agree 100% with both posts ...
          Rusty the Lawyer has not given Clemens any help imo. The moron opens his mouth and gets them in more trouble every time.


          • #6
            doesnt clemens realize that the people that continue to lie such as palmereo and mcgwire and bonds are hated....people cant stand these guys anymore because they flat out lied...i at least have respect for people like giambi and pettite who at least admitted to using it, they fucked up and got caught at tleast they nutted up and admitted it...just my opinion.


            • #7
              Clemens does not look good right now. These questions have him very flustered. It's over Roger!!!

              All these guys are not out to get you, you are lying. Come clean for christ sakes!!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by JBC13
                doesnt clemens realize that the people that continue to lie such as palmereo and mcgwire and bonds are hated....people cant stand these guys anymore because they flat out lied...i at least have respect for people like giambi and pettite who at least admitted to using it, they fucked up and got caught at tleast they nutted up and admitted it...just my opinion.

                People like Pettitte are lying? No way in hell. C'mon roger, fess up!!!!


                • #9
                  Pettitte's wife even signed a paper saying Clemens used Steroids and HGH. This is getting good now. WOW!!!!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    i believe pettite misremembers that conversation


                    • #11
                      Wow ... It sounds like Pettitte's deposition is the nail in Roger's coffin!!!!!!!!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JBC13
                        i believe pettite misremembers that conversation
                        Roger has no good answers right now. I don't think he saw this stuff coming ............


                        • #13
                          Senator Cummings just finished lighting up Clemens. That guy was good!


                          • #14
                            Anyone notice how upfront and relaxed McNAMEE is answering questions compared to Clemens?


                            • #15
                              Next up....Perjury charges

