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Montana Bear Tragedy

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  • #46
    will never understand

    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
    Completely agree. How people can't see that it was an offensive post is beyond me, but then, that's the philosophy that a majority of, but not all, Conservatives share. That people on welfare sit around on their ass all day waiting for handouts rather than working.

    They aren't more concerned that there are many large US companies outsourcing their jobs to India and China to save a buck here or there and in turn, killing jobs that were once held by the people of THIS country. That should be their rally cry. But unfortunately, it is NOT.


    Once again im still in awe how people with above average intelligence cant figure why calling a lazy black bear and referring to a minority president is offensive. Its like the post with 4 different colored dogs that are lazy non working and welfare recipients is offensive too. The attitudes of people like this is bewildering. Hey why not send the email with watermelons in the white house lawn while your at it because its the same type of material. I was fortunate to grow up in a middle class home in naperville, had both of my parents at home who pushed me into academics and sports. My dad was a fulltime dad who instilled in me to be fair and not judge people based on there skin color. One time during my junior year in high school my dad found an off color email that i was sending to my friends on the football team and not only did he make apologize to my team mates but he made me sit out an important game. That was the end to the career of offensive off color jokes because not only did let myself down but also my team.
    I have went own to raise my son in the same fashion, anyone who says im too sensitive has some very screwed up psychological issues especially in adult hood and should probably seek counseling because those same ideas can get passed on to your kids thats the problem.

    Have an awesome day guys and good luck on your plays today.


    • #47
      People were posting "how could a bear sitting on a park bench be offensive?"

      No matter how you read it, it IS offensive. PERIOD. A fat, black bear sitting on a park bench with no food to eat, looking for handouts from Obama has several racial connotations to it.

      Now, whether it's more or less offensive than other material posted on this forum is certainly up for debate. There has been definitely worse. I read it and moved on because I've seen worse and I know it was meant as a joke. But any minority or person on welfare would find that offensive. To think they wouldn't, which from the sounds of several posts in this thread they didn't, is ludicrous.

      I guess what bothered me was people acting like there was nothing offensive about that post.You truly see with blinders on if you don't understand that.

      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #48
        Hey kaz,
        Nice too meet you buddy. I've read some of your post and its pleasant to find some members on here with an open attitude towards things. Everyone is entitled to their opinion,that what makes this country great. But when people start think because they said something and it cant be offensive that's when are own perceptions become blinded. How would I know what is offensive to a native american? Then when he says that's offensive I immediately call him too sensitive..........amazing because I said it, it can't be offensive right?

        Have a great day buddy,nice meeting you.........eric


        • #49
          Originally posted by KazDog View Post
          People were posting "how could a bear sitting on a park bench be offensive?"

          No matter how you read it, it IS offensive. PERIOD. A fat, black bear sitting on a park bench with no food to eat, looking for handouts from Obama has several racial connotations to it.

          Now, whether it's more or less offensive than other material posted on this forum is certainly up for debate. There has been definitely worse. I read it and moved on because I've seen worse and I know it was meant as a joke. But any minority or person on welfare would find that offensive. To think they wouldn't, which from the sounds of several posts in this thread they didn't, is ludicrous.

          I guess what bothered me was people acting like there was nothing offensive about that post.You truly see with blinders on if you don't understand that.


          Did you think the Bush/Hitler avatar was offensive?


          • #50
            You guys have to be kidding. My god, don't ever go see a comedian anywhere because you will leave in tears with your hands over your eyes and ears from being offended every two minutes. Geez, lighten up a little, it was a joke and a pretty funny one imo. Nobody on welfare should be looking at this to get offened anyway because A. They shouldn't be paying for internet with a welfare check and B. Their ass should be out looking for a job and not here reading threads.


            • #51
              Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
              You guys have to be kidding. My god, don't ever go see a comedian anywhere because you will leave in tears with your hands over your eyes and ears from being offended every two minutes. Geez, lighten up a little, it was a joke and a pretty funny one imo. Nobody on welfare should be looking at this to get offened anyway because A. They shouldn't be paying for internet with a welfare check and B. Their ass should be out looking for a job and not here reading threads.


              • #52
                Typical dems trying to make nothing into something.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by efaw23 View Post
                  Hey kaz,
                  Nice too meet you buddy. I've read some of your post and its pleasant to find some members on here with an open attitude towards things. Everyone is entitled to their opinion,that what makes this country great. But when people start think because they said something and it cant be offensive that's when are own perceptions become blinded. How would I know what is offensive to a native american? Then when he says that's offensive I immediately call him too sensitive..........amazing because I said it, it can't be offensive right?

                  Have a great day buddy,nice meeting you.........eric
                  Hey Eric....Welcome to the site. For the most part, everyone on here gets along pretty well, it's kind of like a family. You have your blow ups, you pick and chose your battles, but at the end of the day, we're still friends. You know as well as I do, that knowledge is power and voicing one's opinion only makes us understand one another better. I may not agree with most of their political ideology, but I consider some on here very good friends....

                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                    Did you think the Bush/Hitler avatar was offensive?
                    Yes...However, the amount of posts mocking Obama compared to posts mocking Bush is not even close. And I'm talking about joke posts being made about the president of the United States.

                    [email protected]

                    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                      Yes...However, the amount of posts mocking Obama compared to posts mocking Bush is not even close. And I'm talking about joke posts being made about the president of the United States.


                      Like wise kaz. I don't know where to go with a response to welfare checks public etc. Sure there people out there who abuse the system but if you compared corporate greed,gov fraud,gov overspending,Useless wars to raise your defense stocks,the numbers would pale in comparison. Never see the guys complaining about the trillions wasted in the middle east but they sure have a hard on for welfare people. Everyone entitled to there opinion and I respect all of you guys. Take care.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                        Yes...However, the amount of posts mocking Obama compared to posts mocking Bush is not even close. And I'm talking about joke posts being made about the president of the United States.


                        Like wise kaz. I don't know where to go with a response to welfare checks public aid etc. Sure there people out there who abuse the system but if you compared corporate greed,gov fraud,gov overspending,Useless wars to raise your defense stocks,the numbers would pale in comparison. Never see the guys complaining about the trillions wasted in the middle east but they sure have a hard on for welfare people. Everyone is entitled to there opinion and I respect all of you guys. Take care.
                        Last edited by efaw23; 07-08-2010, 11:30 AM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                          You guys have to be kidding. My god, don't ever go see a comedian anywhere because you will leave in tears with your hands over your eyes and ears from being offended every two minutes. Geez, lighten up a little, it was a joke and a pretty funny one imo. Nobody on welfare should be looking at this to get offened anyway because A. They shouldn't be paying for internet with a welfare check and B. Their ass should be out looking for a job and not here reading threads.

                          right on the money!!!!
                          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                          Gerald Ford


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by efaw23 View Post

                            Like wise kaz. I don't know where to go with a response to welfare checks public aid etc. Sure there people out there who abuse the system but if you compared corporate greed,gov fraud,gov overspending,Useless wars to raise your defense stocks,the numbers would pale in comparison. Never see the guys complaining about the trillions wasted in the middle east but they sure have a hard on for welfare people. Everyone is entitled to there opinion and I respect all of you guys. Take care.
                            I'm not surprised by a bunch of white guys not finding anything offensive about it.

                            And to your point, you won't find many on here complaining about the trillions spent on a useless war or corporate greed, but when it comes to helping people in THIS country with a small amount, who actually need it, then you'll find these same guys up in arms over it.

                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                              Did you think the Bush/Hitler avatar was offensive?

                              I never saw the bush Hitler avatar but that would be wrong and very offensive too.


                              • #60
                                Hey efaw, I told you once and ill tell you again since you seem to ignore posts that don't fit your motives. I hate the money spent in the middle east and the corporate scammers too but you know what, it still doesnt excuse all the lazy mother fuckers sitting on their fat asses and ripping off the working man for his money to support them. It isn't a black or white thing, it is unfortunately becoming a American thing. We are becoming the laziest country in the world because we continue to have guys like you that defend and enable all the lazy fucks in this country!
                                Last edited by wayne1218; 07-08-2010, 11:49 AM.

