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News site spies naughty pics on lawmaker's laptop

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  • News site spies naughty pics on lawmaker's laptop

    By Caroline McCarthy CNET News
    Posted on ZDNet News: May 04, 2010 5:00:34 AM

    A Florida news and politics site called Sunshine State News has posted a video online in which a state senator in a Senate hearing definitely has something open on his laptop that involves partially unclothed women.

    "On Thursday morning, Sunshine State News captured exclusive video of Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, looking at pornographic material on his state-issued computer on the Senate floor," the site explained breathlessly.

    Bennett claimed to Sunshine State News that it was a link sent in an e-mail that unexpectedly popped up, catching him off guard. "I was just sitting there, bored as they were debating the abortion bill," Bennett told the news outlet. (Uh, great.) "I opened it up and said, 'Holy (expletive)! What's on my screen?' and clicked away from it right away."

    For more on this story, read News site spies naughty pics on lawmaker's laptop on CNET News.

    News site spies naughty pics on lawmaker's laptop | Tech News on ZDNet

    News site spies naughty pics on lawmaker's laptop | The Social - CNET News

  • #2
    Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
    By Caroline McCarthy CNET News
    Posted on ZDNet News: May 04, 2010 5:00:34 AM

    A Florida news and politics site called Sunshine State News has posted a video online in which a state senator in a Senate hearing definitely has something open on his laptop that involves partially unclothed women.

    "On Thursday morning, Sunshine State News captured exclusive video of Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, looking at pornographic material on his state-issued computer on the Senate floor," the site explained breathlessly.

    Bennett claimed to Sunshine State News that it was a link sent in an e-mail that unexpectedly popped up, catching him off guard. "I was just sitting there, bored as they were debating the abortion bill," Bennett told the news outlet. (Uh, great.) "I opened it up and said, 'Holy (expletive)! What's on my screen?' and clicked away from it right away."

    For more on this story, read News site spies naughty pics on lawmaker's laptop on CNET News.

    News site spies naughty pics on lawmaker's laptop | Tech News on ZDNet

    News site spies naughty pics on lawmaker's laptop | The Social - CNET News
    at least it was finally a woman for the republicans... the self loathing gays usually get caught with men or young boys... good for him... finally not a bathroom stall toe tapper who votes against gay rights
    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


    • #3


      • #4
        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
        at least it was finally a woman for the republicans... the self loathing gays usually get caught with men or young boys... good for him... finally not a bathroom stall toe tapper who votes against gay rights
        WOW.Your really hardcore against republicans ain't you?


        • #5
          Originally posted by vols fan View Post
          WOW.Your really hardcore against republicans ain't you?
          hypocrites annoy me.. most of them are... ive seen them do so much over the years it really makes me sick... its what rep do in office and rep who support them are same way

          i really dont think obama is doing a great job so far and willing to admit that. i voted for hillary in primary. the main prob i have with rep is they follow like sheep. Bush was a disaster in every sense and u see these republicans trying to defend his handling of 9/11, a war based on lies, katrina, the economy and almost everything he touched. he failed and it was bad... and all these guys u see posting bashing obama are just repeating talking points they here from their leaders rush, beck and hannity

          obama is not even halfway thru his term rep have decided what his presidency is...they are prob in for a rude awakening because he will win another term. within the next few years as things get better(which they are now, slowly but better) his numbers will go up and he will win again. as is always said... u cant be somebody with nobody... thats where the rep party is right now... they have no viable candidate.. dems are praying for palin but it will prob be romney and he is an empty suit

          my main prob is fox news though... the fact they call themselves a news org is crazy.. a clear agenda cannot be a news org.. u watch fox news for 2 hours and they make it seem like u need to hide under your bed.. its disgraceful
          Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


          • #6
            Originally posted by vitterd View Post
            hypocrites annoy me.. most of them are... ive seen them do so much over the years it really makes me sick... its what rep do in office and rep who support them are same way

            i really dont think obama is doing a great job so far and willing to admit that. i voted for hillary in primary. the main prob i have with rep is they follow like sheep. Bush was a disaster in every sense and u see these republicans trying to defend his handling of 9/11, a war based on lies, katrina, the economy and almost everything he touched. he failed and it was bad... and all these guys u see posting bashing obama are just repeating talking points they here from their leaders rush, beck and hannity

            obama is not even halfway thru his term rep have decided what his presidency is...they are prob in for a rude awakening because he will win another term. within the next few years as things get better(which they are now, slowly but better) his numbers will go up and he will win again. as is always said... u cant be somebody with nobody... thats where the rep party is right now... they have no viable candidate.. dems are praying for palin but it will prob be romney and he is an empty suit

            my main prob is fox news though... the fact they call themselves a news org is crazy.. a clear agenda cannot be a news org.. u watch fox news for 2 hours and they make it seem like u need to hide under your bed.. its disgraceful

            please explain what is getting better? If you rip on Foxnews, guess what CNBC is in charge of getting people excited/brianwashed over something that will turn out to be far worse then what we just encountered last March..but i need to understand what is getting better, from my view things are way worse then what they were 1 year ago....not arguing with your point, just curious what makes you think this


            • #7
              Originally posted by Watchtower76 View Post
              please explain what is getting better? If you rip on Foxnews, guess what CNBC is in charge of getting people excited/brianwashed over something that will turn out to be far worse then what we just encountered last March..but i need to understand what is getting better, from my view things are way worse then what they were 1 year ago....not arguing with your point, just curious what makes you think this
              i know cnbc and msnbc is liberal tv... it is clear.. the prob is fox news gets it wrong alot because they have to keep up their right wing agenda.. and fox newswatchers think they are fair and balanced and they clearly are not... hell if i guy like jon stewart on comedy central can always show their lies and distortions it is pretty obvious they have an agenda

              econmy better and joblessness is down... not as low as they wanted obviously but we are much better off then we were when bush left office... in everything
              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


              • #8
                Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                econmy better and joblessness is down... not as low as they wanted obviously but we are much better off then we were when bush left office... in everything
                I wouldn't say were BETTER OFF since Bush left.Jobs are still gone,economy still down,were STILL at war,were still getting attacked by terrorist(thank God these idiots are failing) and Washington is in as big a mess as ever. this is a tough time for the United states and one man ain't to blam I can promise you that


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                  I wouldn't say were BETTER OFF since Bush left.Jobs are still gone,economy still down,were STILL at war,were still getting attacked by terrorist(thank God these idiots are failing) and Washington is in as big a mess as ever. this is a tough time for the United states and one man ain't to blam I can promise you that
                  i can agree one man is not too blame... plenty to go around... but many here are blaming current problems on obama and that is crazy as well... again unemployment down and economy is better and recovering... im more apt to believe the experts in this area than sean hannity

                  as far as terrorist attacks go... thankfully these attmepts have failed but we live in a free society... it is gonna be real hard to stop a guy willing to die for what he believes in... i believe bush holds some responsibility because of the way he handled things after 9/11 makes us less safe imo
                  Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                    i know cnbc and msnbc is liberal tv... it is clear.. the prob is fox news gets it wrong alot because they have to keep up their right wing agenda.. and fox newswatchers think they are fair and balanced and they clearly are not... hell if i guy like jon stewart on comedy central can always show their lies and distortions it is pretty obvious they have an agenda

                    econmy better and joblessness is down... not as low as they wanted obviously but we are much better off then we were when bush left office... in everything
                    The reason i hate CNBC and MSNBC is they always spin things to the bullish side of things and that's completely wrong, why do you think Dylan ratigan left fast money? and i think you hate foxnews because they go deep deep deep into the report and find things that the normal joe doesn't read, nor doesn't care but fox then attacks the data. I personally think foxnews is pretty fair, the problem is that people don't want to hear the truth and like u said, you probably would want to dig a hole...

                    About the economy getting better, i have to 100% totally disagree, if that's the case we wouldn't need all these gov't sponsored programs, we are witnessing smarter people foreclosing on there homes, we have no job growth, other then gov't workers and census (part time help)..Companies are reporting better earnings cuz 10-15% of there work force is no longer working, good now, bad for the future...No one will be hiring anytime soon and that's the problem i have with anyone saying things are looking to the brighter side.

                    I'm sure a lot of people look at the 401k and think, man things must be getting better, well if you were given billions of 0% free money to the banks, i'm sure they can keep the biggest ponzie sch market up as well, but like today, when "mr volume" comes back into the market they get absolutly killed cuz really things aren't better. California is worse then greece and what happens when the entire Europe nation (greece, portugal, italy then spain) defaults on the debt, how about china stop buying, how about riots in our own country. I'll say things are close to tipping over and without jobs, it's only getting worse...

                    here is what i mean by mr volume

                    S&P Taking Out Support After Support On Heavy Volume; Next Level: 1,160 | zero hedge

                    about greece, only a matter of time

                    Greek bond curve. The 2 Year spread has exploded by over 400 bps just today (does lehman ring a bell), and is now back to 14% - the market is now convinced that even with €110 of additional money the country is done for in just over one year. The problem, as we pointed out earlier, is that the IMF can not appeal for greater assistance without appearing totally clueless (which it is), while any additional funding requests will may finally provoke the US taxpayers into recognizing they are being fleeced to save a country 5 thousand miles away. As the attached curve indicates, the bond vigilantes still think that Greece could remain solvent for about 1 year, however with the rate of widening, we expect the 1 year point on the curve to defy gravity quite shortly.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Watchtower76 View Post
                      The reason i hate CNBC and MSNBC is they always spin things to the bullish side of things and that's completely wrong, why do you think Dylan ratigan left fast money? and i think you hate foxnews because they go deep deep deep into the report and find things that the normal joe doesn't read, nor doesn't care but fox then attacks the data. I personally think foxnews is pretty fair, the problem is that people don't want to hear the truth and like u said, you probably would want to dig a hole...

                      About the economy getting better, i have to 100% totally disagree, if that's the case we wouldn't need all these gov't sponsored programs, we are witnessing smarter people foreclosing on there homes, we have no job growth, other then gov't workers and census (part time help)..Companies are reporting better earnings cuz 10-15% of there work force is no longer working, good now, bad for the future...No one will be hiring anytime soon and that's the problem i have with anyone saying things are looking to the brighter side.

                      I'm sure a lot of people look at the 401k and think, man things must be getting better, well if you were given billions of 0% free money to the banks, i'm sure they can keep the biggest ponzie sch market up as well, but like today, when "mr volume" comes back into the market they get absolutly killed cuz really things aren't better. California is worse then greece and what happens when the entire Europe nation (greece, portugal, italy then spain) defaults on the debt, how about china stop buying, how about riots in our own country. I'll say things are close to tipping over and without jobs, it's only getting worse...

                      here is what i mean by mr volume

                      S&P Taking Out Support After Support On Heavy Volume; Next Level: 1,160 | zero hedge

                      about greece, only a matter of time

                      Greek bond curve. The 2 Year spread has exploded by over 400 bps just today (does lehman ring a bell), and is now back to 14% - the market is now convinced that even with €110 of additional money the country is done for in just over one year. The problem, as we pointed out earlier, is that the IMF can not appeal for greater assistance without appearing totally clueless (which it is), while any additional funding requests will may finally provoke the US taxpayers into recognizing they are being fleeced to save a country 5 thousand miles away. As the attached curve indicates, the bond vigilantes still think that Greece could remain solvent for about 1 year, however with the rate of widening, we expect the 1 year point on the curve to defy gravity quite shortly.
                      you and i completely see things opposite. fox news does not do what u say.. a perfect example of what they do was during the campaign... obama and his wife gave each other a fist bump and they said some people see that as a"terrorist fist bump".. i really could go on with countless examples... it would only take u a google search to find all the distortions and flat out lies they tell...newt and hannity said the pres signed a treaty that said they couldnt use nukes if it is proven another nation attacked us with biological weapons... when in fact it says complete opposite.. they do this stuff all the time... they never have the courage to come back and say they were wrong... they flat out shill for the tea party non stop... i could go on for days... dont u ever notice the fox news crews and personality always use the same catch phrases? it is there non stop attempt to have their sheep just belive everything they say

                      listen i have seen the raw numbers and they are there if u look for them... census part time workers count almost nothing toward the % . i know the conservatives have been trying to push the census thing but that is simply not true.

                      the people who dont support the pres do everything they can to excuse any positive numbers. what i see and what u see are completely difft in every way
                      Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                        you and i completely see things opposite. fox news does not do what u say.. a perfect example of what they do was during the campaign... obama and his wife gave each other a fist bump and they said some people see that as a"terrorist fist bump".. i really could go on with countless examples... it would only take u a google search to find all the distortions and flat out lies they tell...newt and hannity said the pres signed a treaty that said they couldnt use nukes if it is proven another nation attacked us with biological weapons... when in fact it says complete opposite.. they do this stuff all the time... they never have the courage to come back and say they were wrong... they flat out shill for the tea party non stop... i could go on for days... dont u ever notice the fox news crews and personality always use the same catch phrases? it is there non stop attempt to have their sheep just belive everything they say

                        listen i have seen the raw numbers and they are there if u look for them... census part time workers count almost nothing toward the % . i know the conservatives have been trying to push the census thing but that is simply not true.

                        the people who dont support the pres do everything they can to excuse any positive numbers. what i see and what u see are completely difft in every way

                        agree....we just see things different which is fine...i accept foxnews and what they offer, and i hate listening to cnbc blab how things are good and i totally disagree...but we just have different views....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                          you and i completely see things opposite. fox news does not do what u say.. a perfect example of what they do was during the campaign... obama and his wife gave each other a fist bump and they said some people see that as a"terrorist fist bump".. i really could go on with countless examples... it would only take u a google search to find all the distortions and flat out lies they tell...newt and hannity said the pres signed a treaty that said they couldnt use nukes if it is proven another nation attacked us with biological weapons... when in fact it says complete opposite.. they do this stuff all the time... they never have the courage to come back and say they were wrong... they flat out shill for the tea party non stop... i could go on for days... dont u ever notice the fox news crews and personality always use the same catch phrases? it is there non stop attempt to have their sheep just belive everything they say

                          listen i have seen the raw numbers and they are there if u look for them... census part time workers count almost nothing toward the % . i know the conservatives have been trying to push the census thing but that is simply not true.

                          the people who dont support the pres do everything they can to excuse any positive numbers. what i see and what u see are completely difft in every way

                          Do you have any thoughts or opinions on the admin changing the "definitions" of saved/created jobs? Obviously this change affects the numbers in a more favorable light.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                            Do you have any thoughts or opinions on the admin changing the "definitions" of saved/created jobs? Obviously this change affects the numbers in a more favorable light.
                            very good question JMan....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                              at least it was finally a woman for the republicans... the self loathing gays usually get caught with men or young boys... good for him... finally not a bathroom stall toe tapper who votes against gay rights

                              Two words............. - Barney Frank
                              NBA is a joke

