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  • #91
    Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
    Kaz, Frank,

    If you cant beat em (which we cant), join em. Buy some stock in oil companies.

    That is what I do!
    I wish I had that forethought in the early Bush years. I'm not sure if oil prices soar again. I think US car makers are finally getting serious about fuel efficient cars and consumers are finally getting serious about buying cars that run efficiently. Our dependency on oil has to stop.

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #92
      Originally posted by KazDog View Post
      Congress needs to react but people need to exercise patience. If the economy starts to turn, people will start to find more jobs. Time will tell....

      People love to blame Bush and now Obama. It's easy because you can put a face on the blame. In reality it lays at the door step of our congressmen and women. They're true cause of the majority of the problems in this country. Almost all are as corrupt as they come. They're vote is for sale. Special interest groups, like big business, has our politicians in their back pocket.


      • #93
        Originally posted by frankb03 View Post
        People love to blame Bush and now Obama. It's easy because you can put a face on the blame. In reality it lays at the door step of our congressmen and women. They're true cause of the majority of the problems in this country. Almost all are as corrupt as they come. They're vote is for sale. Special interest groups, like big business, has our politicians in their back pocket.


        • #94
          Originally posted by frankb03 View Post
          People love to blame Bush and now Obama. It's easy because you can put a face on the blame. In reality it lays at the door step of our congressmen and women. They're true cause of the majority of the problems in this country. Almost all are as corrupt as they come. They're vote is for sale. Special interest groups, like big business, has our politicians in their back pocket.
          Someone needs to clean house. Start by flying a plane into the house and senate when there in session. Then tell there replacements you vote for what WE want and not the special interest or we will blow all you sorry fuckers up again till we get politicians that care about who elected them.



          • #95
            Originally posted by Helmetsniffer View Post
            Someone needs to clean house. Start by flying a plane into the house and senate when there in session. Then tell there replacements you vote for what WE want and not the special interest or we will blow all you sorry fuckers up again till we get politicians that care about who elected them.

            A buddy of mine wrote a book, a satire about our current political situation. It's really a great read. I'm going to ask him if I can post some excepts.

