Originally posted by frankb03
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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?
Originally posted by harold_bushWayne, it is good to see that liberals and conservatives can come together on some issues.
It isn't a matter of agreeing. It is about taking responsibility for your own actions in life. I've seen Hamilton in many interviews and he has done that. Chad on the other hand wants to blame everyone and everything except himself. Some day he'll realize that he chose to do crack initially and that was his fucken fault, nobody else'. Of course once you do and are addicted it is almost impossible to stop. That is why most choose not to start. He made that horrible choice and i feel no sympathy for that.
Originally posted by wayne1218It isn't a matter of agreeing. It is about taking responsibility for your own actions in life. I've seen Hamilton in many interviews and he has done that. Chad on the other hand wants to blame everyone and everything except himself. Some day he'll realize that he chose to do crack initially and that was his fucken fault, nobody else'. Of course once you do and are addicted it is almost impossible to stop. That is why most choose not to start. He made that horrible choice and i feel no sympathy for that.
Originally posted by harold_bushI know brother, just messing around with you.
Originally posted by DDP713Harold you say "What he overcame was himself! The idiot had the world by the balls and fucked it up by getting hooked on crack. He pissed away four years of his life/career by getting hooked on drugs, and is probably quite lucky to even be alive. Wow, what a role model!"
If you have the right to call Hamilton an idiot, chado certainley has the right to call you one. And right now I tend to agree with him that you sound pretty idiotic/ignorant.
You say "what he overcame was himself!" as if that was some sort of easy task???!!!!!!! give me a fuckin break man he overcame himself while his self was addicted to one of the most addictive and lethal drugs in our countrys existance.
And he's had to overcome himself every single day knowing that he could throw it all away again by using drugs, and he say's he still doesnt trust himself 100% to this day because of how mentally addicted he was.
This guy was tabbed "the natural" "next mickey mantle" out of HIGH SCHOOL! imagine overcoming yourself after throwing that away. while a bunch of low life losers look back at the high point in their life when Josh Hamilton used to hang out, get tattoos and smoke crack with them.
And if you ask Josh Hamilton he wouldn't say those 4 years were pissed away. He's said before he wouldnt change anything, everything happens for a reason and he's a stronger individual today because of it.SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!
You have to be the 1st person i have ever heard that said smoking crack and getting addicted was the best thing that ever happened in your life. That attitude would make me want more.
Because you learned so much?? Try college next time. That works too. I cannot even believe you can say that.
Originally posted by wayne1218It doesn't get any more IGNORANT than comparing a beer to a crack pipe frank. If you also believe that, you need to find a mirror and look at your own ignorance.SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!
Originally posted by wayne1218You have to be the 1st person i have ever heard that said smoking crack and getting addicted was the best thing that ever happened in your life. That attitude would make me want more.
Because you learned so much?? Try college next time. That works too. I cannot even believe you can say that.SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!
Originally posted by wayne1218You have to be the 1st person i have ever heard that said smoking crack and getting addicted was the best thing that ever happened in your life. That attitude would make me want more.
Because you learned so much?? Try college next time. That works too. I cannot even believe you can say that.SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!
Originally posted by Chado1Honestly Wayne get more education on substance addictions before you ever think for one fucking second that either or is any more or less addictive based on variable reaction to the individual. you have no fucking clue about the facts and is all based on your opinion. I am done with your ignorance of this issue..
You are using words like "variable reaction" and "active addiction" ... All words you learned from a class ... A class of 30 people where only 2 of the 30 didn't fall off the wagon.
Keep believing all that BS they fed you in that class ... My belief will always be that it was YOU and YOUR CHOICE to stay clean, and not some class with a 2 out of 30 success rate."Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"
Originally posted by LsufanChado ... Look at what you are saying here ...
You are using words like "variable reaction" and "active addiction" ... All words you learned from a class ... A class of 30 people where only 2 of the 30 didn't fall off the wagon.
Keep believing all that BS they fed you in that class ... My belief will always be that it was YOU and YOUR CHOICE to stay clean, and not some class with a 2 out of 30 success rate.SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!
Originally posted by Chado1Its all opinion and NOT FACTS....you have not been where I have came from, you have not lived the life I have, nor have you been involved with an addiction that can rip your self worth, and self dignity apart and for that your responses are taken as an uninformed and uneducated individual OF THIS TOPIC and its a simple as that.
Wayne, I think you and I should go try crack so we can fully understand what a stupid decision it was to try it.....
The reason the success rate is not high has nothing to do with false information that is being provied Jimmy. The disease of addiction is widespread and is far from the easiest things to get rid of. No matter what information one can tell an addict there will never be an entirely successfull recovery rate cause it the mind battling the conscience...SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!
Harold if you have kids and they look up to "Officer Otter" for arresting some criminal or shooting down a bank robber then that's fine. It really makes no difference to me what you consider a hero.
I'm not trying to take anything away from the honest cops and firefighters in our country, because it truly is heroic to put your life on the line everyday to make a living.
But what i'm saying is, I can enroll in the police academy and work my butt off to become a cop for whatever reason (peopple do it for power, job security whatever..) I can do that...maybe even you can do that too......
But what I can't even imagine doing is working every single day to be the best you can possibly be (#1 overall) losing it ALL....only to get it right back through the same hard work and dedication while becoming a better, much more humble human being.
Harold I think the problem is your imagination won't let you comprehend what this man has done up until what he's currently doing....so until the movie comes out I guess i'll have to let you continue idolizing officer otter "hey man do they give you access to as much ammmo as you want" Otter, "yep, as long as I need it" Harold, "wowwwwwww......"