Originally posted by wayne1218
I drink beer bout 4 days a week maybe im an addict, im not arguing that, but pain killers are at stores and in people's homes as well...it is a choice people make to start, as to how they become addicted i have no idea...if its out of thier control i wouldnt understand that either, since ive never been affecting...it was truly an unfortunate story that Hamilton chose that road, i wouldnt say sad cause he made that decision, but for him to come back from it is a nice lil story...just as if Len Bias would have survived his overdose, but decided to keep doing it and 6 years later he overcame it and became the ALLSTAR he was always scouted to be...that would have been a nice story...would it make him a HERO, well that depends to each his own...not to me nor is Hamilton a HERO to me...but you cant tell someone who his or her HERO is they decide that all on their own...ur HERO is basically your opinion of someone u admire...Mine are my parents for going through so much to give me a better life...but like i said to each his own...