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Wednesday ****MLB GOY***

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  • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
    you're getting soft!!!
    Do you know this for a fact Tony? I know the man is getting old, but this is maybe more than I really need to know!

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • Originally posted by wayne1218
      He always has been soft tony. I'm the asshole here. We level each other out!

      Joe? J/K buddy!
      I thought that was my title


      • Originally posted by wayne1218
        He always has been soft tony. I'm the asshole here. We level each other out!

        Joe? J/K buddy!

        No way do people that know you around here think that way pal ... but I will say ... when i first signed up here and was only posting service plays and you would come in there and bitch at us ... I would say ... Damn, what an asshole!!! hahahahahaha


        • Originally posted by BettorsChat
          I thought that was my title


          No, I just call you that when i e-mail you!!


          • Originally posted by BettorsChat
            I thought that was my title

            lol ... NO, your are not nearly as vocal as us here.


            • Originally posted by Kaptain
              SomeOne does hold the key to your house (The Forum) can't decide who comes and goes....The Mods how can you hold the key....

              and you even go so far to say, it's up to the mods as to how far it goes, in our (your) house, the forum.....

              I don't underdstand what you're disagreeing with, when in actuality we're agreein.....or do I have to spell out that the emphasis of

              "My (our) house, represents the Forum.........geez----what paret of this don't you understand.....

              you say you have no problems with CL, and what he writes, cause he evidently hasn't attacked you, and if/when he does. you'll strike back........

              You also said he's different in person....If you know that for a fact, then you've obviously met up with and spent some time with him........That, then can make you a bias opinioned person.....I don't give 2 rat asses as to how he is in person, or how he treats others in person, my statements relate to him on this Forum.....I don't care to meet him....

              Now just what in the hell are we disagreeing about as far as you're concerned.......

              I still say, it's definitely hard to ignore something that jumps out at you every where you go on this Forum, and you trying to preach Ignore, as you can do, is obviously a joke, cause you apparently read (stated by you) his have no problem with it, then that's you........enjoy your laughter at CL's writings, I think it's appaling....

              That's where we disagree...........and you're still saying if he's ignored, he'll be gone, well kaz, I think you need to travel a bit more, live a lil longer, see more people around the world, get a feel for what an egotistical/dual personality is, before you say, Ignore, and he'll go away....

              I have a Son who has a Masters and a PHD in Counciling, specializes in Child work, and Criminally minded people, Conducts clinics for others, and he's read CL's BS, and he says, Ignoring him will NOT, I repeat NOT make him go away.....Just the Opposite....An egotistical person thrives on attention, and when ignored, they try harder, and even start to do crazy things to get that attention back.....they rarely, if ever, change without counseling....even then it's long time.....

              So until you cease the photo business, and get the degrees asscoiated with personality disorders, I'll go with my Sons opinion.....

              Notice, I backed up my opinion, with a pretty good analysis from a Professional......Didnt just throw mine out there....

              That's like someone trying to tell you what film speed and aperture to use....That's your profession, I'm sure my Son would listen, as he was raised to listen when people that specialize in something, speak about their speciality........

              Now in your mighty wisdom, do you still think, the Ignore strategy, is the way to go......He has been ignored before for periods of time, he goes smooth for 3-4 weeks, then the Jekyl/Hyde sets in, and you have the same BS Elephant in your house........

              You have a nice day Kaz----enjoy his posts, laugh at em, continue to be better than most, and completely Ignore CL, while you're spending time reading his posts, and this one also for that matter....

              If he doesn't bother you, then why the unsolicited advice, from a non professional regarding personalities......You know him, you like him, that's your business....

              I don't, and I don't like what he stands for...........Self rewarding EGO tactics........kaptain

              There is an ignore button that you can put any member on then you control what you see or don't see.


              • Originally posted by Spark

                No way do people that know you around here think that way pal ... but I will say ... when i first signed up here and was only posting service plays and you would come in there and bitch at us ... I would say ... Damn, what an asshole!!! hahahahahaha


                • Originally posted by KazDog
                  I never said I met him, like him or condone what he writes. He has no effect on me because I have a life outside of BC. My life doesn't revolve around what Chuck writes nor does it revolve around what is written on an internet chat site. If he effects your life, that's your problem.

                  As much as Chuck offers up his bullshit, so do others who come in here and hound him like a dog. There are plenty of those that can be counted. Like Spark said, where does he set the line for the ban button in this thread? Like Wayne said, too many have to have a say in here so it had to be moved.

                  That's great your son has a PHD. You should be proud. If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a noise? If no one responds to Chuck, does any part of this thread happen?

                  I do agree with your son, Chuck will always need a way to feed his ego. If it's not here, it will be somewhere else. I'm just not willing to supply him the food. Not at the moment anyways. You have a good day as well Kapt. Just for the record, I am older and I have seen more than most in my life....


                  If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a noise? Yes


                  • Originally posted by Spark

                    No, I just call you that when i e-mail you!!


                    • Will you Mods get a fucking room? Geez


                      • Originally posted by Lsufan

                        This has been said many, many times before, by LOTS OF PEOPLE ..... "WE HAVE TO PROTECT THE NEWBIES."

                        People came in this thread and responded to expose Chuck. If everyone ignores him, "Newbies" may fall for his BS and load up on this "big" GOY. God forbid we don't protect the "newbies."
                        Anyone following someone else's picks blindly or not can't blame anyone, but themselves. You either handicap the games yourself, follow someone or fade someone. The end results are what they are.


                        • Originally posted by Spark
                          I agree with you Kapt .. this guy makes it sound like I am 100% on his side .. maybe he should tell everyone the entire message I sent him ... I did tell him it was not right for MCP to come into his thread and start shit .. that is what i told him ... I also told him many months ago after he got banned I would keep the haters out of his threads ... which he called me out on in that e-mail the other day ... that I do not blame him for but like I told him .. if I kept everyone that did not like him out of his thread he would not have any posters ...I also told him he brings everything on himself ... and that no one likes him here at BC and he promised to avoid the haters ...
                          MCP is always on his ass. I've had talks with him about it before on this site. And he continues to bring up past shit over and over. Every once in a while he'll post a play.


                          • Originally posted by Lsufan
                            That's probably why you are not banned yet Chuck.

                            The way I see it, the "regulars" here already have there books and offshore accounts, and probably been having them for years. So the "regulars" are not clicking on banners to sign up for new accounts.

                            All of this drama brings attention. New people, and others from other sites who live for this shit come running this way.

                            That's just the way I see it.

                            You have lied many times, and it has been proven on here. I can't think of any other reason why you haven't been banned. I know others have been banned for way less.

                            I really don't know why I bothered coming in here, but this "Chuck Drama" is everywhere .... Gambling Section, Non Gambling, Rants Section .... It has even been mention in the Urgent Thread. I have to admit, I fell for it and had to come see what it's all about.

                            OK, I'm done. Really, this is just too much drama, and it has gone far enough.

                            Oh, also Chuck, I see that you mentioned something about your popularity in the Presidential polls ..... What a joke!!!! The whole "Presidential" thing is a joke. It's something just to have fun with, and to pick on each other.

                            It was TTT that put your name up, and that was only for a joke. He nominated you, but do you think he really wanted you as a "President?" Come on Chuck, most of the people here know you, and know exactly what you are. 90% of the votes you got were probably just people kidding around. Believe me, if you think for one second that the votes you got makes you more popular than those you beat, you are sadly mistaken.

                            OK, I'm really done now.
                            Jimmy your so way off base it's not even funny. However, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.


                            • Originally posted by Kaptain
                              Spoken from a truly fair and un bias person.........You amaze with your perception and insight for such a young man.....

                              Your perception is wrong on this one kapt


                              • Originally posted by Lsufan
                                OK point taken ....

                                I see .... You can start a rant thread and go off on people there, put you can't do it in someone else's thread. Instead, others are told to stay out of other's thread, but in the meantime can open a seperate thread and say what they have to say.

                                Wiz was banned for many reasons, but one of them was because he said he would shoot someone. TTT recalled that Chuck told him something like that

                                Just keep Chuck here, and all will be fine. He'lll continue the drama and others will bash him and it will keep all of the Mods busy.

                                PS .... All drama readers .... Please click on one of the banners on top of your screen. Thanks
                                Wiz was banned for much much more

