Maybe but i listen to Howard sometimes on Sirius and i can't believe they let him say some of the shit he does ... Even on satellite!
Imus has a big backing still, i'm willing to bet that hasn't changed and Sirius or XM would fit him perfectly.
Oh I know about his backing....I mean he raised over a million dollars just today for his radio-thon I read....but if the way that Sirius and XM make their big bucks is thru advertising.....I would like to know who is going to stand behind Imus and not face any backlash from the African American community.
I just don't see this going away any time soon. But you just never know.
I still go back to my origional point though about comparing Stern to Imus...
Stern is a perv.....he offends
Imus singled out african american women...with a racial slur.
Oh I know about his backing....I mean he raised over a million dollars just today for his radio-thon I read....but if the way that Sirius and XM make their big bucks is thru advertising.....I would like to know who is going to stand behind Imus and not face any backlash from the African American community.
I just don't see this going away any time soon. But you just never know.
I still go back to my origional point though about comparing Stern to Imus...
Stern is a perv.....he offends
Imus singled out african american women...with a racial slur.
I just don't know.
I don't think they rely on the advertising like the others do though John. Just like when they brought Howard on, it's about getting people to buy the radio and the service. A shitload of people bought the radios and service when Stern came here. All that money pays his contract and Sirius has you hooked for $13 a month (Like i pay). They are way more into recruiting subscribers/money more than they are advertisers. You may not get the "Big Name" advertisers but plenty of other business' will take a chance knowing his following i bet.
You can't believe what Howard says??? You must not watch South Park. They have been saying some crazy shit on TV since 1997.
That's true too. I forgot South Park. I guess what i meant to say is Howard was so much cleaner on Free radio after getting hammered with fines and now it is weird to hear him again as his old self but much worse. Man ... There have been times when i flip by and listen for a minute and i'm like ... WOW!!!
I ain't gonna lie though, i usually laugh cause the people he fucks with, all want to be there!'s about par for this once fair and justified country. You can walk down any street in the any city in the United States of Amercia and hear a black teen say n- this and n- that. 50 Cent makes million saying "hoes this" and "wanksta that" (which btw means white gangsta), "I capped that fool", "we blow endo"! Yet we hear nothing, and a white male says what Imus says and he loses his job. When are we going to hear jesse jackson apologize for saying the Duke lacrosse athletes were guilty and commited racist acts? Where is this racist now? It's a travesty and our country is at the mercy of double standards!'s about par for this once fair and justified country. You can walk down any street in the any city in the United States of Amercia and hear a black teen say n- this and n- that. 50 Cent makes million saying "hoes this" and "wanksta that" (which btw means white gangsta), "I capped that fool", "we blow endo"! Yet we hear nothing, and a white male says what Imus says and he loses his job. When are we going to hear jesse jackson apologize for saying the Duke lacrosse athletes were guilty and commited racist acts? Where is this racist now? It's a travesty and our country is at the mercy of double standards!
That's true too. I forgot South Park. I guess what i meant to say is Howard was so much cleaner on Free radio after getting hammered with fines and now it is weird to hear him again as his old self but much worse. Man ... There have been times when i flip by and listen for a minute and i'm like ... WOW!!!
I ain't gonna lie though, i usually laugh cause the people he fucks with, all want to be there!
Wayne, check out the first few minutes of this show ....
all this proved was that blacks have more power then whites and it isn't a racists comment but he would of never got fired if al sharpton didn't stick his nose in it
The guy apologized publicly which should be enough. To anyone who doesn't accept the apology, I think he has the right to tell them to go f off. I definitely support free speech and wish I had a nickel for every time some Jew-run media outlet portrayed straight white males in a less than advantageous light vs. their black, homosexual, jewish and/or female counterparts. I'd even let them subtract a nickel for every time it went the other way.
If you currently are a heterosexual white male in the US, you have limited free speech pertaining to issues discussing race, gender, orientation issues.
You may only be on receiving end of racial insults and shall not give any without being ran out of town.
they want none other than to erode the white race into oblivion to avoid a repeat of Hitler and to further their own agenda of world dominance. Whites are the biggest threat to them at the moment.
By blatantly and cleverly belittling the white male, and portraying him as an immature, irresponsible overgrown kid, they make him averse to reproduce, especially with his own kind. It also encourages white females to seek more non-white males as partners.
The future demographic implications are as obvious as they are disastrous (for whites).
In movies, television, and especially television advertising, its a blatant and common theme. In fact, its easier to find the instances it doesnt happen vs the instances it does.
Movies such as black snake moan...a white man thats a complete drunk, clown, and otherwise loser, leaves his white girlfriend. The white woman who is strung out, abused, lost, suddenly finds an older black man and saves her from further ruining herself.
Of course during the movie previews, shes wearing a t-shirt with a rebel flag. Anytime, and I do mean anytime the rebel flag is displayed via hollywood or television, its in an evil or belittling manner.
Another blatant example is everything about mtv, so no real need to explain that any further.
One example (there are too many to list all) is the sitcom my name is earl.
The show is about some white man whos daughter decided to leave her husband, Earl, who is white. She then starts dating Crab Man, a black guy, who also happens to be somehow acquainted with her former boyfriend. Crab Man and her dad become acquainted. Crab Man is not the typical 9-5 go to work type black, he is more of a amos and andy look a like, who's a bum and a pot-head.. So, enough people watch this show, its now cool to not only date a black, but a complete bozo.
Basically, whats happened with all this political correctness is that the black men have been alligned with the white women via their combined effort vs white men. Whether or not he be portrayed a white businessman wearing a suit, a blue jeans wearing, racist, sexist, rebel flag toting, nascar loving, "redneck", a stupid hillbilly, he is nevertheless the enemy and cause of all the worlds problems.
Whats happened from this is that alot of black men are turning their backs on black women (who are also on outside looking in). Some black men view it as the ultimate fuck you to white men since white women were for so long off limits. Also, some blacks are full aware that if more white women are kept away from whitey and eventually whitey will be gone. Public enemy said this in their own lyrics many moons ago.
Too many white women go along with this since they have been brainwashed that their fathers and uncles are evil, their brothers are weak, stupid punks, or tough rednecks, and they should be with the ultra cool and best decision making black man to make all past wrongs whole.
Another important point Id like to mention is white people that have been completely convinced (brainwashed) to believe anything and everything about the multicultarism/pc lies will defend it, regardless how obvious their own destruction is because of it.
Who's the hoe here? The T.V. station that had the idiot on the air in the first place. And the advertisers didn't know he was an idiot before this statement?
What a bunch of weak cowards all of them are for caving into the pressure from a bunch of free speech haters hiding behind a useless remark from a complete idiot.
And there's nothing wrong with being proud of who you are and what color your skin is. Wanting to keep it that way just might be the right thing to do anyway because after all didn't this GOD fantasy guy make us different for a reason? Maybe he wants us to keep it that way.
God himself might not want us to mix.
I believe Out of Wedlock Births is the number one Social Issue in this Country..White and Black.
I used Black because that's what we were talking about and also because there are MORE of these types of Births with Blacks. I believe the number is in the high 60%.
In raising a daughter, it is both parents' responsibility to make sure their daughter understands her responsibilities when she grows up. The father must make her understand what men are like, and if she says something like "Daddy, why are you different then?", you have to remind her it's because of her mother's success in bagging you and holding on to you. You would be just like those other guys if her mother wasn't as wonderful as she was. Your daughter's job is to make herself at least as wonderful.
Men are put on this earth by God to go after as much ***** as we can get. It's the woman's job to screen the candidates and make sure the relationship lasts. Sure, women like to shirk their responsibilities and pass them over to us, but we are suckers to accept that. We stay with a woman because she is worthy of staying with, not because we are so benevolent. If a man stays with a woman just out of obligation, I say he is doing everyone a disservice, especially the kids.
Your entitled to your views too. Fact of the matter , just because I don't want to be a grandfather to a Balck Baby in the future does not maker me a racist. If you think that so be it, who cares. To many young white women are getting knocked up by this agenda and ruining their life. I blame this On the white woman for being to naive to look into the future and see how she is ruining her life. Stand by what I say and issue the same warning to not want this for all our sisters & daughters. To acept this is sticking your foolish head in the sand. If yoiu want to invite this intoyour future family be my guest
any white man that wishes that his grandkids be white is automatically labeled a bullshit.
These brainwashed pc people would most likely think nothing of a person of another race making similar comments.
Also, agree that if that incorrect label must be assigned for having such beliefs, who cares. There are more important things to be concerned about than what people outside your own family and circle of friends believe.
Myself, while I dont have daughters, I dont believe forbidding people from doing certain things is the answer. White parents (or any parents) that completely forbid kids from doing anything, soon find when their backs are turned, its the first thing their kids look to see whats being kept from them. I think DP has the right idea that while it should be discouraged, it should not be an absolute mandate for then countervailing forces such as curiousity and rebellion overcome any mandate.
People that work together, go to school together, live together, quite often fall in love and Im of the belief that I have no right forcing people to make those choices. If I did have daughters, I would hope she would make the best decision for her and her family when choosing a mate.
I certainly would discourage and would never fully accept her being with a black man. However, if I knew their hearts were devoted, I can honestly say, while my soul would grieve, I would eventually rest about it.
My main point about this issue is that race mixing has been and continues being promoted via various media and being anti pc is not desirable for any white man attempting to be upwardly mobile via the working world.
There are too many white women with black men who treat them like fucking dogs, leave them with one or two half black kids, and bail and leave their family with this type of embarassment.
Im sure these black men damn well know, that once he has bagged the white woman, she is tarnished in her own community. If they manage to have a child together, her chances of ever dating a white man (even the scum bags) is zero. Thus, the cycle of disaster tumbles down upon her life.
While I dont totally fault black men for getting all the sex they can get, usually from what ive seen he is older than the woman and young girls (black or white) that dont have proper home environment and/guidance often dont make good decisions.
Some are just out for a piece of ass and it doesnt matter what the woman race is. However, there are some black men that are deliberately knocking up as many white women as they can get their hands on. Ive heard this with my own ears and anyone that has their eyes opened would know this.
This is truth and thus remains truth regardless whatever label it is assigned via the pc crowd.
Im not surprised imus has been fired.
Also, if a black person would be fired for making similar comments I would not at all disagree with imus or any black being fired.
Problem is that if a black person hosting a radio show said similar things about a group of white people, they would be less likely to be fired or even reprimanded.
These were some pretty interesting quotes from a few people I have read
I can agree with plenty of them but
That's one less negative asshole making $$$$ out there's about par for this once fair and justified country. You can walk down any street in the any city in the United States of Amercia and hear a black teen say n- this and n- that. 50 Cent makes million saying "hoes this" and "wanksta that" (which btw means white gangsta), "I capped that fool", "we blow endo"! Yet we hear nothing, and a white male says what Imus says and he loses his job. When are we going to hear jesse jackson apologize for saying the Duke lacrosse athletes were guilty and commited racist acts? Where is this racist now? It's a travesty and our country is at the mercy of double standards!
10-4 that.Ole Jesse and Al must not realize that when they only represent black people and ony want black people to succeed that they are as racist as anybody.If Steve Harvey(King of Comedy) makes the same comment on his radio show no one blinks an eye.DBL standard.