Reread thread Kaz. YOU aren't that dumb. His point is that BUSH is supposed to be listening to Congress now b/c the people have spoken. Nothing said about waiting 2 years.
Yes he SHOULD listen to them....But he ISN'T! That's the point
I did NOT say they should follow him blindly....Where did I write that? Read what I wrote. The President needs to listen to members of his party in Congress and come up with a legitimate plan, rather than go half cocked on his own to avenge his father's war and protect our oil rights in the middle east under the disguise of protecting this country from weapons of mass destruction.... which he new were neverr there....
In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions.
Hours earlier, the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133
So I guess Bush DID listen to Congress huh?
Yes....He DID listen to a Republican majority led Congress.....No brainer
Yes he SHOULD listen to them....But he ISN'T! That's the point
Kaz, you are talking in circles. First you say Congress can't do anything so they don't need to come up with a plan, then in the next breath you say Bush SHOULD be listening to Congress, but he isn't. Where is the plan he is SUPPOSED to be listening to?
Wasn't the House and Senate ruled by Republican majority? Of course they backed him. And I'm NOT saying that some Democrats weren't wrong for going with him on this....I already wrote that once. They were wrong too. They voted for the damn thing because they didn't want to look bad. But it didn't matter, the Republican's were going to push this through no matter what.....Jesus, you love to spin things just like Rush
Kaz, you are talking in circles. First you say Congress can't do anything so they don't need to come up with a plan, then in the next breath you say Bush SHOULD be listening to Congress, but he isn't. Where is the plan he is SUPPOSED to be listening to?
Kaz, you are talking in circles. First you say Congress can't do anything so they don't need to come up with a plan, then in the next breath you say Bush SHOULD be listening to Congress, but he isn't. Where is the plan he is SUPPOSED to be listening to?
You can't expect a new Congress to come up with something walking in the door. Are you that stupid? Yes he should be listening to Congress. Let Me ask you, do you think he will do exactly what a Democratic Congress asks him to do?
You can't expect a new Congress to come up with something walking in the door. Are you that stupid? Yes he should be listening to Congress. Let Me ask you, do you think he will do exactly what a Democratic Congress asks him to do?
Why can't I expect that? Wasn't that what they ran on? You can't be that stupid can you? So they just know what's going on now that they are "walking in the door?" Didn't they know anything when they were campaigning or were they all just rattling cages and taking advantage of the public momentum? I don't know what he would do with a Dem plan as I haven't seen anything. So how can I answer that? Maybe he could incorporate some ideas. Maybe he can blow them all off. Maybe his party will turn the screws a bit and tell him to play nice so there's some shot at the WH in 08. Who knows. But without a plan, stupid question I think.
Why can't I expect that? Wasn't that what they ran on? You can't be that stupid can you? So they just know what's going on now that they are "walking in the door?" Didn't they know anything when they were campaigning or were they all just rattling cages and taking advantage of the public momentum? I don't know what he would do with a Dem plan as I haven't seen anything. So how can I answer that? Maybe he could incorporate some ideas. Maybe he can blow them all off. Maybe his party will turn the screws a bit and tell him to play nice so there's some shot at the WH in 08. Who knows. But without a plan, stupid question I think.
You still haven't answered my questions above....And, you still didn't answer my question as to what power does the new Congress have in this war
I can't write fast enough for you......You ask every question and I answer it, yet you have little answers yourself.....
Question....When will Bush have us out?
Question....Why doesn't the Republican's in Congress have a plan?
Still waiting
Maybe he, along with the rest of the public, is waiting for that promised Dem plan from the fall of 06. Not the fall of 08.
I believe the most recent plan of troop additions is in the works. But as opposed to bringing something to the table, typical Dems will wait and see and play the Monday QB.
You still haven't answered my questions above....And, you still didn't answer my question as to what power does the new Congress have in this war
I'm waiting.......
They have the power to cut funding, which they have already threatened.
They have the power to live up to their campaign promises which apparently were either lies or hollow bullshit.
They have the power to offer suggestions, implemented or not, to show the people who elected them that they are doing what they promised.
Maybe he, along with the rest of the public, is waiting for that promised Dem plan from the fall of 06. Not the fall of 08.
I believe the most recent plan of troop additions is in the works. But as opposed to bringing something to the table, typical Dems will wait and see and play the Monday QB.
Yeah I know....Same answer you've had all along. Blame the Democrats for not getting us out of this war that Bush started, in three months that the new Congress has been in office....That's all you got