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FINAL Service Thread ...

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  • since this is the last day can we post email addy;s
    im sure monte will lose some of his sponsors also now..
    Last edited by Ripple; 07-21-2005, 01:35 PM.


    • Originally posted by KUELKAT
      Trust me guys, it will all blow over in time. I worked hand in hand with consensus and service sites and the threats come as well as attempted suits. Its all about how far you want to fight it cause you will win in the long run. In the meantime we have to keep supporting this place and help all we can cause it is a gold mine.

      Once again do not get comfortable at these places because we owe our heart to this place but I just do not want anyone missing out in the meantime.
      Anything I can do guys please let me know.
      I'll never leave BettorsChat,this is my HOME
      Last edited by BettorsChat; 07-21-2005, 03:01 PM.


      • Originally posted by moondog22
        I'll never leave BettorsChat,this is my HOME
        me too. This is the best site. I dont even use the service section. My point is there is a huge demand for it and it should be here.
        2013 NCAA POD Record

        8-3ATS +3.80 units

        2013 NFL POD Record

        1-2 ATS -4.50 units


        • good day fellas, it has been awhile since my last post as i am out of the country on vacation. i got an email from a friend about what was going on and had to check in. first, i agree with the person who said it would be silly for monte to fight. even if these guys don't have a leg to stand on in their lawsuit they can still sue monte. that means he gets served, retains a lawyer, paperwork goes back and forth (all the while his bills add up), they finally go to court (about 10-15k later), monte does win, and the site is back to normal. question is who wants to pay his bills and who would want that hassle? depending on the problem there could be an easy fix. just like the gaming companies, you take the site and its registered address, offshore. basically you create a domain dot com, you make the domain anonymously registered, get a po box in the caymans for the address, offshore contact and host in africa or russia. the US and all the US lawyers and judges can't touch you. at best they could restrict your domain (which is remote) and if they did you just create a new one for 5 bucks. just like the spam mail companies do. monte, i do extensive work offshore (i am in the caribbean now) so if you want info or have questions shoot me an email. spark has my good address. i will be back in the US saturday. if the change is permanent then we have had a good run and my thanks to monte and spark!!!!! now i am going back to the beach for a bit. :-)
          I love Ripple and Spark and would sooner die than say anything bad about either of them. Thanks for making BettorsChat work guys! (SUCKING UP TO THE BOSSES) Love you too Monte


          • Vegas Sports Predictions comp Yankees


            • "SCREW" Feiner goes with (actually went with as game has started) KC;he and his code of ethics over the years(or actually lack of) are in my opinion another reasons why services are on the decline.


              • None of you will like hearing this but this is the way it is. Not only would the touts win this suit, they would win it because they should. That's precisely why no one is willing to fight this. Do you think Monte and other forum owners don't know this?

                Most likely the forums have received threatening letters from the touts lawyers and have shown these letters to their own lawyers. I can assure you that their attorneys have advised them to cease posting plays that have been paid for.

                If I sell something to you, that doesn't mean you have the right to diseminate the information all over the world. If it's free, that's a different story. I have enjoyed reviewing these picks as much as anyone. I have participated in the posting of paid for picks as well. That doesn't mean it is right. Just because we have a distaste for people who sell plays, we still don't have the right to publish that info.

                With that said, there are certainly ways around it. For instance: "someone told me that Big Al was recommending a play on Texas as his GOY." and I'm sure he was right. (confirmed)

                Until a suit is filed however, there are a million other ways around this, although it may involve sites other than this one.


                • Originally posted by betitnow
                  good day fellas, it has been awhile since my last post as i am out of the country on vacation. i got an email from a friend about what was going on and had to check in. first, i agree with the person who said it would be silly for monte to fight. even if these guys don't have a leg to stand on in their lawsuit they can still sue monte. that means he gets served, retains a lawyer, paperwork goes back and forth (all the while his bills add up), they finally go to court (about 10-15k later), monte does win, and the site is back to normal. question is who wants to pay his bills and who would want that hassle? depending on the problem there could be an easy fix. just like the gaming companies, you take the site and its registered address, offshore. basically you create a domain dot com, you make the domain anonymously registered, get a po box in the caymans for the address, offshore contact and host in africa or russia. the US and all the US lawyers and judges can't touch you. at best they could restrict your domain (which is remote) and if they did you just create a new one for 5 bucks. just like the spam mail companies do. monte, i do extensive work offshore (i am in the caribbean now) so if you want info or have questions shoot me an email. spark has my good address. i will be back in the US saturday. if the change is permanent then we have had a good run and my thanks to monte and spark!!!!! now i am going back to the beach for a bit. :-)
                  Betitnow, I agree with evrything you wrote except for one thing. Monte can in no way win such a suit. He would be a fool to try and it's not worth the 30-40K risk. What's really to gain?


                  • If something like this ever does go to court, until/if gambling is legalized in states other than Nevada, which would then give sports services some legitimacy, I think forums like this which give out the picks would prevail in a cakewalk(assuming the judge wasn't rolling over on the floor laughing about the suit and/or asking the service bringing the suit what the lock of the night was, lol).
                    Last edited by savage1; 07-21-2005, 02:01 PM.


                    • savage1,

                      I agree, forums would win. I have no doubts about this.
                      2013 NCAA POD Record

                      8-3ATS +3.80 units

                      2013 NFL POD Record

                      1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                      • My 2 cents

                        I have rarely opened this thread since I would never play a game based on what a service says without a writeup on why/how they can up with the pick. The threads I open mostly are the Konsenseus Kruise and the great cappers that post their plays for free.

                        My belief is there are alot of legit services out there, but it's the few bad apples that give services a bad name. Any service that advertises they hit 80% overall last year in NFL or says they are on a 30-5 run their last 35 games are full of shit and are a scam! These services should be sued for lying in their ads and misleading their customers!

                        My advise is to follow the best cappers on here, do your own homework and research, and if your research agrees with the cappers, then make the bet. This along with strong money management will make you money in the long run in my opinion.
                        Posted record as of 03/12/08:

                        NBA 35-33 -.22 units
                        NCAA Basketball 12-14-1 -3.08 units


                        • Roger that!

                          Originally posted by keawe
                          Remember last year, some guys got told by their service that if they continue to post there plays, there would be bogus plays entere into there mailbox. I know the service and the guys who ru it are okay, but I guess they figuire they can't make money with us sharing their picks.
                          Everyone here, has the Aloha spirit and wants the same thing.....that everyone makes money and to help out each other anyway we can.
                          We do have some very good cappers here, so don't worry gang, we'll be fine!!!!!
                          Lets just wait till tomorrow, and see what Monte has to say, and give him the suport he deserves!

                          Keawe, Aloha IS the way to go! As an ex-islander, I understand and KNOW who you are talking about! I WAS ACTUALLY PAID A VISIT to my front door and it scared the *** out of me. As you know, Ive been posting alot of DBS cappers here and I think that u know who and DBS are working together. Be careful, be cool, and call over there to ask whats up. u know who will tell you straight. Im calling him RIGHT NOW. Aloha, SS.


                          • Originally posted by krunch
                            The fades will die along with the service thread!!!!!!!
                            This place won't be the same buddy, no fades, thats really sad news!!!!!!!!!

                            Who said the fades were going anywhere? The fades just state 20 services on side A 5 on side b.


                            • You are correct.

                              Originally posted by illjaunt
                              I am sure Big Al is behind this he has a law degree and has been known to threaten sites.....I am sure people like Brian Mac and his guys, Nick Patrick and the wiseguys, Wayne root, and many others are not smart enough to do this....

                              Yes, I have heard FIRST HAND that Big Al and the DBS guys have been planning this for 3 months and are rolling it out just before football. I made the mistake of posting all the DBS plays with writeups and by the combination of cappers and times i posted, i got caught and got VISITED. MANY LARGER and smaller services have joined their bandwagon and the heat isnt just for this site. Monte/Spark et. all have been SUPER helping us all out for ZERO dollars so I, for one, am GRATEFUL and support their decision, whatever it is. They're not going to just "cave" to anyone, they know whats up. Lets be supportive. Problem areas are DBS, TSN, GDW. Those 3 alone have some major juice. Good Luck to all and no matter what - I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU to Monte/Spark for all they have done for me personally in the past. They saved me THOUSANDS and I appreicate it. - SS


                              • Kuelkat, what is this newsgroup(s) and syndicates?

