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FINAL Service Thread ...

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  • #76
    Originally posted by surveyor
    The legality of posting service plays has been rehashed in here many times. Nothing the services can do about it. My guess is with football coming on(king of views for service plays) monte is going to find some way to get paid for what has been posted for free in the past. We shall see.
    I couldn't agree more.


    • #77
      Believe me the cappers here are very intelligent, and even if the picks are not posted here any more, it won't take a rocket scientist to figure out ways in which all can share in the picks and which will leave the services virtually powerless to do anything about it!


      • #78
        This is an interesting delima that has occured. With me being in that business, I can see it both ways. On one hand, you can see it as free advertisement for the most part. When I saw my plays on there, that's what I took it as. Now you can throw your own opinions in there and trash the service which I've seen to, but for the most part, it's probably deserved. I'm happy to say I don't think I"ve seen a post where I've been trashed here. That says a lot seeing that you all are VERY protective of this forum, and any infiltration of bullshit services are dealt with quickly and harshly!

        I am a bit surprised to see this come to it, but I will wait to hear from Monte on the reasons. There is no doubt in my mind though that the decision was made in the very best interest of the forum. Only been here a short time, but I can tell a lot from the people here and Monte himself whom I've chatted with a few times via email.

        Spark you did a fantasic job with the service thread....thank you for that.

        I'll end with this. I realized in less then a week that the members of this forum too many to mention because I don't want to offend anyone I leave out are far better then any service out there. There is no hype, no guarantees, no 1000* locks. There are just winners, and consistantly. When I say this, I realize that this is money out of my pocket potentially, but I am also realistic here. Why pay for something when you can get it free day after day? It just makes no sense.

        Congrats again for making this one of the elite forums on the net.



        • #79
          Net Prophet


          Chicago WS (Buehrle) -116 over Boston (Clement)
          NY Yankees (Johnson) -118 over LA Angels (Colon)


          PASS (lean to Edmonton/OVER)


          • #80
            I am sure Big Al is behind this he has a law degree and has been known to threaten sites.....I am sure people like Brian Mac and his guys, Nick Patrick and the wiseguys, Wayne root, and many others are not smart enough to do this....


            • #81
              I wonder if Brian Mac is worried, since he puts out a consensus via telephone, and on his website, as does "Jigsaw".

              What about the "pay" consensus services like premium consensus, and the Sports Monitor ? Is anyone suing them ?

              This is very interesting, indeed.....

              I'm sure the bright group of guys here at BC will figure out how to get the Service Plays....

              BTW, SPARK....YOU ROCK !!!! :uzi:
              See the World, Before You Leave It !!!


              • #82
                Originally posted by rented mule
                Regardless of whether services would win a suit, or not, do you guys realize what Monte would have to pay, in legal fees, to defend a suit like that? Whether the services have a basis for a lawsuit, or not, his legal bill would be astronomical.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by VinnieB
                  I wonder if Brian Mac is worried, since he puts out a consensus via telephone, and on his website, as does "Jigsaw".

                  What about the "pay" consensus services like premium consensus, and the Sports Monitor ? Is anyone suing them ?

                  This is very interesting, indeed.....

                  I'm sure the bright group of guys here at BC will figure out how to get the Service Plays....

                  BTW, SPARK....YOU ROCK !!!! :uzi:
                  Tremendous points!!! I hope that this is all taken into consideration.


                  • #84
                    the big guys behind this are some of the following

                    The Prez
                    Big AL
                    Jim Feist and his cronies

                    fast eddie you state these forums are killing the services by getting the plays on these forums and not buying them.But what happens when these guys buy there plays and they go down quick ,,Is that okay ?and its definetly not a server issue its all from the lawyers..All these forums are getting sued and threats.some know they dont have a leg to stand on ..some dont care..In montes case they came after him first because he has the biggest service section ..And im sure monte doesnt want the hassle..Anyhow thank you monte for a great forum and showing us how to get to know whos a scammer or a bad service..and who the few good guys are in this business..Once again Monte thank -you and good luck ,,Rip

                    anyhow why even get a wont even go to court.and if it did the site will win..
                    Last edited by Ripple; 07-21-2005, 12:44 PM.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by illjaunt
                      I am sure Big Al is behind this he has a law degree and has been known to threaten sites.....I am sure people like Brian Mac and his guys, Nick Patrick and the wiseguys, Wayne root, and many others are not smart enough to do this....
                      I'll say this: if I was a regular customer of Big Al and he tried to sue me for giving out his picks, I won't countersue him for giving out plays based on many of his made up non-existent systems, many of which lost!


                      • #86
                        here's what

                        i have done in the past . i myself go into court to get a feel for what the judge is thinking & feeling , if i get a bad feeling i request to get an attorney & the judge 99% of the time grant's your wish & it cost's me nothing . from there monte can decide where to go from there . i dont know where monte is located , but im guessing a court date would be in his home town .


                        • #87
                          Northcoast comp

                          Stan Lisowski
                          3* Washington over Houson


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by VinnieB
                            I wonder if Brian Mac is worried, since he puts out a consensus via telephone, and on his website, as does "Jigsaw".

                            What about the "pay" consensus services like premium consensus, and the Sports Monitor ? Is anyone suing them ?

                            This is very interesting, indeed.....

                            I'm sure the bright group of guys here at BC will figure out how to get the Service Plays....

                            BTW, SPARK....YOU ROCK !!!! :uzi:
                            GREAT POINT!!!!!! You can call Mac and get FREE consensus reports every Saturday and Also get them from the Sports Monitor and neither of them is planning on stopping. Hmmm
                            We need MORE Cowbell!!!


                            • #89
                              LT Profits...Premium card

                              12:00 MLB Cleveland UNDER 9.5 -115 Kansas City (12:00 Noon ET) - 2* ACTION
                              7:00 MLB Washington OVER 7 +100 Houston (7:00) - 2* ACTION
                              7:00 MLB Detroit UNDER 7.5 -120 Minnesota (7:00) - 2* ACTION


                              • #90
                                How come Big Al is not going after Bmac they sell a consensus plus they do have the free line with purchased plays for football.....
                                RED LIGHT UP THAT CIGAR

