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FINAL Service Thread ...

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  • #61
    OTM-White Sox
    Demarco(If anyone should be sued, it is this guy;he has been lying, bullshiting and scamming the public for an eternity)-OVER Oakland and Whte Sox
    Computer Boys-Texas
    If these were late phone services and I wanted to post them out without any fear, I would simply say "A friend informed me that Sebastian(example)used the word Pirates today during a message."


    • #62
      The legality of posting service plays has been rehashed in here many times. Nothing the services can do about it. My guess is with football coming on(king of views for service plays) monte is going to find some way to get paid for what has been posted for free in the past. We shall see.


      • #63
        nick patricks full card
        Thurs Action
        9-0 last 2 days
        151-71 in June in all sports!!!
        LEts Keep it going...

        Cleve Over 9
        Cubs -135
        Houston under 7
        ADDING WHITESOX -117

        sorry to see the thread will no longer be around, was always a daily read. GL in the future guys


        • #64
          Don't forget there are consensus picks posted ALL over the net;believe me, if posting picks are cappers, someone would have been sued successfully by now and not merely threatened. Wayne Root tried it and was laughed at and failed miserably.
          The REAL suit should be by customers against the Demarco's, Jack Prices, etc. of the world, who have lied, misrepresented themselves and cheated/scammed thousands of people over the years either with their deception or just plain lousy picks!


          • #65
            The more i ponder this issue it gets me thinking. i think its a server issue not a legal one. Every sat/sunday during NFL season the site gets locked down with thousands of people who only come on here only to view/post service plays. This site actually sucks on the weekends during football. I often got pissed off and didnt even bother posting cause it would take me sometimes 20min to get 1 post in.
            2013 NCAA POD Record

            8-3ATS +3.80 units

            2013 NFL POD Record

            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


            • #66

              cant you just give the play & not the name of the service ? if not how about a code name of a service , or mis spell the name , or a name that rymes or what ever . i agree with a few other's i think this is a bluff on who ever is causing monte grief . but if he dont want the hassel im behind him 100 % . you guy's run a great site & there are enough capper's on here for me to keep lurking . the suspence is killing me waiting to hear wtf is going on . rip is right they will be on other site's but i dont want to go to another site . i just cant see big al going into a court room & saying that bettors chat is stealing my losing play's that some people are paying top dollar for . maybe this is the work of a banned member trying to pull off a scam on monte . it might not be a bad idea to call the bluff of who ever is in contact with monte . all it will take is for monte or a rep for bc to get a court date & show up to see what a judge will say . maybe the lawyer's in here can help with this suggestion but monte can get a order to continue with the service thread untill a court date is set . this might tell if this is a scam or not . today's comp from gametime sport's is the twin's


              • #67
                I really do not want to speak for Monte but I will say this ... I am positive the reason is legality ...


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Ripple
                  we can start a lawsuit against the services and the reports also like they want to against monte..especially when they lose..There giving us bad info and plays..if u buy a report or service and they give u losers or false plays you can sue them too..its no big deal...the plays will be around 24/7 365...
                  You cannot sue a service because they lose plays, when you agreed to pay for the service with the understanding that thsi is gambling and there is a risk involved. Same way you can't sue a stockbroker for unsolicited orders. "False plays," are what exactly, in your estimation? False because they lost? That's weak. Bottom line is, to republish the analysis is certainly copyright infringement - they're words and expressions written by an individual - be it they're right or wrong. To say so and so has a play on this game, it doesn't necessarily sound like a big deal. Is it right? Not really. But the bottom line is, the people who are suing this site haven't figured it out yet, that the people who visit this site don't purchase service plays anyway - that's why they're here!


                  • #69
                    MONTE: Copyright law, infringement, etc.

                    about all u need. These touts of illegal gaming material don't have a leg to stand on...or a hair on their arse.



                    • #70
                      Originally posted by SPARK
                      I really do not want to speak for Monte but I will say this ... I am positive the reason is legality ...
                      In my opinion, a person would have a better chance of successfully suing a rabbit for shitting in his backyard then a sports service would have in trying to sue someone for giving out his picks/names of teams without its permission.
                      Comps-FAKE Animal-Houston
                      Superlockline-OVER Houston
                      Last edited by savage1; 07-21-2005, 11:57 AM.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by moneyman
                        about all u need. These touts of illegal gaming material don't have a leg to stand on...or a hair on their arse.

                        And how can scamdicappers/cappers/touts, whatever, say " BC didn't pay for these?"
                        We've most all bought many a play....who's to say who bought what? Are they weak enough to think, we think, we buy it, it's ours to do with what we please.
                        Prove I/we/you didn't buy it, then sue.

                        can't wait for Monte's story.


                        • #72
                          Regardless of whether services would win a suit, or not, do you guys realize what Monte would have to pay, in legal fees, to defend a suit like that? Whether the services have a basis for a lawsuit, or not, his legal bill would be astronomical.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by rented mule
                            Regardless of whether services would win a suit, or not, do you guys realize what Monte would have to pay, in legal fees, to defend a suit like that? Whether the services have a basis for a lawsuit, or not, his legal bill would be astronomical.
                            That is obviously the hope of the sports services-that they can scare people from no longer posting their picks.
                            It is just a matter of time before this will come to a head, and if their was a line in Vegas on who would win such a lawsuit, based on the present status of gambling and sports services, I would bet my money on the defendant, in this case the site giving out the picks.


                            • #74
                              Just my opinion and it is like an arm pit, we all have one and most of 'em stink.
                              I have been a professional handicapper and betting on games for over 13 years and here is my .02 cents worth.
                              This site and many more out there are "KILLING" the profits of the big name and big money scam-cappers out there. They are losing almost 60% of their profit before the internet forums came along. If they have 20 companies to come together and form a million dollar lawsuit against a forum's owner, do you think that the forum's owner can afford to spend millions of dollars to fight the suit to keep the forum alive ?

                              Good Luck,
                              Eddie McKinney
                              Fast Eddie Sports
                              ...winning and grinning...


                              • #75
                                Well the site wont be the same that is for sure. But it isnt the end of the world. This site had become a convient and pretty reliable site for service plays ....and im sure they didnt like it. Lawyers are sent in to threaten others to compensate for DAMAGES there clients make up due to a so call LOSSES they say they have incurred due to this site. You have to take this action with a grain of salt , but bottom line is MONTE has to decide what his best for HIS future not OURS. The Service thread had a good run on here, if its over than its OVER! Let all of us gamble with our own money and let MONTE gamble with his. That info is available ...the WEB is to big for lawyers. Lawyers tend to have some success with threats in the USA and than someone opens a site overseas and they get silenced!

