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  • Originally posted by kbsooner21
    Guess someone added a few extra inches to the front porch this year. There's a thing called a diet and exercise. Try it sometime!

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • Originally posted by KazDog
      Guess someone added a few extra inches to the front porch this year. There's a thing called a diet and exercise. Try it sometime!

      Get in the ring with me motherfucker

      I'll show ya exercise


      • Originally posted by BettorsChat
        I thought he was putting it on his truck
        He's poking two holes in it and pulling it over his head....

        [email protected]

        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


        • I thought the plan was to nail the hood to the front of the trailer to cover up the hole.


          • Originally posted by kbsooner21
            Get in the ring with me motherfucker

            I'll show ya exercise
            I'm sure you'd probably want to pour baby oil all over each other and have it....

            KB exercising-------->

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • I'm going to give KB one last chance to redeem himself....Now KB, All joking aside, You really didn't get a hood for xmas did you???


              • Please keep in mind that Kwanzaa is celebrated from Dec. 26- Jan. 1. Merry Kwanzaa everyone....

                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                  I'm going to give KB one last chance to redeem himself....Now KB, All joking aside, You really didn't get a hood for xmas did you???
                  no he isnt kidding. didnt you read the post about kb's xmas gift? it was posted in here.
                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                    A SHOT OF SANTA AS HE MADE HIS WAY
                    TO KB'S HOUSE ON CHRISTMAS EVE ...

                    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                    • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                      I'm going to give KB one last chance to redeem himself....Now KB, All joking aside, You really didn't get a hood for xmas did you???
                      Hey Doc, go Fuck yourself! You think I give a fuck what you think about my xmas presents??? HELL NO! I fucking like it and enjoyed it. You want to keep ragging on me, I don't give a fuck, have at it. You're so fucking high and mighty, what did you get??? A pair of Scooby Doo Underoos to match the Mystery Van?? Miserable piece of dogshit...


                      • Originally posted by KazDog
                        Please keep in mind that Kwanzaa is celebrated from Dec. 26- Jan. 1. Merry Kwanzaa everyone....

                        I'm gonna set up an automatic reply so even when I'm away from my computer, if Kaz makes a post, I reply with..


                        • Originally posted by Lsufan
                          OUR BC PHOTOGRAPHERS JUST SENT ME
                          A SHOT OF SANTA AS HE MADE HIS WAY
                          TO KB'S HOUSE ON CHRISTMAS EVE ...


                          • Originally posted by kbsooner21
                            Hey Doc, go Fuck yourself! You think I give a fuck what you think about my xmas presents??? HELL NO! I fucking like it and enjoyed it. You want to keep ragging on me, I don't give a fuck, have at it. You're so fucking high and mighty, what did you get??? A pair of Scooby Doo Underoos to match the Mystery Van?? Miserable piece of dogshit... who has no chick, who couldnt get laid in a whore house with a fist full of 50's, you cocksucking bover wannabe ass pirate. i hate you and your entire family. fuck off asshat. just die already you waste of human space. YOU SUCK AT LIFE!!!!!!!

                            wow damn kb why dont you tell him how you really feel.. OUCH!!!!!
                            2013 NCAA POD Record

                            8-3ATS +3.80 units

                            2013 NFL POD Record

                            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                            • Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                              I can picture it now how kb's xmas morning was. (use your best red neck voice when reading)

                              KB's dad: mornin everyone.

                              kb's dad: AAA der kyle

                              2 ppl in unicen say "yeah paw pa"

                              KB's dad: I aint talkin to you k slab i speakin to kyle. Is your name kyle?

                              kslab: actually paw pa my name is kyle

                              KBs Dad: well dat dare aint my fault son. just keep your trap shut i is talkin too kyle dang gone it

                              KBs Dad: so where were I....oh yeah,oh yeah.....kyle son do you see dat dare hood lying outside dare up against dat tree?

                              kb.....yes paw pa i sure do.

                              KB's dad: well son dat dare rusted out old hood is from kyle busch's car.

                              KB: (eyes light up) wow paw pa really? that is simply amazing geez wiz i gotta go out dare and get a closer look at it.

                              KB's dad: yep err son dat dare hood is a one of a kind from the busch's car from his dirt track days back in arkansas. its from 1999. it be a bit dare worn out in some spots but it'll shine up nicely wit some turtle wax and alil ebow greese.

                              KB: wow this is the best christmas ever paw pa. thank you so much.

                              kb's dad: your welcome son i done love do you paw pa a favor and go pour me a tall glass of moonshine

                              Now that thar's funny ! I don't care what kinda Furry Bush ya got ....


                              • thanks Ldawg. kb must have hated it. cause i know he has read it and he hasnt oh well
                                2013 NCAA POD Record

                                8-3ATS +3.80 units

                                2013 NFL POD Record

                                1-2 ATS -4.50 units

