4 IMPORTANT questions I got:
1. Can anyone tell me where WIZ is???
2. Can someone tell me who that chick is in RJeremy's avatar??
3. Can someone tell me where RJeremy steals his plays from???
4. Can someone tell me who the best pay service is in NBA,NCAA,NFL??
Thanks alot man...I was laughing so hard i spit soda all over my keyboard....THANKS!!
Too much..haha
Another stupid useless thread by a newbie.
that is great
Now if someone would just tell me who the public is on tonight then I will be all set!
OMG, that is too funny. I was just laughing out loud in my office and my boss walked by. He probably thinks i'm retarded. HAHA.
**** The public is betting that another thread will be started asking where Wiz is****
89% of the public on it!!!!
When will this shit end.
Other useless thread by another useless newbie
He's kidding!
The funny thing is that I can't tell if some of these guys know it is a joke!

bwhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaa
Great, just great
what ever happened to SPORTSTIPSTER????
I don't think they do because they're answering the questions! haha.
This could be the funniest thread ever....lol

How bout Mary......Will somebody please buy ppp? I would but I only play $10 per game.......
Lovedoc, this lady Mary comes into the service request section and says the same thing everytime it's crazy shit.... ask Rjeremy.
Ill since you posted, what team does that chick in your Avatar cheer for???
Dallas Cowboys, working on a couple new avatars for you guys.....
Yes PPP is quite good, i cant buy them will you buy them for me?
Dude you guys must have upped your comedy level like 2 stages in the last 3 days! I also find it hilarious some people get pissed at this thread. too funny. Gotta be able to mix in some comedy right now, I like it.
1. Can anyone tell me where WIZ is???
2. Can someone tell me who that chick is in RJeremy's avatar??
3. Can someone tell me where RJeremy steals his plays from???
4. Can someone tell me who the best pay service is in NBA,NCAA,NFL??
Thanks alot man...I was laughing so hard i spit soda all over my keyboard....THANKS!!
Too much..haha
Another stupid useless thread by a newbie.
Originally posted by 10DimeBry
two IMPORTANT questions I got
1. Can anyone tell me where WIZ is???
2. Can someone tell me who that chick is in RJeremy's avatar.
two IMPORTANT questions I got
1. Can anyone tell me where WIZ is???
2. Can someone tell me who that chick is in RJeremy's avatar.

Now if someone would just tell me who the public is on tonight then I will be all set!
OMG, that is too funny. I was just laughing out loud in my office and my boss walked by. He probably thinks i'm retarded. HAHA.
**** The public is betting that another thread will be started asking where Wiz is****
89% of the public on it!!!!
When will this shit end.
Other useless thread by another useless newbie
Originally posted by Juiceitup
He's kidding!
The funny thing is that I can't tell if some of these guys know it is a joke!

bwhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaa
Originally posted by biggtickett
When will this shit end.
Other useless thread by another useless newbie
When will this shit end.
Other useless thread by another useless newbie

what ever happened to SPORTSTIPSTER????
Originally posted by Tony Vegas
The funny thing is that I can't tell if some of these guys know it is a joke!
The funny thing is that I can't tell if some of these guys know it is a joke!

I don't think they do because they're answering the questions! haha.
This could be the funniest thread ever....lol

How bout Mary......Will somebody please buy ppp? I would but I only play $10 per game.......
Lovedoc, this lady Mary comes into the service request section and says the same thing everytime it's crazy shit.... ask Rjeremy.
Originally posted by illjaunt
How bout Mary......Will somebody please buy ppp? I would but I only play $10 per game.......
How bout Mary......Will somebody please buy ppp? I would but I only play $10 per game.......
Originally posted by 10DimeBry
Ill since you posted, what team does that chick in your Avatar cheer for???
Ill since you posted, what team does that chick in your Avatar cheer for???
Yes PPP is quite good, i cant buy them will you buy them for me?

Dude you guys must have upped your comedy level like 2 stages in the last 3 days! I also find it hilarious some people get pissed at this thread. too funny. Gotta be able to mix in some comedy right now, I like it.