I can picture it now how kb's xmas morning was. (use your best red neck voice when reading)
KB's dad: mornin everyone.
kb's dad: AAA der kyle
2 ppl in unicen say "yeah paw pa"
KB's dad: I aint talkin to you k slab i speakin to kyle. Is your name kyle?
kslab: actually paw pa my name is kyle
KBs Dad: well dat dare aint my fault son. just keep your trap shut i is talkin too kyle dang gone it
KBs Dad: so where were I....oh yeah,oh yeah.....kyle son do you see dat dare hood lying outside dare up against dat tree?
kb.....yes paw pa i sure do.
KB's dad: well son dat dare rusted out old hood is from kyle busch's car.
KB: (eyes light up) wow paw pa really? that is simply amazing geez wiz i gotta go out dare and get a closer look at it.
KB's dad: yep err son dat dare hood is a one of a kind from the busch's car from his dirt track days back in arkansas. its from 1999. it be a bit dare worn out in some spots but it'll shine up nicely wit some turtle wax and alil ebow greese.
KB: wow this is the best christmas ever paw pa. thank you so much.
kb's dad: your welcome son i done love you......now do you paw pa a favor and go pour me a tall glass of moonshine
this very well may be the funniest damn thing i've ever read.
The urgent thread had been pretty boring for a while....not anymore!!!
Hey Spark. Congrats to you too buddy. Yeah I figured if they survived the Bartman moment we'd have it pretty easy the rest of the way. I couldn't get myself to pull the trigger on the over for some reason. Congrats to over backers. That was an easy one too!
Wish today's games were early afternoon games! Got nothing going on here at work!!