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Urgent Please Read/respond!!!! Part 2

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  • Originally posted by garth View Post
    I've played 2 or 3 times since last summer, but I'm going to play today. It will be ugly, I'm game that is. Supposed to get up to about 50 today here on the southern plains. Will be cold when we tee off at 11 but I have doors on my cart and a propane heater so it will be ok.

    I predict I'll have a few x's on the card, aka PUSAC maneuver (pick up and sit my ass in the cart). probably can add a couple of letters to the PUSAC acronym today, AD (and drink).

    Enjoy buddy! Where you hitting the links at?


    • Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post

      Enjoy buddy! Where you hitting the links at?
      Shawnee Elks. Played better than I thought I would. must have forgotten some of my bad habits during the layoff. and it turned out to be a really nice day. Broke even with my bets on the golf course. Wish I could say the same for my drunk bets at the pool table afterwards.


      • Originally posted by jcheckers View Post
        OK Fat Boys, you can officially remove me from the ranks of the unemployed. As of yesterday, two years to the day that I first became unemployed, I was offered and accepted a job with the Marriot Corporation in Norman. This is not one of those barely above minimum wage jobs that have become the norm in this economic downturn, this is a good paying Living Wage type of job with excellent benefits.

        The past two years have been difficult but could have been worse. I had been unemployed for 18 out of the last 24 months and while the unemployment checks help with the bills, being unemployed ain't no vacation. Things would have been much worse for us if we hadn't paid our home off in May of 2008. You cut back on everything and still lay in bed many nights worrying about what will happen when the UI runs out. Will you end up going through your retirement account? Will you have to sell the home you've lived in for 30 years and become a month to month renter again?

        I've seen some members on here who consider UI as welfare and for some it might be so. But not me, you see I'm part of a group of millions of unemployed Americans who are in their 50's and are considered by many companies as too old to be employed but at the same time I'm too young to retire and begin to draw from a retirement account without penalty and too young to draw Social Security. While age discrimination is against Federal Law, of the dozens of jobs I've applied for in the past two years only two even asked for my birthdate, age discrimination is Alive and Well in corporate America. All they have to do is look at your education on your resume and then do the math. Many people will say "Well I would take a job at McDonalds or WalMart or whatever." Let me tell you something Billy, just cause you're looking for a job don't mean McDonalds will hire you. It's hard to not be bitter about the prospect of taking a minimum wage job just to try and survive without losing everything you've worked all your life for at 3 times the minimum wage.
        I knew I was going to interview for a third time for this job and felt good about my prospects, when I filed my weekly UI claim last Sunday morning and I asked the Lord to please let that be the last time I ever have to file a UI claim in my life. Hopefully with God willing it will be so.

        I still have to go through the background check and drug test. I'm not worried about the background check but will have to study up for the drug test cause I haven't used dope in over 20 years...
        Glad to hear that you got a job! It does suck out there especially for people without degrees and as you said in the 50's & up.

        Would have responded sooner but haven't been around as much and not been in this thread much either.


        • Originally posted by 10DimeBry View Post
          sweet!!!! glad you got the job buddy.

          fyi i dont think unemployment is welfare. People who do nothing and collect welfare or disability ins. all there lives when they could go get a job at wal mart or mcdonalds or anywhere they are the ones who i hate and think are losers and scum. I'm all for helping people. I just believe strongly that UI needs to be limited to 6months or 1 year max.....i dont care what the economy is. And note my wife is on UI currently. she lost her job as a high school history teacher after 6 years June 1,2010 due to budget cuts last year. 3 months after losing our unborn son to a rare brain disorder 6months into a pregnancy. 2010 was for me the worst year of my life. It is not even close. Thing is life is good now. All we can do is move forward. I consider you a good guy and one of my friends on this site Jcheck. I hope you dont think i was someone who thought you were lazy or living off the system or whatever. Because trust me I dont and never did. My problem isnt with "the person" its with "the system".
          Not saying that I'm agreeing with you, but those that collect disability insurance/check you shouldn't think of them that way.


          • Morning Gang ... I received Great News this morning ....



            • Mornining all. Am I the only one surprised New England isn't in the AFC Championship? Should do a poll to see what everyone thinks the main reason they aren't there.

              Is it:

              The 7 minute drive in the 4th qtr where it appeared NE had no sense of urgency?

              Jets were a better team?

              Chado bet the New England money line again!!!


              • Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                Mornining all. Am I the only one surprised New England isn't in the AFC Championship? Should do a poll to see what everyone thinks the main reason they aren't there.

                Is it:

                The 7 minute drive in the 4th qtr where it appeared NE had no sense of urgency?

                Jets were a better team?

                Chado bet the New England money line again!!!

                My guess is Door #3...

                My guess is Door #3...

                TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

                I was Born my Pappy's Son,
                When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
                Jon E. Checkers


                • Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                  Mornining all. Am I the only one surprised New England isn't in the AFC Championship? Should do a poll to see what everyone thinks the main reason they aren't there.

                  Is it:

                  The 7 minute drive in the 4th qtr where it appeared NE had no sense of urgency?

                  Jets were a better team?

                  Chado bet the New England money line again!!!

                  They were out played


                  • Morning all. For the record, I'm a Vikings, Twins, and Fighting Sioux fan. Just in case any of them ever do well.


                    • Morning guys


                      • Anyone think its cold where they live?

                        Remember if your having a bad day, it could be worse, you could be having a bad day and freezing your ass off!


                        • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                          They were out played
                          I think that the jets should have won by more, you know because they out played their opponent by so much that the score didnt indicate that fact.

                          Questions, comments, complaints:


                          • Monte is a bandwagon fan of the Pats

                            He didnt like them when they sucked
                            Questions, comments, complaints:


                            • Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                              I'm glad you see that whining is a very irritating personality defect
                              Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                              No need to explain being a fan of someone buddy, you can be a fan of whoever you want. We live in America, we have the right to pull for whoever we want to.

                              You would think that a military person would understand that fact, but i guess we can only pull for a team that is in our city or has always sucked or we're bandwagon fans.

                              Stupid is all i can say with that line of thinking, but consider the source.
                              Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                              I think that the jets should have won by more, you know because they out played their opponent by so much that the score didnt indicate that fact.

                              Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                              Monte is a bandwagon fan of the Pats

                              He didnt like them when they sucked
                              Someone piss in your cornflakes this morning???


                              • Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                                I think that the jets should have won by more, you know because they out played their opponent by so much that the score didnt indicate that fact.

                                Haven't compared how long the Jets had the ball vs. NE

                                Nor have I figured the total yards Jets had vs NE and if I did I might come back and say that.

