Originally posted by 10DimeBry
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Summertime MAD LIB ... Win a FREE NFL "Survivor" entry!
Thought I'd give it a shot ....
Summer is here and July 4th is coming soon so I figured I would give Rosie O'Donnell and Dr Phil a call to see if they want to SHUT THE FUCK UP. They could go to a "I don't own a mirror" store before the BBQ and go to a Fatty Fuck camp after too and make a week out of it. Kobe Bryant has kind of been ragging lately so I figured I would get a job in the Lakers' organization and fucking trade him. Rosie O'Donnell is a vegetarian and she wanted to know if I had contacted the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and ordered a pig, cow, and animal slaughtering equipment before she commit's to coming. I did end up getting tickets to the Paris Hilton Rosary Club Weekend, and I figured if Wayne, Monte, and Spark came, they could kick her in the box for us.
It should be a felony to act like an asshole in front of the camera like they do every time and I hope you can all carve a piece of meat off of one of the tasty animals I'm getting and throw it at Rosie's fat, fish-eating mouth. If Barry Bonds and Terrell Owens are there, I promise to put on my Boston Red Sox 2004 World Championship video and show both of them how to "Take one for the team." ... a little Balco will make him do pretty much nothing in the sack with those raisin-sized nuts. lol.
It interested in our mid-summer party please email me @ www.you'reafuckingcelebritydon'ttellmehowtovoteand [email protected]
It's 1st come 1st serve becauseBrittney Spears & Lindsey Lohan are bringing bones, bacardi, and abig fat bag of blow and I can't guarantee either of them will be able to do it all night!MLB 2007 YTD: 34-25 +8.95 units
Single Unit: 10-9 -1.34 units
Double Unit: 18-13 +1.9 units
Triple Unit: 4-3 +0.40 units
Home Run Unit: 2-0 +8 units
5* Grand Salami: 0-0
Kruise: 17-7 (+11.10)
NASCAR 2007: 1-0 +1 unit
MLB 2006: 42-20 +28.43 units
Originally posted by longnexSummer is here and July 4th is coming soon so i figured i would give the inmates a call to see if they want to take a road trip to Vegas . We could go to a brothel before the BBQ and go to a strip club after too and make a week of it. Soonerbud has kind of been ragging lately so i figured i would pay him $100 and shut him the FUCK up. Meg is a vegetarian and and she wanted to know if i had sushi and mace in case Kaz showed up before she commit's to coming. I did end up getting tickets to the pussycat dolls and i figured if lsufan and kb came, they could blow it for all of us.
It should be a hot time and i hope you can all cum . If Kaptain & Spark are there i promise to put rotation numbers on all the strippers and make Wayne "Take one for the team". ... A little wacky weed will make him ban anyone . lol
If interested in our mid-summer party please email me @ [email protected] .
It's 1st come 1st serve because JMarty is bringing the kids and i can't guarantee there will be room for anyone else.winner