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To Kappa, MotormouthPimpleface, TWR and the rest of you losers

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  • knock yourselves out ..

    i will not lock this thread .. you can go ahead at it ... I believe we should have bashing forum where you can go and just bash the hell out of each other with no interference of a mod ..... as long as it is not in a posters thread and in a bashing forum


    • Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
      I guess being civil with you just will not cut it. You are a fucken 50 year old drunk who cant pick his nose and you sit behind this keyboard a good 22 out of the 24 hours of the day and yer claim to fame is yer bosses picks and getting faded.

      Heres a tip for ya asshole.........go out and get some fresh air and make something productive of yerself you fucken loser. Always stickin yer nose in where it dont belong.


      I'm not 50 not even close. Hell im not 40, nice with the names buddy. Yep, your happy go lucky alright.

      Questions, comments, complaints:
      [email protected]


      • Originally posted by Lsufan
        Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Xx Yy Zz

        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

        OK class ... Did you study? There may be a pop quiz on this later.

        In our next class, we will learn Colors!!!!!
        "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
        is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


        • I'm done, no need for class. This 50 year old no life drunk is cool
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • Originally posted by jcindaville
            I'm not 50 not even close. Hell im not 40, nice with the names buddy. Yep, your happy go lucky alright.

            Keep fucken pokin at me you stupid had no business sayin a word to me right from the beginning yet you wanted to stick yer nose in my shit.

            However old you are keep yer head str8 and look at whats in front of ya.........youy dont see me fucken with yer shit yet for some reason you always have somethin smart to say to me.



            • Originally posted by Spark
              knock yourselves out ..

              i will not lock this thread .. you can go ahead at it ... I believe we should have bashing forum where you can go and just bash the hell out of each other with no interference of a mod ..... as long as it is not in a posters thread and in a bashing forum
              Good idea. We should combine Wayne's capping contest thread and this thread then rename it the BASHING Thread.


              • Originally posted by Spark
                knock yourselves out ..

                i will not lock this thread .. you can go ahead at it ... I believe we should have bashing forum where you can go and just bash the hell out of each other with no interference of a mod ..... as long as it is not in a posters thread and in a bashing forum
                OOPS SORRY DOUBLE POST


                • Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                  Right before he started this thread he made it a point to enter my thread and say San Diego was his only loser of the day.

                  what he thought about the Jays on Sunday..........I couldve asked any other questions such as what he thought of Tiger. The guy is such a character that once he didnt get a reaction out of me he decided to make another fuss.

                  He loves the drama.

                  All I ever did was point out things that do not seem true yet the blame gets tossed on me.

                  I guess you didn't bash a new poster yesterday either huh.


                  • Originally posted by Lsufan
                    OK class ... Did you study? There may be a pop quiz on this later.

                    In our next class, we will learn Colors!!!!!
                    You know what Im sayin Jimmy? You guys had an issue the other day and now it is solved. Guess what though? Others who got involved are still on the sidelines because they shouldve never gotten involved in stuff that doesnt concern them.

                    Yet everytime something gets said this JC character always has somethin smart to say.



                    • Originally posted by frankb03
                      I meant every word I posted.

                      Regarding "OPEN" I don't agree with this sites policy of no email address exchanging. BC has a solid group of regulars. Monte and the mods should not be threaten with those members exchanging email addresses.
                      Obviously you have exchanged e-mails or you wouldn't have had that meeting in Florida.


                      • Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                        they shouldve never gotten involved in stuff that doesnt concern them.
                        In an open forum everything concerns everyone.


                        • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                          I guess you didn't bash a new poster yesterday either huh.

                          I cracked a joke, sorry.



                          • Originally posted by frankb03
                            Go idea. We should combine Wayne's capping contest thread and this thread then rename it the BASHING Thread.

                            This way it is off the main forum and in here .. You want to call someone out .. go ahead and do it in this forum or thread ... Monte was going to allow me to do that but i backed down thinking it would cause more problems .. the obvious ones .. I am sincerely thinking of it again ..

                            You have a problem with me Frank?? Call me out in this forum ... I think it may work .. It may be the best for the site .. Like I said, it will keep it out of the all sports and out of posters threads ,,


                            • Originally posted by frankb03
                              In an open forum everything concerns everyone.
                              If thats the case when do I get shit when I say someone is lying about the plays and making shit up constantly?

                              I know what you mean Frank but there are some double standards around here



                              • Originally posted by jcindaville
                                Im the most happy go lucky guy around and this type of shit is negative energy as far as I am concerned.

                                Yeah, you strike me as happy go lucky

