Why do I need to ask permission to get another's email addy? We are adults. This site is a flourishing forum. The exchange of email addys will not take this site down. You know it, I know it, eveyone knows it and the mods know it.
i wouldnt want just any tool 2 have mine without knowing.. just because it has my full name and its not a common one either....u would be surprised what u can do with a full name and know what state a person lives in...... it would be nice just 2 be able 2 click and send one though...without old ass spark taking 10 years 2 send it 2 u...
As far as me posting that I had Toronto and not any pitchers, was because as soon as there was a pitching change, Kappa had to put his 2 cents in my thread and say that Toronto wasn't a play for me....I worked until 6:PM when that game was played, and when I logged on and saw what Kappa had to say in my thread as to throw a dig at me.. I figured "why not jack him off back", so I posted that I had the team...
This is all I cared about.......one day you said you played listed and another you posted action.
I just pointed it out. You got upset and we ended up here.
Your the one that started this and then you go to the Dick heads site and say shit about me there....
...Who are you to say that I deceive someone, when you don't even know anything about me or my career...You were to young to even have a clue back then...
So before you start throwing stones at me and posting bullshit on other sites about me, like you have, get all the facts about me before you open your mouth, or should I say MOTORMOUTH:christmas
[SIZE="4"]WHY does laundry from another site have to be brought here? If you want to address it from that site, do it there. If you need to address something here, then address it here.
I think deceive isn't being used to describe your career but more about the units/tokens and the chasing after losing. Several big chalk losses followed by 1000 units (lost) followed by 2000 units (on a _220+ fav) to save the day? Then talking about winners you got from other cappers to end a positive day? C'mon you have to see how someone who follows you is going to get upset after seeing that.
I don't believe in bashing someone or someone's picks, but calling record, units and chasing into question isn't bashing in my opinion. And to add to my worthless opinion, I would advise addressing what is being called into question. Then there would be nothing for anyone to respond to right?
Good luck with your plays, posted or not. My required play is in my own post!
I just went outside and smoked a square and thought to myself how stupid this is.
Honestly Chuck what you do has zero bearing on me. If you want my honest opinion I would just post what I play on each game ie 20 bucks, 100 bucks etc and let the rest take care of itself. No need for a record.
Im the most happy go lucky guy around and this type of shit is negative energy as far as I am concerned.
If anyone is ever in the metro Detroit area please let me know and maybe we can watch some football or go downtown and play some poker or something. That goes for anyone. Weekends are a great time to hangout now that football is back in action. I know me and my friends will be at the bar every Sunday at noon watching our fantasy and gettin hammered.
All I did was point something out yet I am the one who is takin the heat.....doesnt quite add up to me.
I really would like to meet ya Chuck....anyone else for that matter if you are ever around.
[SIZE="4"]WHY does laundry from another site have to be brought here? If you want to address it from that site, do it there. If you need to address something here, then address it here.
I think deceive isn't being used to describe your career but more about the units/tokens and the chasing after losing. Several big chalk losses followed by 1000 units (lost) followed by 2000 units (on a _220+ fav) to save the day? Then talking about winners you got from other cappers to end a positive day? C'mon you have to see how someone who follows you is going to get upset after seeing that.
I don't believe in bashing someone or someone's picks, but calling record, units and chasing into question isn't bashing in my opinion. And to add to my worthless opinion, I would advise addressing what is being called into question. Then there would be nothing for anyone to respond to right?
Good luck with your plays, posted or not. My required play is in my own post!
All I did was post a thank you to the guys that won me $$$. Go and read their posts and see where I said I will follow the plays that I did...Before you give your 2 cents, know the facts..
Too many people think you are a joke of an old man who lies for attention. I personally have had enough with you.
Im through wasting my time on a worthless drunk who posts 5025/5000 -1 (-105) lines.
Best wishes Chuck.
Grow up and leave me alone then!
You wouldn't be here if you didn't want attention...Look at all the useless posts you have in this thread..
I just answered a few of your lies about me...How about ending this stupid shit and don't come in my threads any more???