I am sure everyone is aware of the horrible sex scandal going on at Penn State where Paterno's former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky is accused of being a pedophile who was sexually abusing 8 young boys over a period of 15 years including performing oral sex and anal sex on them. My question is why is Joe Pa still the head coach this morning. His failure to report the alleged offense to the police is horrible. As to story unfolds in 2002 a grad assistant walked into the atheletic facilities late one Friday night and saw Sandusky ass raping a 10 year old boy. He supposedly went to Paterno, distraught at what he saw and told Paterno about it. Paterno then goes to the AD and reports the incident and does nothing more about it. In a statement Sunday Paterno stated that the grad asst. McQueary who is now a coach on Paterno's staff, came to him in 2002 and was clearly distraught but at no time related to me the specific action alleged to be committed. I find that statement impossible to believe. If your a boss and one of your employees comes to you in a horrible emotional state about something he saw, you are not going to ask him for names. places and specific details as to what he saw. The fact is Paterno either knew and elected to protect a long time friend or he certainly should have known and reported it to police. Either way Paterno should go immediately.
