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Shame on you Green Bay!!!!!!!!!

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  • Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK
    O.K. !!! let him come to camp and let him compete with Rodgers. They name Rodgers the starter... THEN WHAT ??!!!!!


    Let him ride the bench. If he cries or becomes a problem, THEN they can suspend him for conduct reasons. Another simple one. Just like T.O. was suspended in Philly.


    • Originally posted by wayne1218
      Ummmm ... THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!

      Nobody else has him under contract and is not letting him in camp. God Damn, is it that complicated for you?

      That is their right under NFL rules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • Originally posted by wayne1218
        Fine, If Favre has a non compete clause, i understand. Something tells me he doesn't. What do you think?
        If they offer him a retirement package, the package would state that he can't come back and play. If he doesn't want to sign it and wants to come back, fine. But why should he be traded to a team that is only ok with Brett? And if GB decides to pay him to stay home while they explaore trade options, what is wrong with that? I think GB has done the best they could given the circumstances Favre has put them in.
        Three Jack's Record


        • Originally posted by Three Jack
          Because it woul dbe a circus...I agree with keeping him away. Try to trade him in the mean time. Training camp is long and with a veteran of his stature, he doesn't need a 6 week camp to get ready. Keep the circus out of town, explore the trade options, and if nothing comes to fruition, bring him into camp on August 25. Wayne, keeping him out of camp only hurts there trade value in him so they are only hurting themselves.

          See above. If they pay him and tell him to stay home, that's there perogatove. Now, if they don't pay him...thats a different story.

          So fucken what if it's a circus. He is under contract and that is that. Are you kidding me. Have you heard of the Players Union? Unless he gives them a reason to suspend him, he has to be allowed to training camp. Geez guys ... c'mon!


          • Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK
            That is their right under NFL rules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Dino Seriously, if you don't know the rules, you shouldn't try and act like you have a clue. Have you heard of the Players Union? Check it out. They do not have that right.
            Last edited by wayne1218; 07-31-2008, 10:34 PM.


            • Originally posted by Three Jack
              If they offer him a retirement package, the package would state that he can't come back and play. If he doesn't want to sign it and wants to come back, fine. But why should he be traded to a team that is only ok with Brett? And if GB decides to pay him to stay home while they explaore trade options, what is wrong with that? I think GB has done the best they could given the circumstances Favre has put them in.

              Fine, he refused to sign it and like YOU said, fine. HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO COME TO CAMP. Holy christ guys, you are agreeing with that and still arguing the point. Why???


              • Originally posted by wayne1218
                Let him ride the bench. If he cries or becomes a problem, THEN they can suspend him for conduct reasons. Another simple one. Just like T.O. was suspended in Philly.
                This is what should happen - Favre is going to let it happen


                • Originally posted by GOLDENGREEK
                  This is what should happen - Favre is going to let it happen
                  Favre has no choice. They suspend him if he refuses to show up. Than the ball is in their court. All the guy said is that he is going to report to camp. Let him implode there and then G.B. is off the hook. Right now, G.B. is doing something not allowed.


                  • Originally posted by wayne1218
                    So fucken what if it's a circus. He is under contract and that is that. Are you kidding me. Have you heard of the Players Union? Unless he gives them a reason to suspend him, he has to be allowed to training camp. Geez guys ... c'mon!
                    Wayne, they are ASKING him not to come to camp...they are not TELLING him to stay away. What is wrong with saying 'Brett, you want to come back, fine. We will explore all trade options to accommodate you. All we ask is that you stay home while we try to figure this out. Give us 2 weeks.' What's wrong with that?

                    And answer me this- why should Favre get to choose who he goes to? GB has tried to accommodate him with the NYJ and TB and he won't even answer the telephone???

                    I have not read every article on this but the 3 or 4 I have read, none of them had any information on the Union getting involved and if this was such a big Union issue, Upshaw would be front and center.
                    Three Jack's Record


                    • Originally posted by Three Jack
                      Wayne, they are ASKING him not to come to camp...they are not TELLING him to stay away.

                      Yes, for 48 hours, now 72 hours. Favre has complied and G.B. has made zero progress and then they come at him 2 days later with a 20 million offer. Are you fucken kidding me? He gave them time and they did nothing with it but stick their finger up there ass and write a check. Now, he should say fuck it and show up at camp.


                      • Originally posted by Three Jack

                        And answer me this- why should Favre get to choose who he goes to? GB has tried to accommodate him with the NYJ and TB and he won't even answer the telephone???

                        Same reason why 1,000 others with time served in league's have a choice. Manny and Griffey Jr. are 2 that come to mind today. They had a choice too.


                        • Originally posted by Three Jack

                          I have not read every article on this but the 3 or 4 I have read, none of them had any information on the Union getting involved and if this was such a big Union issue, Upshaw would be front and center.

                          The Union cannot do a thing until he is reinstated. Why do you think they are waiting on that???


                          • Originally posted by wayne1218
                            Yes, for 48 hours, now 72 hours. Favre has complied and G.B. has made zero progress and then they come at him 2 days later with a 20 million offer. Are you fucken kidding me? He gave them time and they did nothing with it but stick their finger up there ass and write a check. Now, he should say fuck it and show up at camp.
                            Ah, incorrect...they told the NYJ and TB they could talk to him. Only after Brett declined to do that over the weekend did GB jump on a plane this week when it was obvious the only other interested parties where within their division.

                            And, Favre has not complied...he can't report ot camp until Goodell clears him to do so and he has not done so...Brett has not graciously stayed away like you think he has. He has no other option because of the Commissioner, not GB!:
                            Last edited by Three Jack; 07-31-2008, 10:43 PM.
                            Three Jack's Record


                            • If they reinstate Favre and he shows up at camp, Green Bay can't do a damn thing about it. If they do, the Union will fucken crush them. Why wouldn't they just reinstate him and let Favre sit home 3J? There are bigger reasons for it and Goodell knows it. That's why he is pushing G.B. to get something done.


                              • Originally posted by Three Jack
                                Ah, incorrect...they told the NYJ and TB they could talk to him. Only after Brett declined to do that over the weekend did GB jump on a plane this week when it was obvious the only other interested parties where within their division.

                                OMG 3J, SO WHAT?

                                If Cincy told Griffey to talk to Pittsburgh and San Fran, it would be his right to refuse too. It doesn't mean Cincy can tell him to stay away from the damn ballpark. My God!

