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  • Savage,

    That is a horrible looking stock today. I dont see any news, but this is definately some selling..heavy selling..

    Hang in there!!


    • Savage,

      I bot 4k at 1.46, will look for a dime..

      Lets let the dice roll!


      • Savage,

        Thanks buddy!

        Out at 1.60!

        It isnt glamorous but taking 600 bucks on the fly like that I will never turn down.

        I had an order to buy 1K more at 1.42, didnt get the fill..but that was very very nice!!!

        Anything up with WLSF? Looks like MO used them huh?


        • WS-Good move on your part. I got greedy and paid the price for now anyways.
          If you go to Raging Bull, one of bashers, posts how this is all a contrived multiple mailing "idea" and thinks it will go to $.50.
          I like the concept of what the company does;the big question is however is the company any good.
          ps Re: Wellstone-can't explain why it is down. I am NOT buying any more here-32000 shares is plenty.
          Last edited by savage1; 02-18-2005, 03:00 PM.


          • WS-Thank god at least I am not behind, as are some suckers who bought yesterday at 2.75 when I was selling at that price.


            • What is your average basis?

              You never know where it goes..that volume isnt real big and MM's control this market as you maybe she goes back to 2 bucks for you.

              I wouldnt shoot for the moon..take little singles. I am shocked I even played it. I never buy BB stocks, but I wanted to make a trade today..glad it worked out and thanks. Looks decent, not falling back...1.66 as I type this.


              • WS-Actually I am ok. I made 800 on original 2000 shares.
                Then, probably stupidly, I bought back 3000 shares at 1.80 and then only 1000 at 1.42.
                So actually, my current basis is $1.70;big deal. I have most of original profit and am going to wait a bit here to see what happens;I will sell 1/2 on any strength from here($1.66 if any left);if it goes down, I will re-evaluate and act accordingly.
                ps you hit it just right as I did two days ago selling near the high for the day.
                Last edited by savage1; 02-18-2005, 03:16 PM.


                • Looks ok Savage..


                  Maybe you get 1.90 before the close?

                  Man I left 600 bucks on the table..oh well.


                  • WS-Don't look back. You did well. What about alti? Hows that doing? Higher or lower than when you sold it? I ask this seriously, as I don't remember your buy and sell prices. You made 5K+ Be happy.
                    Now its 1.66;I wonder how close will be.
                    Last edited by savage1; 02-18-2005, 03:29 PM.


                    • WS-Just sold 2000 shares at 1.76. Will keep the rest(2000 shares);I am happy now!
                      Last edited by savage1; 02-18-2005, 03:41 PM.


                      • PS As I write this, I am checking with Quick and Reilly to be sure that I didn't break any of the new SEC fu-ked up rules which went into effect in December regarding buying and selling before settlement;even the folks at Quick and Reilly don't undertand them, as I have got a different answer every time this issue has arisen before.
                        The peabrain just told me that I did violate some rule but no 90 day restriction;I was going to ask why they didn't put me on 90 day restriction if I did violate anything but thought better of it and just took the good news.
                        Last edited by savage1; 02-18-2005, 03:57 PM.


                        • Savage,

                          You gotta trade listed stocks, then this isnt an issue and your margin takes care of settlement issues. I remember clients back in 2000 that did the exact thing all the time..but they were much smaller than you in size of accounts.

                          I have been trading in and out of ALTI but I think it is over..volume is drying up and that is the blood line of trading...but yep it is lower...


                          • WS-My point is that you did real well with alti and price is lower than exit price on which you mae the 5k;thus don't fret over not getting the last penny out of idco;you might not have even bought it if I didn't mention it, no?
                            It would be great to buy at the bottom and sell at the top, but we will have to wait to go to stockmarket heaven for that I guess.
                            ps I still say the guys at Quick and Reilly and probably elsewhere are as confused about the new rules as are the investors re:what is allowed-kind of like the bible-many interpretations
                            Last edited by savage1; 02-18-2005, 04:26 PM.


                            • Savage,

                              I dont know what the changes me it seems the same. You cannot margin BB stocks and they have to follow regular settlement procedures since you arent margining them..and if your account is under what, 30k? You cannot free ride or trade them more than (X) number of times a week buy and sell, right?

                              Free riding has been around for years, no margin on BB stocks has too..but if you have free cash then that isnt an issue..but the buying and selling per week is. Also the daytrading buying power is a pain in the ass..I havent run into it being a problem yet, but I see it on my Ameritrade account..lucky i havent tried to trade 100k in a day..haha

                              And you are right about the top and bottom part..I was just belly aching..I am quite happy about the trade..and I could have still bot the IDCO if I was holding ALTI..

                              I also didnt mention my burning on CNLG at 3.90, tried to sell 4k at 3.99, only sold half..the other half I sold 25 cents lower..geez..Also got roasted on ASTM..I might have mentioned that before though..but I cut those losses and moved on..good trading advice.



                              • Ws-there are new stricter SEC rules according to Quick and Reilly which went into effect in December regarding what you can do and not do in an account re: unsettled funds where very little is marginable EVEN if you have ACH, which I do have.
                                One of crazy rules is that if you buy something today and then sell something else AFTERWARDS, the ACH aside, that is considered selling something to "finance" the first transaction and proceeds from 2nd transaction can't be used to offset the first transaction.(even if transactions are just a few minutes apart)
                                Now, if you sold the stock mentioned above FIRST and THEN bought the other one(even if transactions are literally seconds apart) , it is considered ok and proceeds can be applied today toward the purchase.
                                Am I missing something? This makes no sense but this is the way it was explained to me by one the "experts" in the margin department at Quick and Reilly.
                                What is funnier is as mentioned that they said I violated some rule today but I would NOT go on restriction. How come? I didn't ask.
                                The guy in Margin Dept. who tried to explain this to me was very shaky/confused in his explanation,and as stated before, I don't think he understands rules either.
                                In all fairness, I don't have any marginable security in this account other than my 1000 shares of stem, which I sold today, which is part of reason for confusion.
                                The reason for my original phone call today was that even though I had been buying/selling everything in cash/ACH, they had been putting part of my buys in margin, meaning interest, and I was wondering why;The "expert" and I agreed that it was probably doen that way to prevent any violations of unsettled funds.
                                Confused, WS? Well join the crowd.
                                ps 1) How did you get burned in astm, as last I looked this has been rising real fast?
                                2) I realize none of above applies to your account, and as a matter of fact, the "expert" said my account was a "mess" because of the trading and lack of marginable securities.
                                My larger managed acccounts is just the opposite-big solid companies with all stocks with at least a $25 valuation and most considerably higher than that;thus if I managed that, there would never be any problems with what I described above.
                                Anyways, if in doubt, I will simply call one of the Q and R bozos before I do anything.
                                Last edited by savage1; 02-18-2005, 06:11 PM.

