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  • Savage,

    It happens when people are chucking in market orders to buy and the price is moving dramatically. I have seen it happen but not too often..Amazing!

    You see ASTM? Over 4 bucks today..yikes!


    • Wallstreet-- think that will come down to earth;I sure as heck am not chasing it. I actually sold some stem the last few days(probably should not have) leaving me with a paltry 1000 shares-nice profit though.
      I may buy more irbo here;it was $ 1 a week ago(I should have sold all of it), but now instead will try to trade it.
      Got anything?
      ps Another newsletter arrived touting svse again.
      Last edited by savage1; 01-19-2005, 02:21 PM.


      • Savage,

        Market looks like crap..I think the right move is to get a list together of stocks that arent in the dog house which are going down due to the market..when they hit our prices then we buy... I have been flipping here and there, thought I made $$$ today but got burnt really bad after hours when a company decided to announce they did a horrible round of financing that day..geezzzzz


        • Wallstreet-the same has happened to me many times;there are of course a select few who know what was going to be announced before you and I.


          • Savage,

            This market looks poor..everything getting sold into, good news and bad news or neutral news is sold hard.

            I hope your hanging in long term holdings are sucking bad, but short term I had a good week actually.


            • Wallstreet-Yeah, I am hanging in there. Wlsf has been weak, and cln has been drifting;life goes on though.
              I started doing my taxes, and believe me even though I did well with wlsf, I also bought a good deal of losing crap last year which offsets a fairly good part of the gain.
              I got hur with some of that sub penny shit, and one stock, which I sold went from $.20 (at which it was supposed to buy to less than $.01-I got rid of it a few months ago);I didn't mention it to you because I was embarrassed;Lost 3k+ on it.
              ps Funny comment to Ty on your part.


              • Wallstreet-I just recieved the lastest edition of my paid subscription from the Stock Prospector(remember I told you I subscribed to this outfit because I made money on one of their picks?);they are all a buy as far as I can tell:
                Stkr(he is looking for 3 over next 12-24 months.
                Tvog-Initial target is $1, But he says to take 20% off the table at .40,.50, etc.
                Other stocks he likes:
                Ul Adr
                Tell me what you think if you get a chance to check any out;these are not the pump and dump unsolicited picks I get from time to time;I paid for these babies.


                • Savage,

                  You have a good list of high quality names there, but the list is too long and too broad. For example they have AMD which is a total dog, RMBS and CREE..three in a similar industry..might as well buy the SMH. KMRT looks might end up being good but I think the street is questioning the union of S and KMRT and maybe it wont pan out to be that great after all. MOVI, I dont know either..if they end up buying HLYW then there will be digestion problems and if not then they are left in the cold..both arent good scenarios to me. NT is a total dog but you know it could see 4 bucks again..I have LU which is kicking my a$$ so what do I know..

                  I think that list is too long and I would want specific targets and reasons for any of them. I do like a few of them, especially RMBS but I just question seding out 20 stocks on a list..your odds of overall outperformance is low.

                  Sorry about CLN..I dont want to say it..but people on Raging Bull or ***** dont know crap..I hope it goes up though but it went almost to the penny of where it spiked months ago and is now retracing the move..gotta see if she holds the lows (I know it isnt there yet) but technically it has to hold or it could go MUCH lower..shocking but true..

                  Hope the games are going well for you!


                  • Wallstreet-thanks. I may buy one or two (probably the two cheapies to try to make a few bucks)-you are right too many;its like a guy who plays the board night after night(Blake comes to mind)-it turns the odds against you.
                    Re: Cln-yeah, it is frustrating.
                    I actually bought 4000 shares in the last few days at .47 and sold them at .55 for a quick $300;you DEFINITELY don't want to get greedy with this pos.
                    To change the subject, who do you like in football tomorrow?
                    I lean a little toward NE, not very much though and no strong opinion on either game;I may just watch and enjoy;totals are tough also.
                    ps We are getting belted pretty good by a snowstorm.
                    Last edited by savage1; 01-22-2005, 11:19 PM.


                    • Gapping


                      r u familiar with gapping? do u do it yourself?


                      • Savage,

                        I got NE on Monday at -3 +119, I think I will stick with that and maybe middle or bail on real time betting Pinny has..I doubt I will be the Phils game, I just dont see value on the Birds plus they gotta prove they can win. It is interesting the NFC/AFC line already though..

                        swghost, are you referring to filling gaps or trading stocks that gap on the open? Expound on what you mean and I can go into detail..


                        • buying at the end of market, and hoping for a gap up after hours or a bounce about 15 min into market open


                          • Savage,

                            Whats up with WLSF?

                            swghost, that worked easier about 5 yrs ago, but with this awful market I wouldnt use that strategy unless you tracked the stock for weeks/months first. I believe it can work but I dont practice it.


                              On the Outside Looking In


                              • Ignore my previous post...thanks
                                On the Outside Looking In

