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  • Wallstreet-thanks;he gives impression he knows something(like he does on bhmnf;I am behind a little bit now on that one), but he was also the one who recommended I buy irbo ,for which it took a long time to get ahead.
    As stated I bought tgen on my own a while back and think I made a few bucks.
    I will probably staw away for now(I might 1 or 2 thousand shares at most if I change my mind).
    I have a feeling that in the next 5 years stem is going to be a really big winner;I just have that feeling.
    Right now I am just holding 1500 shares;if I sell something else and stock dips a bit, I might make a bigger commitment.
    What ar you looking at these days?


    • Savage,

      I dont hold any weight to what someone says about knowing things. People who frequent ragingbull and ***** have too much time on their hands to know things if you get what I mean. People that know things live in big fancy houses and work in big tall

      Side ASTM is at a year high..a big 2 bucks..and even though it has underperformed it looks decent!

      Some conference next week for stemcells?? I have been trading in and out of STEM all week..making back a bit of profits I lost on a horrible trade.

      You see TASR? YIKES!

      Looks like TGEN is down today..I hope it goes up for you..speaking of down, what the hell is the deal with LU? Man what a pig..

      See you later!


      • Wallstreet-I didn't buy tgen yet and may not.
        Astm-wow. I didn't know it went up; I sold too soon;then again if I had kept the shares, I wouldn't have made as much on wlsf;as my father used to say re: stocks, "You can't kiss all the girls at the dance."
        ps The guy doesn't hang out at Raging Bull, and we exchange private emails(he has posted ar RG, but as stated, our communication has been private).


        • Savage,

          How about you answer the question based on your past experience. Out of how many people that either public or private claim to know information on a stock, wether private or uknown or some news that is often is it legit?

          I would hate to hold you back based on this but the stock is a buck and is a dime a dozen assortment..meaning a small biotech that is searching for footing and to turn profitable. I can pull up 50 like it. Nothing wrong with that but I wouldnt buy or not based only on this guy. Unless he is going to cover any losses..



          • Wallstreet-as stated, I took a small position in bhmnf only and not tgen;lets see if he is right and the former takes off soon.
            ps your point is well taken.


            • Wallstreet-Here is the next big "winner" from the lastest tout sheet I received-EDVO.
              Last edited by savage1; 01-10-2005, 10:03 AM.


              • Why?

                Looks odd to me..


                • Wallstreet- "Why? Looks odd to me?" I don't understand.
                  I bought some more mrkl (just a few thousand more shares;it is still speculative).Very good news over the weekend but still need more to be sure this isn't pump and dump.


                  • Savage,

                    That latest recco..I checked it out..looks odd. What else do you have on it for a reason to buy? Just curious any write up you had on it.

                    MRKL has a little volume going today..I hope it goes higher for ya!

                    I have been flipping ASTM and STEM the last while..they have the volume and the movement..been trading 5k for dimes and nickles..


                    • Wallstreet-What is odd about the recommendation? Just curious.
                      I didn't read the entire article, but they are into bringing fiber optics to the home.
                      ps I am glad you are doing good with astm and stem;I still have some stem left and am holding for long term and may add more.
                      ps Its funny-ugho(which I own) tanked when mrkl went up this morning(same industry) Now ugho is way up;mm tricks as usual.


                      • Savage,

                        Usually there is some hook with the reccos you get..this one doesnt look very exciting, just wondered what the hook was there.

                        UGHO is an odd stock isnt it? I watch it go up quick and down..definately MM's having a hay day with it.

                        I wish CLN would pick up some volume and go is giving back most of the gain it had. And WLSF sure seems to be baselining..maybe nothing going on to make it move.

                        TASR getting interesting to me..but the SEC coming in could mean even lower prices.


                        • Wallstreet-What do you mean by the hook? I understand what is means in sports betting as I am sure you do. lol
                          Some of the "hypelights/headlines" from the "complimentary' newsletter-"Fiber to the Home-a multi-billion dollar opportunity for EDVO";"Revenue Model from Heaven-EDVO has already been able to build an impressive client list. Its current contracts represent more than 3000 customers at build-out. At $80-$120 per month, the existing potential client pool provides the company with up to 4.3 million in potential annual revenues."
                          "There are seven powerful reasons to buy EDVO's stock now."( It would take too long to type them). Have you had enough? I should add that the newsletter talks about this stock being a bargain at .75;it is at 1.27 currently.
                          What happened to stem today.
                          Crazy day for me-nice gains on ugho, pyto, mrkl, ipfs(did I ever tell you about that one?) but down big on stem and down on cln and wlsg. Overall, though, gains exceeded losses and it was a nice positive day;hope you also had one.


                          • Savage,

                            Yep..that was what I meant..the hook in these kind of emails or publication is like you said there.. BARGAIN at certain prices..usually some pie in the sky price know what I mean. And I love their math too.. 80-120 a month? And still with that only 4.3 M in revenues...last years income statement shows cost of revenue being 400k (yearly) and SG&A expenses (admin etc) at 2.5M add interest expense and I just dont see how they are really going to accelerate. Add that as you get more customers you get more expenses..

                            Not impressed by this you can tell!



                            • Wallstreet-yeah-its the old medicine man routine or the carnival barker screaming at everyone how easy it is to win whatever game of chance he is offering-"Step right up, folks, it is SO easy and everyone is a winner." lol


                              • Wallstreet-wlsf is getting socked pretty good today;hope it is just profit taking and nothing more.

