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  • Wallstreet-I didn't mention Pyto but it has been a nice hit-up around 2500 trades-some on trades and some on paper on remaining 3000 shares.
    Believe it or not irbo with today's movement puts me up in the 1500 or so range;I did sell 2000 shares today at .38.
    Re: Cln-what you said makes sense except I already have carryover losses from past years on other stocks to offset gains on wlsf(lol-well not really);on the other hand,you are right, unless I see some reason, there is no reason to buy more cln.
    If it weren't for cln, it would be a great year other than just a pretty good year;I bet over the years you could say the same thing;there is always at least one dog;:D
    Last edited by savage1; 12-16-2004, 12:57 AM.


    • Wallstreet-I see bcon(the mousekiller stock) is down;do you think it is good buy here or that momentum has finished and to stay away?


      • Savage,

        BCON gets the ole Pasadena if you ask me.

        Maybe when it pulls back to the 60 or 50 cent level..maybe then..

        Hope things are good with you!


        • Wallstreet-ok we wait.
          ps in my previous post the "not really" referred to the fact that I wasn't really laughing over the fact that I had carry over losses and NOT that I was kidding over these losses;I hope that makes sense.


          • Savage,

            I am thinking of buying 5k of LU and putting it away for a year..

            It looks like a good trade..might do it tomorrow.

            Market looks teetering today, after the first week of Jan we might get a whooping..



            • My old friend lucent, huh? If I am not mistaken, that is a 180 degree turn from you from last year at this time, no?
              I made good money with this stock;remember when I mentioned that the Cabot Newsletter had it in their 10 undiscovered stocks for 2004?
              What would be your target price for this company during next year?
              I would love to see siri come down to $5 (my ex-wife even more so), but it probably won't even come close to that.


              • Savage,

                You are 100% correct sir!

                This year has been good for the stock, they have improved the business, taken market share etc...

                I think the worst is behind the company and they should outperform going forward. I wouldnt be shocked to see 10 bucks in a year or so..

                hell SIRI went from 2 to 9 in a few

                I would buy some WLSF it she goes back to the buck level..given that somthing nasty doesnt come out in the meantime..

                edit) started a position at 3.73, 3k so far. Might build up to 10k..
                Last edited by wallstreet; 12-17-2004, 01:18 PM.


                • What about NT?


                  • Wallstreet-I just received the latest newsletter from the folks who gave me pyto.
                    Here is what they like in 2005no special order)
                    Obviously these stocks are much pricier than pyto, but I thought I would passs them along.
                    ps He already has nt in his model portfolio.
                    Last edited by savage1; 12-17-2004, 02:19 PM.


                    • Savage,

                      Did I not post it here? I am sorry if I didnt.. I sold NT at 3.57, before it went higher, now it is about right there again.

                      NT isnt a bad trade but I think LU is the better trade going forward.

                      I think I am also going to keep CHTR for a year..I dont have enough shares yet, only 1k or so..but I think it is a possible turn around story this next year.

                      As for LU..if she goes higher I will sit on this one..I think 5 is likely and higher is definately possible. I will add on some market drops but I gotta have one or two that I dont trade like a maniac right?


                      ps..keep your eye on the other site, it would be good to see your tips!


                      • Wallstreet-This newsletter is looking for Nortel to got to 7-7 in next 18-24 months.
                        I may buy lu or nt, not sure yet or which one if not both.
                        ps I know you talked about nt but wasn't sure of the outcome until now.


                        • Wallstreet-Here is new for you and fresh off the press from The Homerun stock Aler-HPLF-they make artificial livers. Newsletter says you could get return of up to 5000%.
                          If it doesn't do what newsletter says, well it will make "chopped liver" anyways out of anyway who invests in it.
                          Last edited by savage1; 12-18-2004, 11:35 AM.


                          • Savage,

                            I dont hate that stock..shocking huh?

                            I didnt see a .0001 cent stock, I didnt see 5 reverse splits, I didnt see a shell company.. I saw a 5 buck stock that has a 300M market cap which is actually larger than some stocks I own right now.

                            I dont see a 50 bagger though..I cant see this stock going to 250 can you? That would give them a 1.5 Billion market cap...greater than many decent listed biotechs I know.

                            I do like it is at a year high..make that a 5 yr high..that is a good thing. A bad thing is for a 5 buck stock to have over a 300M market cap...the float is big.. I would like it more if the market cap were

                            Not a bad one though Savage..might be worth investing in!


                            • Thanks Wallstreet-I'll watch it.
                              Don't forget to check out that list of 8 "beauts" I listed several posts ago.


                              • Hi Wallstreet-it looks like in short run I was right about cln. Up .10, and with 30000 shares, that is nothing to scoff at!
                                Hope everything is fine with you and your investments.

