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  • Savage,

    BCON is an alt-power company..but you are right, they could be like MACE and have security products and carwashes too..


    Money makes many do things they normally I guess I shouldnt be shocked.

    Odd thing on FON..they are pricing it funny..makes me think there isnt a second offer and the first will be only (NXTL is in there now) and that the offer will be stock related and not cash only. Supposedly Verizon is there too and has more that is the upside. If VZ offers 29 bucks cash well you have 3 bucks in the pocket right now on the trade..but if VZ backs off and doesnt offer then you are stuck with NXTL and what happens there.

    Thus the quandry and why I am not in already..


    • Wallstreet-if only we were privy to the conversations which really determine what a stock will do;its too bad someone can't invent something that can eavesdrop into these conversations;that would be great;if you jumped in early enough, you would not only make money on the stocks based on the conversations but on the stock itself which invented the device.


      • Somtimes that can happen..haha

        Get caught and it is jail time

        you know what..kick me in the a$$..instead of just buying when I started watching..I sit..and the stock goes up to a buck now..

        I might try 10k at .95 or so and see if she moves past 1.00 in after hours...I will post if I buy though..



        • Yeah keep me posted.
          I am not sure, but I think it might be DCon whic makes the mouse poison. :D
          I mentioned this stock once before and you commented on it IRBO.
          It is moving on some fairly good value today(for this stock anyways), and I still have 20000 shares. Not sure, bu I am probably not too far behind now, as I averaged down along the way.


          • Savage,

            I tried .92 for go yet.

            IRBO has a nice move, what is your basis?

            dam.. new high on BCON


            • Hi-see below.
              Last edited by savage1; 12-14-2004, 04:14 PM.


              • Wallstreet-hope you hit it with bcon and get a nice pop.
                Re: Irbo-basis is tricky since stock split after I bought initial shares.
                I will have to figure it out;i had 25000 shares and sold 5000 shares at around .27 I believe;I am going to check that too.
                Stay tuned-oops sorry for the double post-I did something wrong.
                I am going to erase one.
                I traded irbo a few times along the way also;I am curious to see where I actually stand with this.
                Last edited by savage1; 12-14-2004, 04:13 PM.


                • Wallstreet-in answer to your question about irbo, I figured it all out considering what I have traded the 2 for 1 split and what I have left;it is actually a very interesting juncture, and I am actually quite happy considering I was probably down 4-5K at one time.
                  Anyways, on what I traded along the way based on the way I am calculating it, I am actually ahead $337.
                  My average basis for the remaining 20000 shares is at .328 ,interestingly right where the stock is now.
                  I have to decide whether I should be happy to be even and sell all or maybe half of shares, maybe enough to cover costs or just let it ride, as it seems to be in an uptrend of late.
                  I will have to ponder this;of course your advice will be taken into account.
                  ps Any luck with Bcon?
                  Last edited by savage1; 12-14-2004, 10:46 PM.


                  • Savage,

                    How funny that I was on late and you were!

                    Nice job coming back on that stock..even a buck ahead on some of those interesting stocks you play is

           luck on BCON..damn it..traded to 1.30 in after hours..missed almost a 50% trade since I posted it to you here.. (was around 80 cents, 78 cents)

                    Interesting thing on that stock of yours..WLSF..was looking at the chart..


                    Looks outstanding btw..but this is what I calculated..they have done 3 stock splits since July 03..why? I have no clue...but before all these splits their price is actually very this..

                    Stock price at 1.28-

                    1.28 X3 (3 for 1 on Oct 6th 2004)= 3.84

                    3.84 X 64/9 (64 for 9 Oct 03)= 27.30

                    27.30 X 5 (5 for 1 on Jul 03)= 136.53

                    What the hell is wrong with this company? Why dont they go straight, file for acceptance to the NASD and stop with all the bullshit? Their real price is 136! I cannot understand why they would continue to trade on the OTCBB and do these stupid stock makes no sense.

                    Interesting, thought I would share that with you..

                    I gotta trade one of these I am I am mad about BCON...what is worse though, I watched it down to 40 cents in was 40 cents just this week! Damn that s a 3 bagger on a stock I know and have traded.

                    I have made some very poor decisions this year and some good ones too..


                    See you tomorrow!

                    edit) to answer your question on that stock...let it go but this time cut it loose if it goes against you. There are too many opportunities for you to play (especially you) to lose money on a stock that you really dont care about. Let it run but if you go down a bit, meaning to say 100 up..I would let it go, or pare your position back..


                    • Hi Wallstreet-thanks as always for the great advice.
                      I didn't know about the OTHER split on wlsf-I only knew about the most recent one;I guess it doesn't make sense other than I guess to allow more people to buy more shares at lower prices.
                      Do you think based on all these splits, it may be overvalued?
                      Re: Irbo-I am almost embarrased to admit I bought initial holdings based on a tip from someone who gave me another small stock earlier on which I made a few bucks;actually he told me to buy it at .50 (it was actually $1.00, but that was before the split). I am going to wait a little bit longer I guess, but if it goes down to $.28 or so I might unload.
                      Up until the last few days, there was always a $.06 or so spread on bid and ask, as it was thinly raded.
                      Sorry about bcon;it looks like you were right on but not on it going down once it got to $1;just let me know if and when you buy it(or anything else for that matter).
                      Good luck as always.


                      • Savage,

                        WLSF looks just fine!

                        Order in on BCON at .94...missed it by 1 cent...



                        • Thanks Wallstreet.
                          Irbos has been moving because of goods news related to radiation treatment;I just sold 2000 shares at .38-18000 left.
                          I can't believe I am actually up $1400 or $1500 after being down over 4K.
                          ps Good luck with bcon;ket me know what happens;I see it hit $1.44 today-boy what a quick move from yesterday's low.


                          • Wallstreet-pyto is also moving nicely. I had 5000 shares, sold 2000 of them at a profit, repurchased the 2000 shares and then sold them again for a profit , leaving me with 3000.
                            Last edited by savage1; 12-15-2004, 07:47 PM.


                            • Wallstreet-here is a question: Do you think that the so-called January effect might apply to a stock such as cln, and that it might not be a bad idea to pick up some more shares for trading purposes only?
                              If not, do you see any other stocks which might be suffering from the January effect and would be good pickups for a short term gain?


                              • Savage,

                                Nice job on PYTO...unless you arent telling me somthing, you have done a very nice job with these risky stocks as of late!!

                                I think CLN will get absolutely zero January effect. I am sorry to say that because I know you are so heavy in the stock. I think they have problems that need to get resolved...the stock looks like death...searching for a bottom and cannot find one. I wish I had better news but I just do not.

                                Want my honest opinion? You might not like this but it is my christmas advice to you.. I know you have some nice gains booked in this year, especially on WLSF... I would take an hour or two and see how much you have in gains....then sell some CLN to offset your have plenty of it and it might be very healthy for you to dump this dog for a bit. If I am not mistaken the time you have to be out for wash rule is 30 days?? Not 100% positive but I can find out. I would sell some to offset your gains..then if you want to buy back after the wash rule is done then you can do so...

                                Its your choice but like I have said before, I will sell a dog after a nice lightens my portfolio, doesnt feel as bad and gives me more capital for trading.

