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  • no relation, and not sure of the spelling, but that is how I got the nickname in college. I don't pretend to know a lot about stocks, I usually just take tips from friends and stuff, and then make my own decisions on what to buy or not buy.


    • as long as I'm asking for advice (if you don't mind wallstreet), another one that someone suggested to me this week, was IIP. It is only like .67 right now, and I don't know much about it. Any opinion?
      Last edited by Gookis; 12-02-2004, 01:35 PM.


      • Gookis,

        DDD looks great..I dont know enough about it, but it is hitting new highs and I would recommend to let it run but keep an eye on it..I know that is lame but in a market like we have the stocks making new highs keep making need to back out of a winner. That said you still have to watch and make up your mind when enough is enough either on the upside or downside..

        Regarding IIP..unless you know somthing I dont, why put money in a stock going down and making lows when there are 100,000 making new highs? If you get in just use caution and buy in pieces..

        And where to put the SIRI money..I would look at stocks making new highs with volume..break outs are going higher and making higher just need the volume.

        Lastly I think we are getting frothy and we may not be done for another month but lets not put any trade on auto pilot and make sure we guard our profits and losses correctly..that goes for me and savage and anyone else lurking..


        • Hi Wallstreet-some profit taking today in wlsf.
          I bought 2000 shares of wlsf on dip to 1.25 and sold it about a half hour later at 1.36. A couple of hundred bucks after commmision isn't bad for a quick trade.
          The best trade I ever did was about4 1/2 years ago when I had that iatv stock;I will never forget it;it was VERY volatile, and it was during the internet bubble.
          Anyways, I think stock went down to around 16;I bought 1000 shares and less than an hour later it was back over 23 for a nifty 7K profit.


          • Savage,

            Nice trade and it is never bad to take a quickie now and then. You know I like those kinds any day of the week.

            Not severe profit taking at all..they tried to take it down but buyers came in..not a bad sign.. a bad sign is if the stock makes lower lows into the rest of the day..then dumps more on monday on big volume..then dies, meaning no volume for a week..

            I think you are fine.

            I missed BIOM..tried to get it early in the day when CNBC mentioned it, but I didnt do it..stock a buck higher since then..


            • Wallstreet-lets face it- wlsf is a rarity, and reality is that a couple of hundred dollars profits is the more normal way to go in everyday trading.
              re: biom-I owned this stock a long time ago and at best broke even;it looks finally it is getting reeady to move, and I am watching it now that you mentioned it.


              • Wallstreet-I forgot to mention I bought 2000 trading shares of pyto at 1.04 a couple of days ago and am now trying to sell them for 1.23, which would be good for around $350 profit after commission;slow and steady wins the race.


                • Savage,

                  This is a good thing for you..I know it is not your normal behavior to buy and sell rather quickly, and somtimes it isnt the right thing but other times like now in a listless market it is a great way to knock out a very good return. Do that a few times a week and you will amass a large sum (assuming you use stops on losses too..)

                  I didnt feel like answering that guy about trading for income..there is no way I would recommend trading for a living even a part living until you have experienced success and failure and are able to increase a portfolio over a period of time. I doubt even I could do it for income..too much stress. Also add that this market we have now will be gone and we will be back to hard earned profits....just wait until we get into a prolonged downturn of more than 1 day..the little guy is going to get it across the chops again..just like in 2000, 2002 etc..people get in who are over exhuberant and dont follow sound principles, dont sell when they have a loss and use margin..

                  Sorry for the long paragraph there..I just cannot recommend to someone who has no experience about trading for money you have to rely program or mentor can do this without at least a year of hard study..


                  • Wallstreet-Well said, and I agree with you 100%!


                    • Wallstreet-wlsf dipped to 1.23 earlier, and I almost bought some shares back.
                      Then when it started to move up ,I did buy back 2000 shares at $1.33 bringing me back to 27000 shares.
                      Am I too greedy? Only time will tell.


                      • Ultra quick trade..sorry I wasnt here to post the buy..

                        BOT 2000 RCO at 3.80 and sold at 4.11..

                        600 bucks but the stock moved another 50 cents..which means I left 1000 on the table..

                        It is rough to sell when you cant watch the trade all day..but 600 bucks is 600 bucks and not bad for a 30 minute trade.


                        • Wallstreet-congrats on the great trade!
                          Now put the whole thing on a 4 teamer tonight which pays 12-1. Maybe Jack Price or Stu Feiner can tell you what teams to play.:D


                          • Savage,

                            Ever since I quit trying to think I can cap games worth a crap my trading has improved..

                            But given that I did like some games last weekend but didnt play.

                            I thought the Beagles line was a joke, the Pats line was a joke and Louisville would win too..I didnt bet on any of those but also was curious on the S.Miss looked a like a total mismatch but I didnt like that line either.

                            Oh and fade the hell out of the Giants they there is a 5 teamer right there..just in the style of Price and Feiner..after the fact..


                            • Yeah Wallstreet-lets stay with stocks and let those who think they can win big by simply/only betting big over time stay with the games.
                              The surest thing is that VERY few people over a period of years can make a living at this by just betting(booking bets is another story) no matter how much they brag.
                              Anyways-surprise, surprise, surprise;I just received my first paidnewsletter from The Stock Prospector, the outift which gave me pyto, which has been profitable(although profit taking has set in).
                              Here are the stocks and most of them are definitely not of the penny variety;check them out and tell me what you think.
                              Some of these are well known, but still I am curious as to whether you have any opinions.
                              1) GENZ
                              2) ENCY
                              3) MRX
                              4) MEMY
                              5) LSBC
                              They are all in medical discovery area.
                              In a separate sample newsletter from another outfit, SLLR is the recommended stock.
                              No rush, but obviously an unbiased opinion would be appreciated.
                              Lately other than pyto I have not purchased any new stock.
                              Last edited by savage1; 12-09-2004, 11:17 PM.


                              • Hi Wallstreet-Did you get the private email I sent to you?
                                wlsf down on news about acquring smaller tobacco companies plus question ofhow valid the patents are.
                                I am sorry now for the new purchase.
                                Siri as you and I expected is getting slammed.

