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  • Profit taking is setting in on pyto. I am glad I sold 40% of my holdings at higher prices;I am thinking about re-entering if it gets down to around $1.03-$1.05.
    I just repurchased them (2000 shares)at 1.04;hope this isn't a pump and dump job.
    Can you believe that the stock gave back just about all of the run from .89 to $1.50 that fast. Market manipulation at its finest!
    When will I ever learn!
    If things go to form, stock will trade in a narrow range for a while and then go up, and mm's will then hope those who bought at higher prices will sell after they get even;after all weak hands are out of stock, perhaps there will be another leg up and more profits for the greedy mm's who prey on the weak and fickle.
    Last edited by savage1; 11-30-2004, 01:32 PM.


    • Savage,

      Holy hell what a dump..

      It just goes back to what we both know..anything outside the general markets is a zoo..anything can and will happen. It is amazing that you are almost back to the entry price.. 92 cents for the low.

      I am also glad you took profits on the way up..way to go!

      One other thing that has bothered me and I have to say it regarding WLSF..

      What profit motives does MO have to buy filters from WLSF? The bottom line for any corporation, but especially MO is the profits.. and I dont see how the filters for WLSF are cheaper than what they have now. I know about taste blah blah...but to me I dont see MO buying their me skeptical but I just dont see it. I hope for you that they do, it would be a nice move for the stock, but I dont see the value there for MO..

      Let me know what your views are here..

      I think I am going to nibble on ECST today at 19.75, a 1/2 position..

      And damn I am mad at TASR..I tried to cheap my way in again last night after hours, and it cost me 1000 bucks trying to save a few cents. (I had an order at 50.50 and never got filled).



      • Wallstreet-Do you think Mo feels threatened by the fact that wlsf is willing to go it alone and make their own cigarettes;from what i have read they have already taken their product into Europe and are getting ready for production.
        However the fact that mo and wlsf may be possibly negotiating means nothing;they(mo) may tell wlsf to go f-ck themselves and figure that it is David vs Goliath all over again, and that they will prevail over the upstart in the long run.
        Last edited by savage1; 11-30-2004, 01:58 PM.


        • I may take 5000 shares of wlsf off the table(have 30000 shares presently) soon if today's gain evaporates entirely.
          Before I head out the door for lunch, here is another "beaut" I just found in my mailbox-fdei. The newsletter is 14" by 10 1/2." I guess they want to be sure you see it.
          ps The name of the newsletter is The Superstock Investor(more likely The SuperSUCKER Investor. :D
          Last edited by savage1; 11-30-2004, 02:08 PM.


          • Savage,

            I think MO entertains many companies ideas and products and what you said is right. I hardly think they are intimidated by WLSF and their products..since there are 3-5 other heavy weights making cigs, I just dont see WLSF making it against the bigger players. What cells cigs is two things (to me) advertising and price..what brands people know from advertising and what is cheapest..and WLSF has no brand following and do they have deep pockets for advertising?

            And keep sending me those other picks..if you want me to look into one or two let me know...


            • Wallstreet-check fdei. It looks like just another energy stock to me with superhype.


              • Savage,

                I hate the 10 for 1 split on a 10 buck stock, and a 3 for 2 today announced.. I dont trust the reasons since there is no need for it than to have more authorized shares for the company to sell..

                Dentist appt, but I will look into it more later..

                PYTO bouncing for you...I hope it goes back to 1.40!


                • Wallstreet- I started reading the newsletter, and of course they are trying to give compelling earnings based on prospects, PE ratio, why this POS is woth $20 a share;I couldn't take any more.


                  • Wallstreet-Judging by the price action, it looks like I should have sold more stem than I did;sometimes this stuff is so predictable(unlike the ballgames), it is funny;what is not funny is that I didn't act on my own instincts and sell more-the same for pyto.


                    • Savage,

                      Sorry to see STEM dive for you, it happened while I was out..but it isnt really that surprising to me as per our discussion yesterday..but I think you will get another chance at this one. You might get the chance to add around 2.70 or lower if the market starts to dump for a bit..but I think you see 3.50 before you see 2 bucks..not that it makes you feel better.

                      I am down initially on the ECST, but will add if she drops another 2 bucks or so..and looks like I missed selling NT at 3.50, but I like how it is acting and think it can go higher too..

                      And on that newsletter..well I cant say it is somthing I would buy or read but if you get on the right side of a trade or two I guess it makes it worth while. I just do not trust the author or their relationship with the said company....definately in the same ballpark as a tout and a sportsbook they


                      • Wallstreet-good analogy in your last paragraph;to coin the old cliche, its like the fox guarding the henhouse in a sense.
                        Re: Stem-sure I could have and maybe should have sold my remianing 2000 shares when it was higher, but I still think longterm stock will do well;its not so terrible if stock goes down, and as you say, I can always buy more.
                        Last edited by savage1; 11-30-2004, 06:24 PM.


                        • Savage,

                          I sold the NT at 3.55 today..I feel it goes higher but on the other hand they are required to update the progress on their audit every 2 weeks or so and it has been a bit of rather than roll the dice on a dissapointment, I prefer to take profits and not worry..

                          WLSF looking good...nice trade!


                          • Hi Wallstreet-congrats on the trade.
                            I was starting to write at the same time you were.
                            i just sold 2000 shares of wlsf(maybe I should sell more) at 1.29;don't want to get too greedy. I have 28000 remaining. What a stock!


                            • Savage,

                              I added a 1/8 position on ECST at 18.75..hope this one doesnt turn into a

                              WLSF doing very well...


                              • nibble nibble..

                                added a tiny bit at 17.85

