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  • Wallstreet-yeah yesterday was nasty.
    Here is one more just received today (boy I have received so many "millionaire" stocks of late)-pyto.


    • Wallstreet-believe it or not I just bough 5000 shares of pyto at .89.
      I read the newsletter, did some dd and decided that they have some nice medical breakthroughs-cancer and its effects, obesity, lowering cholesterol,etc.
      If it goes down to around .78 or so, I will sell.


      • Savage,

        Good luck with the PYTO! Looks like it is on a high and no reverse better than most picks you get from that rag

        I bot some ULTE at 2.23 today..local electronics store, thinking 3 should be ok with xmas coming and them reporting..I dont consider that a high risk trade.


        • Wallstreet-thanks and best of luck with ulte.
          My ex-wife is really depressed about siri-how fast it has risen SINCE she sold it;I tired to console her, but I(and you) have been there and know the feeling.
          Anyways stay in touch and with picks, oops,I mean recommendations-picks sounds kind of crass like we are talking football.:D


          • Wallstreet-now thats what I like-a stock like pyto which doesn't go down right away after you buy it but moves slowly but steadily up. (actually quite fast today).
            Last edited by savage1; 11-25-2004, 04:45 PM.


            • Savage,

              Very nice action on PYTO..I hope it goes to 2 bucks for you. There is somthing to be said about buying on 52 week highs, that stocks go higher that are moving higher..

     I dont know what to think about that reversal yesterday..moved up on volume and down intraday, been down since.

              I am thinking about buying an internet commerce stock for Dec..names I am considering is ECST, SHOP etc..

              Good luck with the PYTO!


              • Hi Wallstreet-I just sold 1000 shares of the pyto at.1.19 of the 5000 purchased at .89. I don't want to get too greedy;so far profit is around $1500 for just a couple of days "work."
                Hope you had a nice holiday and that your stocks are rising.


                • Savage,

                  PYTO looks good..another up day on the stock, but you are right..profits are there, you take them and dont look back.

                  Congrats on a winning trade.

                  I am eyeing a few stocks, but didnt buy or sell anything today.

                  Funny...I had a good feel that SIRI would move again..even with the news out..too much momentum to stop the stock.

                  NT almost to my sell point at 3.50, but who knows maybe I let her run if it passes that point.

                  I am not sure if the market will give back some next week, it is hard to be patient when I want to dive in, but that is the plan anyway..



                  • Hi Wallstreet-thanks and hope you have a nice profit on Nortel.
                    Re: Siri-we figured out that ,my exwife at one time had something like 10-12000 of shares of Siri and most of it was unloaded in the 2's to make a payment for well for a new house which she and her new husband can't even afford to buy(the house) for at least 5 years;not to criticize and be a Monday morning quarterback, but I thought move was not prudent ffrom the start.
                    You can always find a house when you are ready to buy one, but to tie all your money up so soon made no sense to me.
                    As you might expect, she is "heartsick" over seeing Siri move so quickly after she unloaded her remaining shares(I know I mentioned it before but don't know if I mentioned all the details).
                    To change the subject I am standing pat with the biggies-wlsf,cln and pyto for now but made sell some more shares(maybe another 1000) of pyto if it goes up a little more.


                    • Savage,

                      Your PYTO still looking good!

                      Glad you have another nice hit on a stock.

                      You see EAG? Remember that one? Well it has run from 60 cents and almost hit a buck today..not sure why and I dont have it....just a curious move..

                      SIRI with another big reversal..might be market related since everything has cracked..but it sure has been a good play off lows.

                      Nice move for STEM again today. I bet you will be ok with it since you averaged in (nice job) and Jan is usually decent for the group..


                      • Hi Wallstreet-I just sold another 1000 shares of pyto at an average of 1.34.
                        Great investment so far-I invested $4464 just one week ago and have over a 50% return.
                        I think I will keep the remaing 3000 shares for now but will sell more on strength.
                        Wlsf and stem are doing well;alas, if only cln could join the crowd.
                        Hope everything is well with you, and I will keep an eye on the stock you mentioned along with siri.
                        ps As a show of gratitude for pyto, I took a one year subscription to the Eric Dany's Stock Prospector, the outfit which recommended the stock in a free newsletter.($79).
                        I hope I am not pressing my luck here;I will of course let you know all their recommendations for your assessment.


                        • Savage,

                          You deserve to pamper yourself after taking a risk on that stock..I am glad it paid off and I am even more glad you are selling some as profits are there.

                          STEM is on a huge roll..very very bullish move here, keeps hitting new highs..I like the action quite a bit.

                          I might take profits if the stock opens higher tomorrow on any kind of volume. We both know how quick this guy can fall..and you deserve to offset some higher prices if you decide to. Or better yet..if you want to use a stop, now you can and know it isnt so rough.

                          3.20 and looking great.


                          • Wallstreet-thanks.
                            I just got home from taking my daughter to ger guitar lesson and was not aware of the big move in stem;I just sold 500 shares at 3.19;I have a couple of thousand left and will keep.
                            I must be almost even now if I take the profit I made initially against what I am down now on the new purchases.


                            • Savage,

                              STEM did almost to a T what I thought..buying after hours meant a higher open..and now selling off a bit.

                              I sold my ULTE for 3.20 today..what a big hit for my little account. I had 2000 shares of course, so almost made 2000 bucks.. I hope I get another chance at this one, it seems to do this a few times a year.

                              PYTO up again..good for you! WLSF looking good too..


                              • Hi Wallstreet-Congrats on the nice hit!!! I am jealous. lol
                                Just kidding;I should have listened.
                                Anyways, re: wallstreet-not to toot my onw horn f too much, as I have had plenty of losers, but if you look at my original post in this thread, I asked rhetorically if wlsf was undervalued at .62.
                                Well after the 3-1 split, that would make price then around .21.
                                At today's price it has appreciated about 5 1/2 times;thus I guess it was undervalued.
                                I suppose a real gambler could say "Big deal-I could make as much on a 3 team parlay." That may be true, but I would rather take my chances with a stock especially considering the amount you would have to put up on a 3 team parlay to make the same.
                                Sure, I took some profit along the way but thankfully I have better than 60% of original shares and I did trade it successfully along the way also.
                                Anyways, I still think IF this pans out, meaning smokers like the taste of the cigarette, this could be the tip of the iceberg.
                                Pyto and stem holding up well.
                                Of course like some of the scamdicappers who lose, I am not going to say much about cln at this point.:D
                                Hope YOU hit some more homeruns soon!!!

