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  • Savage,

    Big congrats on WLSF, that is a big move. You are right that it could be big for the company, but I thought they were going at it alone???


    • Wallstreet-thats what I thought until the news was released yesterday.
      Alas-it looks like I should have taken more off the table, but as someone on the ragingbull chatboard said/implied, if you take too much of the table you might have a nice short term gain but might miss the 10-30 bagger later;time will tell on that latter predicition.


      • On a more depressing and somber note cln is tanking some more.
        All I know that if it weren't for wlsf this would be one crappy year for me.


        • Savage,

          Back to the thought from the other day, I know on the Naz and big board there is min price requirements. I dont know enough about the Amex, so maybe they dont..but if they do, CLN can either do a reverse split, move thestock higher with news or get delisted.

          Missed two great trades yesterday on TASR and AIRT..need to be better at pulling the trigger.

          STEM up a bit..I wish I could short that mad cow stock..


          • Wallstreet-hot off the presses is another stock pick I just received in newsletter entitled Geoffrey Eiten's Critical Investor Alert.
            Stock is an energy one called Silver Star Energy, Inc. Symbol is SVSE.
            Low projection for stock is $3-$3.50, and high projection is $6.50-$7.00.
            I wonder which pumper is doing the projecting. :D


            • Savage-


              Gotta love that 12 for 1 split in Nov 03..are you kidding me?

              It doesnt look bad actually..I have seen worse charts in ones you have brought to me..
              This stock is pure speculation, no income, carrying huge losses forward.

              You could do worse but you know I cannot reccomend buying it.

              You gotta love pumpers who project a 300% RETURN AT MINNIMUM..


              Bot 500 TASR @ 57.75, lets see where she goes. I am pissedat myself on AIRT, I tried to cheap it after hours last night rather than paying 20 more 3 bucks higher that my order..


              • Wallstreet-Good luck with tasr.
                I am sour on energy/mining stocks.
                I don't know if I mentioned it before but I own too many shares of gptc bought at much higher prices than where it sits presently-in short a bigtime loser..
                On the other hand the source is the same one who provided me with wlsf-so I can't bitch too much.
                I think I will pass on svse for now-as I have found out the hadr way, these flash-in-the pan stocks are a big risk, and usually by the time YOY buy it, it is in last stage of pumping phase and then collapses like a deck of cards.


                • Savage,

                  We shouldnt be shocked that firms pump and dump crap..any stock listed on the BB or PK has fundamental problems. And you are 100% correct, firms that put out crap like that are usually in bed with the company or have some ulterior pumping so another firm can short it into the move etc..

                  It reminds me of Boiler of my fav market movies..

                  I am looking for an exit on TASR..just a one day quickie..order in for 28.30 on the sell..makes 250 and that is fine with me.

                  Also going to make a speculative buy on ULTE..small local electronics firm, moves up and down with same store sales numbers..


                  • Wallstreet-you are right as usual.
                    I like your no nonsense not get greedy approach-get a quick small profit and don't hang around.
                    The real professional horseplayers make their profits the same way-taking the best horse in the race and betting a lot to show rather than place or win.


                    • Savage,

                      I am baffled at this order I placed on Ameritrade..I know I put it in at 58.30, but they filled me at a decent profit turned into a piddily dumb one..

                      I gotta check my orders after I place them from now on.

                      STEM is holding on nicely, I hope that was the bottom and you go back to 3 bucks..2 bucks plus!..

                      I made such an amature mistake..I put in the order at 28.30..geezzzzzz..

                      Ameritrade doesnt warn like some other software telling me I am trying to sell a stock 30 bucks below the current market price..



                      • Savage,

                        Did you see SIRI after hours?

                        This isnt due to Howard, it is due to Mel Karmazan being on board..

                        I am drooling to short this stock if she can cross 6 in after hours. If it does I will short it..

                        It is a big deal for the stock, but this price is a joke.

                        Congrats to those who own it..what a shock!


                        • Wallstreet-me ex-must be shi ting in her pants about siri.
                          I just got through spending a couple of hundred bucks onh Sox souvenirs, clothes, etc. and celebrating my huge day with wlsf.
                          On paper I made about $9600 today on that one stock alone.
                          Now if only cln could move(well i can dream can't I), and yes stem came back somewhat.
                          Now you know why I said/yesterday about rolling with the punches;who knows wlsf may go down $.20+ tomorrow, and I will be kicking myself;as you know the market is a very inexact science.
                          ps I have also put in incorrect orderss at Quick and Reilly, but they have notified me of the error.
                          Last edited by savage1; 11-18-2004, 06:03 PM.


                          • Wallstreet-here is another speculative one I received via newsletter in the past few days tren.
                            Just think- if you lose a lot of money with this stock, you can conveniently say that you got run over by a "tren."
                            Add cogl and atsx to the new "arrivals."
                            Last edited by savage1; 11-19-2004, 12:55 AM.


                            • Wallstreet-I guess the site was down for a while.
                              One last get rich stock I just received today- aani.
                              I sure wish it was as easy to get rich as these publications would have you believe.
                              I stood pat today-some proit taking inwlsf.
                              Hope your trades have been working out for you.


                              • Savage,

                                I couldnt get on all day yesterday..

                                Hope things keep going well for you.

                                I will check out those stocks, never know if one makes sense or not.


