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  • Wallstreet-as usual I appreciate your very knowledgeable commentary.
    I did not quite understand your reference to the second hand smoke re: wlsf and how it could impact the stock now.
    Re: Cln-the conference call is Monday, and rumor has it the news will be HUGE-actually the rumor is that have hired a new janitor with outstanding credentials to mop the premises(fitting as most shareholders including myself have been "mopped' already).


    • Savage,

      Re: 2nd hand smoke..

      WLSF going into the cig making business..and with the nice profit margins of cigs comes the litigation and downside of making them.

      If lawyers find out that there was legitimate hiding of a study that proves 2nd hand smoke is harmful etc, then it means more litigation for cig companies.

      Making cigs is a high risk business..even with a nice filter.

      just looked at WLSF, looks like a good day!

      Oh and I hope CLN goes to 2 bucks for you, it would be well deserved..


      • Wallstreet- I understand better now what you mean.
        Well, if the worse case scenario happens and wlsf collapses, and I get "smoked," at least I can say that what happened to me("smoked') was fitting to the stock.:D


        • Savage,

          I have been doing the dance with the devil the last two days on these low floaters. I would never post such things here since it is extremely high risk..but it has been wild and good.

          I did buy 1/4 position in NT today at 2.94. The stock could go to 2.50, I would keep buying as I see 3.50 back in the cards and I think even though they stink up the joint, the market loves to bring them back and I am willing to take that risk.

          Look at GOAM today...from 7 bucks to almost 12..


          • Wallstreet-I was busy earlier;anyways nt sounds good;I had good luck with lu-thus maybe there is value here with its sister stock.
            Congrats on the run you are on.
            People are saying decision day is on Monday with cln with the cc;I have a feeling it will be a yawn and stock will do nothing.


            • Savage,

              Its tough but I feel like NT should be a very large position..meaning like 1/4 to 1/2 of my volitile portfolio. I have watched these weenies since they first announced accounting problems. The stock goes down, then right back up as people are betting on them being done and looking for the SONS type of home run. I am not looking for a homerun, rather a move to 3.50 which given a continued market ramp should be easy.

              One comment on CLN..dont trust what others are saying..they have done horribly all the way down and they are obviously filled to the gills in the stock already. But..on a positive side..anything good could mean a nice move since the stock has been crushed. I hope for your sake they dont get a notice from the AMEX and are forced to do a reverse split..I dont think that would be good for you or the stock.

              Thanks for the well is nice to get back what I lost on the last STEM trade and a bit more..

              Have a good weekend, and best of luck on the games. And you should stop calling Jack Price..haha


              • Wallstreet-I am sorry I bought back into stem.
                That seems to happen to me quite a bit-just recently with stem and mrkl-have a profit and then buy back in and lose.
                Oh well-wlsf has saved the day for me;I would hate to see what my overall profit, actually loss is this year without it.
                Cln-we will see-I wasn't aware that Amex could order them to do a reverse split.
                Anyways life goes on, and actually things are pretty good with my retirement, my 9 soon to be 10 year old daughter and life in general.
                To change the subject I wonder how many points Northcoast's GOY will jump tomorrow once it is released.
                I will probably throw a few pesos on it if line is reasonable and maybe a small tease to go with it(I don't play many teasers-they kind of remind me of buying calls lol).
                Anyways I sure hope everything in market and more importantly your family is fine and will talk to you soon.
                ps As you correctly assume, I am amused/entertained by Jack Price and how he tries to market himself on a daily basis. :D :D
                Last edited by savage1; 11-12-2004, 11:03 PM.


                • Wallstreet-call me stupid, but I just bout anothe 1000 shares of stem(3000 total now) at hopefully what is a bargain price of 2.54.
                  If this stock goes to around $2.25, I may sell all of my shares and move on.


                  • Savage,

                    Looks good, I was thinking it is buy time myself.

                    I keep watching and playing those microcaps..damn it if I missed this morning due to a dentist appt and one I owned last week was up 100% today.l


                    If you are interested, look back on that list I put up and watch them...there is more to go on these guys..for many reasons.

                    Sorry to see CLN down again..and I hope this week is good for the stock and you!

                    NT hanging in..thinking about some other stocks too..


                    • Wallstreet-my "fortunes" have turned a sour the past few days with stem and cln.
                      Never mind cln for now, but do you think I should exit all/part of stem now and take my lumps or maybe wait until it closes at 2.25 or some other lower price?
                      Obviously I have the final say but would like your take.


                      • Savage,

                        When all else fails and I have no clue about where a stock is going to, especially if I am taking a loss personally (which I do from time to time), I look at a chart..and in this case it looks to me that the stock is very close to a full retracement. It doesnt mean it cant and wont go lower, but in my opinion you should set the line in sand and stick to it. That means if the stock goes to 2 bucks, you get out etc..

                        I think that is where you are having the most difficulty..setting your out and living with it. I dont like doing it either but I would rather lose a little and regret when it goes higher (which I do also) than to let a position get bigger and bigger and the stock keeps going down.

                        I think there are reasons that the stock can go higher, I dont see 4 in the cards, but maybe 3. When congress comes back and the adjenda starts being discussed, stem cell research is brought up. Then these stocks go the California discussion will come up which is a reason for the spotlight to come to the group.

                        What you will see happen first is volume to drop, the price to stabalize and time will pass with nothing happening. I would say Jan at the earliest for a move in the stock of any kind of real move.

                        Somtimes I just look at facts and probabilities though and miss a move. Like SIRI, I thought the stock would see the low 3's again and Stern wouldnt come on board until I missed a nice move when Howard talked about going early.

                        This could be the case with STEM..especially since the fact that there are a ton of shorts, so any shocking events could provide a big move.

                        My advice?? I feel bad that we did this together and that you didnt sell when I did..I hate seeing you losing money when I am out of the stock. I think you need to decide what route you want to go....if you like the stock long term, hang may have to build a bigger position and know that your horizon is longer.

                        If your decision is to set the line in the sand, then pick your spot and do it. It is very hard for me to do that, but it has saved me many times..

                        Again, I am very sorry that you stuck in there and I hope it comes back, heavy and fast!


                        • Wallstreet-thanks.
                          It certainly is not your fault;you hit the nail on the nose:
                          When I am behind, I am too stubborn and not nimble enough to limit my loss;I may gut it out to $2.00, as I believe that stem cell research is NOt dead in spite of Bush's opposition to it.
                          Re: siri-my ex-wife was telling me that they cost themselves $10000-$12000 by selling when it was in the two's;she and new husband needed money to make some kind of installment on a well they are drilling on their land which they won't even be able afford for at least 5 years;I don't like to criticize, but thinking not good on their part here.
                          Even worse they kept they markland and are way behind-talk about bad luck.
                          Wellstone is holding up, although it couldn't hold the gain today.
                          Cln sucks as usual,and went down as cc yielded nothing all that positive. Life goes on though.
                          Last edited by savage1; 11-17-2004, 11:36 AM.


                          • Savage,

                            I understand 100% what you are feeling. I think it was my undoing in the past when I got started...not stopping the bleeding.. I still only do it about 60% of the time..the other part I try to not buy a ton at one time and leg in..then I can leg out.

                            Man that is horrible luck for your ex-wife..but who knew that Howie was going to take the quick exit. He alone was worth about a buck in the stock..from the time he announced 2006..then the early has paid for his salary already in market cap movement.

                            My father was worse than your experience..he never got in the market...going back to the 90's...too damn he has little in retirement....risk is a part of life and we have to take it from time to time. My inlaws on the other hand went INTO the market after I got married and have over doubled that portion of their retirement..they took the risk and they retired early.

                            I just knocked out 250 bucks on GOAM..took me no time at all. I bot 1000 at 9.50, sold it at 9.77 (well 248 buck profit after comissions). I am looking at TASR as an entry point..if she goes back to 54 I will have to get in again..

                            NT is halfway to my sell point..3.50 area and I will start thinking of selling.

                            Sorry again about STEM..I hope the patience pays off for you..nobody deserves it more than you.


                            • Hi Wallstreet-lets face it a lot of how one does in the market is based on luck, timing, common sense, intuition, temperament, and the list goes on and on.
                              The older I get, the less I am affected by the daily fluctuations.
                              Obviously having a nice chunk in a managed account, which will only grow in time, makes it easier for me to handle the daily gyrations then it would if my life depended on it.
                              That being said, I still want to do well or at least better in my own smaller account than in some of the other years when I lost a lot by buying covered calls(and of course stocks like cln and iatv, the latter of which I had a huge profit get away).
                              ps to change the subject, check the news on wlsf-something about a written agreement with Phillip Morris to evaluate Wellstone's filter;I wonder how that will impact stock or whether it will be a yawn.
                              Congrats. on your nice hits of late;they do add up.
                              Last edited by savage1; 11-17-2004, 06:39 PM.


                              • Wallstreet-I guess the market liked the news on wlsf. Look at that baby go!!
                                I sold a couple of thousand shares at 1.05;it looks like profit taking is setting in.
                                I still like the longterm prospects here and think I will hold on unless stock starts to tank badly.
                                Last edited by savage1; 11-18-2004, 10:11 AM.

