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  • Savage,

    I read around that Prop 71 should pass nicely..which is good for us. I personally dont think Kerry wins..but wow if both happened.

    STEM slowing down, the conference begins in a bit..lets see if the stock runs after that.

    I sold my KMG for a few hundred buck profit..I was mad cause it ran again, but oil tanked and now it is back to where it was again.

    Gonna put in an order to buy CHTR at 2.70 for today.. (1/4 position)


    • Wallstreet-Kerry will win ONLY if the new/young voters, most of whom who favor Kerry bigtime, turn out in droves.
      I will say this: if Kerry wins, I think it could be the mirror image of 2000-in this case Bush wins popular vote and Kerry the Electoral College.
      Now Go Sox and Stem!!!


      • Savage,

        I tossed in an order for 1500 UGHO at 1.15.. will see what happens.

        Filled on CHTR too..


        • Wallstreet-I am tempted to follow you on ugho.
          I have to think;I do have mrkl. Do I want to expose myself to two companies in same industry?
          Last edited by savage1; 10-27-2004, 04:43 PM.


          • Wallstreet-it looks like you got your ugho since low was 1.14, no?
            I may grab 1000 shares tomorrow at opening;it looks like downside isn't that great.


            • Savage,

              Didnt get it..that low was earlier in the day. Kinda glad I didnt, looks like tomorrow might be down in general..

              STEM didnt close so well..but we have a few days, lets see if she can run..


              • Wallstreet-in your opinion, if you believe in stem cell research, do you think that stem is as good as company as there is out there?
                To tell you the truth, other than stem, astm and gern, I am not that familiar with all the other companies in this area of research.
                Are there for examply any companies in this field with stock prices of 10, 20, 50+?
                Sorry if this is a dumb question;I really don't know that much about this area, and the stocks I cited are the only ones I could think of.


                • Savage,

                  That is all I could find too..but I imagine some of the larger bios and pharmas have their toes in the water too..but for just stem cell, those 2 are it..not

                  I saw that ASTM raised $$$ on this bounce just like STEM did, the only problem is ASTM is still a buck and

                  Congrats on the big series win!!!


                  • Wallstreet-thanks. Did you buy ugho and/or would you buy it now?
                    Here is another stock "tip" this time from First Alert Market Intelligence DBTC(diabetes breakthroughs).
                    After the last week or so with the Sox I could use a company/which can reduce blood pressure instantly.


                    • Savage,

                      Of course I wasnt here for the open hour and I didnt see that 1.01 low if it even I didnt buy anything.

                      I will check into that stock for you but have to say not even looking that diabetes breakthrough doesnt sound that appealing of an investment to me. Of course I am skeptical from the outset on these "marketing madness" stock picks from the BBBBbbbbbb

                      STEM looks decent today..lets see if she can climb into the afternoon/close..would be a positive sign..but being UP on a position is a great plus too. I felt going in that this wouldnt be a big down purchase since we have a few really big catalysts going our way. I dont have enough shares though..I only have 1/4 position going..


                      • Savage.

                        Ok..just a quickie on this stock..

                        Last 5 days it has taken a 30% haircut on higher than average volume. The company also did a 5 for 1 split in June ..geez..

                        I also just hate companies that put out a press release every few days and it is of no value..makes me feel they have to pump themselves artificially rather than providing results and growing..then put out the press release.

                        This company has no assets..check out this 10Q report-


                        Company is another "shell" that changed their operations because they couldnt make it work doing wholesale golf equipment.

                        This company has only been doing this kind of stuff since August..

                        Please do yourself a huge favor and ignore this stock..if you want to get in, consider it a long term investment since the company just changed itself completely in the last few months and sold 15 million shares for .001 or somthing to raise cash..

                        It looks like a company that you and I could start..a two man about you and I start a company that cures cancer..then buyout a company that couldnt cut it on the OTCBB and make some $$$ selling shares after hiring a marketing company to pump our stock???

                        Just being sarcastic here..


                        • Wallstreet- Great idea lol!!!
                          To change the subject it sounds like the stock I cited if I buy it(I won't) should be viewed as it was in the eyes of broker I used long ago "an option to infinity."
                          Last edited by savage1; 10-28-2004, 02:59 PM.


                          • Savage,

                            I would prefer you take the $$$ and put it in DAL or CHTR or LU or somthing where you stand a chance..

                            We should have bot DAL yesterday..they got a bunch of consessions from the union today, it could keep them out of bankruptcy..and could mean much higher prices for the stock. I think if we get a higher oil day and a drop in DAL, I am going to buy some..

                            I also saw Trump stock down quite a bit..not sure why but it might be worth a few "C&E bucks"..


                            • Wallstreet-Its funny you mention chtr. Between my high speed internet connection and extensive tv package including hdtv, I give these guys between $120 and $130 monthly.
                              Now if everyone else did that, we would have a real winner here.


                              • Savage,

                                CHTR is like LU, literally floating in debt..and due to the debt service there is doubt they can generate cash flow to cover it and to generate some profits.

                                I only bot 500 on CHTR at 2.70, I will buy all the way down to 2.20 or whatever.. I know I will get 3 on the stock eventually and that is what I am looking for. I have made it up in my investment mind that my holding time is going to be short, my profits quick and try to be nimble. Its made me some great profits the last two years and I will keep the same strategy.

                                Also include STEM on that theory, I am not going to hold long term even when the prop 71 wins. See that I said WHEN..


