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  • Wallstreet-don't you think the economic news will be good between now and the election will be good for obvious reasons(the pro wrestling syndrome?)-hence stocks go up?
    I will really be curious as to the so-called news which comes out tomorrow at 8:30 AM.
    To change the subject, my wife was raving about siri last night-how it might go to 410, blah, blah, blah-a sure sign that it is overvalued right NOW!!!
    I will take a look at the stocks you mentioned, as I have some spare cash now.


    • Savage,

      I think SIRI is overvalued by about a buck. Stern doesnt come on board until Jan 2006, that is quite some time before they will see a build in subs. Right now it is going up on hype and some short covering. There will be plenty of time to get this puppy lower if you want it.

      Think of this..the market cap of SIRI is 5.07B, the market cap of XMSR is 5.8. Both are too high, but that isnt my point. You can purchase the following companies using the same market cap that SIRI has-

      VTSS (604M)
      HLIT (530M)
      CHTR (810M)
      KKD (810M)
      RMBS (1.68B)
      TINY (206M)
      NGEN (146M)
      MRVC (305M)
      AIRT (77M)

      That still leaves extra on the table. That doesnt mean some of these stocks have other debt that has to be dealt with or that to buy them would cost more. The point is that the market cap of SIRI is a joke. I dont care if the stock is 4 bucks, it is the total value of all shares that matters. 9 companies for the price of 1, that seems like a bargain to me. I would rather own every single one of these than SIRI.

      Oh and about the general market..we have gone up quite a bit, earnings are here and I think the odds are highly with us that we go lower into the election, especially if there is a chance Kerry wins or that there is uncertainty. The market hates that..


      edit) Keep LU on your list..I like it and on weakness into the 2's I will be buying for a move to the 4's!
      Last edited by wallstreet; 10-07-2004, 02:52 PM.


      • Thanks-I am going to tell my wife to check out the stocks you mentioned(I will of courxe check all of them myself).
        I have been watching lu and sure as heck would NOT buy siri now.


        • Wallstreet-My man.
          Check out tmeg;i have owned this for a while and am behind, but notice it is gone up from .52 to a high of .77 today.
          Also, what do you think of Ivan(The Terrible?); it also has been on the move today notwithstanding.


          • Savage,

            Funny you talk about know I have been watching it.

            I dont trust the company..they are a PR machine. Lets see it on the balance sheet and income statment, then I will believe it. Until then it is another PR from the company.

            Man did you see SIRI? Damn it I sat on another short opp..the sucker is tanking.

            Not sure how long you have been in that TMEG or what your basis is, but you have waited this long and it sure has been ugly..see if you can squeeze some gains out, watch it and if the climb continues let it run..but you have to decide when to cut it loose..and not look back.

            Speaking of looking back..damn I let WTSLA go for a loss and the thing has come back nicely..ughhhhh

            Looks like we are starting the swoon I have been waiting for..hope we get a nice prolonged drop, let me get in some positions for a christmas rally..


            • Wallsteet-If you recall, I and I believe you made money on Ivan a while back, and thats why I asked about it.
              Re:Tmeg-I have 9000 shares and I would guess average is around .88 or so-no biggie.
              Could it be anotrher wlsf? I believe I received this recommendation form "The Homerun" stocknewsletter folks.
              If it drops down to around .65, I will probably sell some or all.
              ps How about my Red sox-I think I told you I have been a diehard since 1952-no "Homerun" team here (as far as winning the big prize);perhaps this could be the year.


              • Savage,

                You are correct..I used to love IVAN and did make money on it. Since I last owned it I have done a bit of digging and I guess the company says things that arent 100% true, they fluff a little..and to me that doesnt cut it.

                They are moving because the announcment regarding their oil exploration. I will wait to see it actually materialize. The stock could move nicely, but I just dont trust them enough. It wouldnt be a big risk though..

                And I am rooting for the Sox..I like Schilling quite a bit and I dont care for the Yanks.

                It will be tough to beat the Cards if they get to the WS though..or the momo of the Astros..


                • vdwb

                  keep your eyes on this one guys. has alot of potential with video on demand. been watching it for about 6 months and any little bit of big news either the shorts are covering(not sure if you can even short a stock this cheap?) or the market makers have to find shares. anyway it has alot of upside. I bought 2000 shares looking for the homerun. they could get bought out.

                  another less volitile play for the long run is xybr. wearable computers. let me know what you guys think.


                  • Wallstreet-what gives? It appears form your lack of posting everything is on hold, no?
                    I have been prettty much been staying pat.


                    • Savage,

                      That is correct. The market seems to be in a holding pattern the last week or two.

                      I havent done a thing, but I am mad at a few stocks I didnt trade..

                      ISON is a little rocket..will post if I buy some..

                      I have been sitting on the sidelines too, which includes posting after that Wiz issue.

                      Maybe there arent many who benefit from this area of the site or the time I spend to try and maybe I will post less anyway.

                      But of course whenever you need assistance I am always here to help you.

                      Good luck and go Sox!


                      • Thanks Wallstreet- Belive it or not I owned ison last year briefly last year.
                        I don't know for sure without looking it up whether I made a profit or lost, but either way it was no big deal.
                        Maybe its time to jump back in.


                        • Savage,

                          They have some presentation on the 21st???

                          After that I imagine it will be a short term if not long term top.

                          It reminds me of UGHO..after that presentation date the stock has never been close to the high it hit.

                          Given that..if it retraced around that date a large amount I would consider getting in. I thought about it after hours yesterday at

                          Nice lead for the Sox, I am rooting for you!


                          • Wallstreet-I checked it just a few days ago, and it was around $2.50, no? Wow!
                            Yeah, Sox off to a great start.
                            Check out in thennon-gambling section the thread entitled "Eerie, etc." It happened before damon's homer.


                            • Savage,

                              I saw that..I think they mentioned the double day on Fox..

                              I hope the Sox hang in. I have a feeling more runs are going to be scored given the depletion of both bullpens.

                              Funny thing..I was watching the Card game (I hate the Cards) and when the Houston closer went out, I had a strong feeling they were not going to win.

                              I hope the Cards lose..I dont like LaRussa..which is too bad because I lived in St.Louis about 10 yrs ago and really like the Cards..

                              And I have been trying to see what the next stock will be to move.. I really like it. I know it is pricey, but its action is great and given a pullback to the low 20's I want to be in it.

                              My oils are finally starting to move up..I almost gave up on them..

                              Finally, it looks like the DOW is due for more pain, while the NAZ looks surprisingly strong..


                              • Wallstreet- Eerie-part 2(maybe coincidence is better).
                                You mention airt; I had a stock airm for many years which I sold several years ago, airm.
                                It is almost double at the price at which I sold it.
                                Since this is the Red Sox playing, I am far from confident in the outcome.
                                I have no preference in st. Louis/Houston except, well, it would be nice to see Clemens and Bagwell face the Sox if both teams get there.

