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  • #16
    Wallstreet-Christmas continues as wlsf is up to $1.36 and I still have all my shares.
    If you get a chance, take a look at the chart and tell me what you think.
    ps Congrats on your nice hit on sons.
    Last edited by savage1; 09-20-2004, 09:17 AM.


    • #17

      Pull up a year chart on the stock if you can, or use this link:,m50&a=&c=

      Look at the March spike, that would be a point of resistance. Also look at the moving averages I put on the chart.. The 50 and 20 day moving averages are converging near the 1.00 range.. If the stock moves below the 20 and 50 day moving averages that is usually a sell point. I know that is far away but it would put in a "bail out" point for sure.

      If the market starts to tank and the "loose" money starts to stop, I imagine you could see a sharp drop in the stock.

      Keep sliding up the stop price you have..and stick with it. So to be precise..if you were to say that if the stock went to 1.00 when it was at 1.25, then your stop now is say 1.15..just keep moving up your stop out price and most importantly, when you sell..if you want to keep some stock, sell at least 50% of your cost of the stock and protect yourself.

      If you have specific questions you can always ask, or email me too.

      You deserve a winner..nicely done. I am itchy since I am 100% cash now..and as usual I sell early as I buy early

      Thanks for the nice wishes on was really one of the easiest trades I have made this year.


      • #18
        Wallstreet, thanks for the link and advice.
        The time to be careful is when the feeling sets in that a stock is going to the moon;then its time to sell.
        That feeling hasn't arrived yet for me, but we may be getting close.
        As we all know, stocks like this can get hit with a .50 decline or more in minutes if not seconds.:D
        Last edited by savage1; 09-13-2004, 03:05 PM.


        • #19
          looking gooooodddddd...



          • #20
            Too good, perhaps;I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.


            • #21

              That is our nature as stock traders..when will it go down or up depending on the position.

              When it finished strong yesterday I thought you had a decent chance at more upside.

              Just keep sliding up that mental stop, and use it when the time comes.

              You are over a buck in the money, nice going!


              • #22
                Wallstreet-My profit is really good but not a buck in the money, as I bought some shares in the $.90--$1.10 range; I did add nicely in the $.54-.62 range however.


                • #23
                  Wallstreet-I just sold 2000 shares at $1.60;these were my trading shares which I purchased at $1.15.
                  I don't want to get too greedy and still have $15000 shares remaining.


                  • #24
                    With the proceeds from the 2000 shares of wlsf I just bought 1000 shares of snvbf at 3.36;this is a biotech stock which looks promising(I am just getting my feet wet with this one;it was featured in the Homerun Stock Alert Publication).
                    Wallstreet-tell me what you think.


                    • #25

                      Nice going on the sell..and you have plenty left for the move to 5 bucks..


                      I was hoping when I entered that symbol it wasnt an OB stock, but it was.. I dont like stocks that are in that area as you know, too many unknowns and possible blind sides can happen when the rules arent tight like on the listed exchanges. I would prefer you bought a stock like MEDX or ARIA, low priced biotechs that are listed on the NASDAQ..

                      But since you bot that stock I will tell you what I see.. the chart looks like a summer snooze. No volume or price action in this stock since March.

                      Please check out the balance sheet here, you might be concerned-


                      Unlike listed stocks, you get less data with BB stocks. It looks like somthing dramatic happened between Dec and Apr. Net Assets went from a positive 3612 to a negative 26 (k)

                      They are also losing money like most biotechs, but since they are on the BB, they are non compliant for one reason or another.

                      Finally, that report..come on can do better than the HomeRun stock alert. It sounds like Boiler Room all over again.

                      You seem comfy with this approach as your aggressive account, which I would like to talk you out of somtime. I would rather see you taking smaller positions in listed stocks and steer clear of the BB and PK stocks, and for that matter the Amex stocks (CLN). Find the same groups that are listed and you have higher odds of the company being honest and truthful and the data being legit.


                      • #26
                        Wallstreet. Thanks.
                        I read the writeup and did a little research and snvbf, and it looks like it has some potential.
                        Remember-I can always bail out if it goes down 10% or so, and I only bought 1000 shares.
                        This Homerun Stock Alert is written by Richard Schmidt, who purportedly has a good track run(on the other hand a lot of sports services say the same thing if you get my drift).
                        Anyways, lets see what happens.
                        ps I can't argue with you nasdaq vs. otc stocks in general-its like comparing Barry Bonds to a batter who has a lifetime batting average of .220 in the minor leagues.
                        I will look at the two stocks you mentioned.


                        • #27

                          Sorry to bust your chops there, I just would prefer you to be in better stocks.

                          Now those two are just the tip of the iceburg. I know biotechs 2nd best to me knowing techs in general.

                          Funny story (I told this before I bet) I owned ONXX at 5 bucks when I was trading covered calls years ago..this year it hit 60 bucks..

                          What I would do is find a biotech or two..then find their competitors, soon you will have 20-30 you will be following. I dont trade biotechs this year as the sector has ran more than the average..but I would again most definately.

                          ps- WLSF keeps finishing close to the highs of the day..have patience..that fact to me means quite a bit. Right now stock is 2-3 cents from the high. When it starts underperforming, then it is time to bail..right now things look decent.


                          • #28
                            Wallstreet-what I would appreciate (if it is not too much to ask) is to continue to give me an opinion on wlsf (tech. analysis, etc.) whenever you can, as you are much better schooled in this than I.
                            I don't want to make the same mistake I did with actv(symbol iatv), when I let a couple of hundred thousand profit slip away(I told you about that one).
                            Obviously the profit here is much less even though I have 15000 shares remaining as opposed to the 5000 or shares I had of iatv, which went from 4 to 50 during the internet bubble.
                            Having invested in the market for many years, I have learned a lot, but your objective approach would sure hope (in case that I become too emotionally involved with this stock or any other for that matter).
                            Thanks and continued best of luck with your investments.
                            ps cln is still struggling and one of their medical directors just resigned-I can't have everything I guess.
                            Last edited by savage1; 09-14-2004, 04:18 PM.


                            • #29

                              I finally read on why the stock went crazy. I imagine you knew already, but the company is getting into cig making now, not just the filter. Thus the run over the last two days.

                              Be careful here, that was great news and it may be sell time for those who made a nice profit.

                              I know just yesterday it looked good, but that top today might be it for a while at 1.71. Not saying it will be but it might be a day or two of selling here, maybe more.

                              Interesting how they are going to make cigs now themselves versus try and sell their filter.


                              • #30
                                Wallstreet-Yeah I know that they decided to make the cigs on their own.
                                I was a little tied up this morning and didn't sell any more shares.
                                If it breaks below $1.40, I may sell some more.
                                What would you use as a level to sell some and would you use intraday or close price as the ciriterion?

