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  • #61
    Thanks for the feedback on HQNT.OB, WS. I appreciate your efforts and enjoy reading your comments on other stocks as well.



    • #62

      You were right about EAG, no backbone.

      (AAII) Take a quick view to see if it's worth a closer look.
      You see thru all the legal BS and it's just confusing to me.

      Spring is in the air, time to get out those XXXout golfballs.
      "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


      • #63

        Just reviewing some memo's and looked at SCON.
        Volumn is there and oversold, insiders have all sold.
        They're running out of cash but have credit and assets.
        If news of one contract hits, I'd sure like to be in under 2.50.
        Of coarse, I'll wait for your final.

        Have been reading alot on HLSH, guess I'll buy some and wait it out with you.

        Thanks, Xxout
        "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


        • #64

          AAII- OUCH.. they have dropped a ton..from 30 to 10 in 2 months..I would wait to see where she settles out..let it form a base and see if more downside is to come. Looking at the chart only and not the news, it doesnt look like a bottom is in. I wouldnt want to be buying thinking this is it..unless you have full confidence in the company. Also note the increased volume on the way down. I would like to see a leveling off on volume and a price stabilization before I would buy. Unless this is a high risk trade and you are able to deal with the possibility of it going much lower.

          SCON- today is a dead cat bounce..same story as the AAII..for a trade I would wait and see if the move today leads us to $$$$ or is a trap by MM's to bring the stock lower. After bad news it rarely happens that these bounces go longer than a day or so. Be nimble if you trade this one.


          Let me know what you do on that trade..I am curious!!

          Savage, PKCY bubble got pricked today, what are you doing with it??

          I am mad at NGEN..they get a nice $$$ infusion, but I think their price sold on the private placement was lousy..will add on this dip.


          • #65

            Check this out!
            I received this E-mail early am today. If you read thru, it looks like it's for a Jan. stock pick. (HTSC)
            I just checked and it's up 50% today. Every AOL must of received the same mail and bought a little. Maby next time...


            I wanted to let you know about a Journal on AOL called VIP. This AOL Journal shares personal thoughts and photos with you and others online, and even allows you to add your own comments. Stop by to view this Journal at:


            Proper Financial Report Best Bet for January

            Nov CFTN at 0.40 Currently 1.41 High 2.62
            Nov GDVI at 0.04 Currently 0.11 High 0.18
            Dec HTS,C at 0.70 Currently 1.50 High 2.30
            Jan QLHC at .90 Currently 3.00 High 3.50

            HTSC,bb will make a new short term top around 4.00 in 5 trading days due to news
            90 day target is 6.00 and 12mth target 8.50
            Humana-Trans-Services-Holding-Corporation HTSC,OTC,BB
            HTSC,BB has recently experienced a ramp in revenues by providing Fortune 500
            companies a single-source solution for recruiting,drug testing,compliance,
            payroll, employee benefits,and writing workers compensation insurance.
            HTSC has generated payroll processing of $25 million for the trailing
            12-months and expected to grow to $40 million and show a significant profit
            in 2004.
            Humana National Program Administrators is on the cusp of signing a
            multi-year deal that will allow it to provide a suite of human resource
            services, including payroll management and insurance facilitation to a major
            financial-services entity involved in credit services and worker's
            compensation solutions.

            We expect several news releases to impact shares in January.Our
            conservative 30 day target is 5.00 a share.
            "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


            • #66
              Wallstreet-after watching the total bs that has gone on with miis(Ty Gaston would be proud of the mm's here), I got rid of it for a small profit (bought at 2.49 and sold at 2.70).
              From what I can see the mm's on this one are are really bigtime crooks, and I want no part of this stock(yeah I know same can be said of many stocks and mm's).
              ps keep up the good work on Gaston. I just added a few more choice comments regarding him and Price.


              • #67

                Yucck.. I hate getting those kind of emails. I have to think that these clowns either are in bed with the company or are in from lower levels and are trying to bring in new blood...

                I notice they are up today, but the spread is wide and somthing smells with it..

                If you buy it, keep me posted. I would rather do my own research than some bulk email from boiler rooms.. This stock is definately a "hard 8" money stock..


                btw.. QLHC is at 2 bucks, and is a pink sheets stock.


                • #68

                  Gaston is a bafoon..

                  He will never take the challange we issued to him. The guy is a loser. I dont want to waste any more time talking to him.


                  Hilarious..I have an order in for NGEN at 8.05, of course it stops dead in its tracks at 8.06!

                  Oh and I was sooooooo tempted to take a dip in MSO just will be on my list if the stock gets to 8 or so.. Poor get it upside your head for being a crook and a liar!!!


                  • #69
                    Can someone give me an educated opinion on a stock tip i got that trades under the symbol DNDN....If its good and i should buy etc...........I appreciate your time..........Thanks Chris


                    • #70

                      I know this stock, but have never traded it.

                      Dendreon Corporation is dedicated to the discovery and development of novel products for the treatment of diseases through its manipulation of the immune system. The Company's product pipeline is focused on cancer and includes therapeutic vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and small-molecule product candidates. The product candidates most advanced in development are therapeutic vaccines designed to stimulate a patient's immunity for the treatment of cancer. Provenge is a therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of prostate cancer and is in Phase III clinical trials, the final stage of human testing before seeking marketing approval. Mylovenge, Dendreon's therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of multiple myeloma, is in Phase II clinical trials. APC8024, the Company's therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of HER-2/neu over-expressing breast, ovarian and colon cancers, is in Phase I trials.

                      Check this link:

                      That gives you a quarterly income statement for the company. Revenue is choppy since they are a biotech. Operating losses are growing quarter to quarter.. They dont have a ton of debt in relation to assets.. They almost ran out of cash until they raised cash through a huge common shares offering, which I dont like to see either.

                      My concern is you are buying at a 52 week high, and are within striking distance of an all time high of 25.

                      I dont like buying stocks at their highs, this one was below 5 bucks just this year.

                      I wouldnt buy here, but would keep it on a list to buy on dips. Some people like buying on breakouts, so if you wanted to buy, please purchase in 4 increments, so if you wanted 1000 shares, that would be 250 at a time..

                      Hope it works out!


                      • #71

                        Thanks for the info............I will take your advice as i am just a rookie in the market....Your info was all correct about the company and i understand what you mean by buying at a high....Thanks Wallstreet ......I appreciated your Knowledge and if you dont mind will ask some other questions about the market when i get them......


                        • #72

                          Did buy some SCON at 2.52. I have been working with some chart patterns and this one fits. Stop is in.

                          Picked up some more WRLS on a dip to 17.30 Fri. am. I"ll sell this block at 23.00 or so, I hope. I'm asking alot, but I like this one.

                          Looking at HYPD for a good pop on rumors. High risk but look at the last three insider buys.

                          "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


                          • #73

                            Nice pick up on is tough buying more at higher prices than you initially purchased. So far so good!

                            I did the quickie look on that HYPD and I am sure you know all this, but they are a typical BB stock, earnings are all over the place, not making money etc. They raised a bunch of cash with either an offering or a private placement. Looking at the balance sheet, they went from 10k in cash to quite a bit more in the Dec quarter.

                            Todays jump is news based..big spread and hitting a 52 week high. This one was .25 this year..unreal! This trade would fit in the profile we talked about the other day..buying stocks that are breaking out will only have two results.. One is a big nice gain as the stock moves through resistance and goes higher (like RIMM this year) or fails miserably when the volume drops and it finds support at lower levels.

                            Call me conservative (funny calling me that) but I dont like buying stocks that are pushing past 52 week highs based on a single news event. I am ok if the stock is moving due to the market or PAST news..not the day of kind of thing.

                            Keep me updated to your purchases.

                            I have an order to sell SONS around just isnt making headway..I have a small profit and would rather have some cash out there for trades that swing more than it is...or would like it lower for another purchase.


                            • #74
                              BUY DFIB

                              BUY DFIB


                              • #75

                                Its up nicely today, hope you got it at lower prices!

                                I cant believe DFCT..I saw it on my list and started watching it about an hour ago around 1.05 or so..damn it hit 1.65 just a second ago...the old trader would have bought that on the volume breakout..too bad, a 50% hit would be quite nice!

