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  • #16
    Have to shake the cobwebs off after the holiday!

    BOT 1/4 position of CBMX at 6.75, off large today, no volume or news..will add lower if I have to, but no real rush.


    • #17

      I know your watching (SONS)
      Tempting but do you think all the profits will go to the lawyers.
      "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


      • #18

        None will go to the lawyers. Lawyers try to get plantiffs who are pissed at SONS for being honest about their mistake and get a settlement. These things turn out to be a impact on the stock, zero $$$ in the pocket of investors. I have seen many of these come to my mailbox and I toss every one of them.

        I am doing decent on SONS..average at 5.60 or there abouts..I like the stock, looking for 7 on the trade. For somthing similar, look at MUSEE..same deal. SONS had a few people misdirect revenues, the issue isnt the revenues occuring, it is timing. It may even end up benefiting the company. If they come out and say things are fine..earnings are fine..results are not materially impacted, the stock could go back to 8 or 9 again..

        They did the right thing and fished it out without being forced to.


        • #19

          Will be watching for a dip on SONS, probably missed the opportunity but I like watching and learning.
          Also watching CIEN missed the $6 entry??
          Wondering if it's on your list.
          Thanks Xx
          "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


          • #20

            I posted that CIEN in the middle 5's was where I wanted it..after I heard about the miss of earnings in addition to the removal from the SPX..I thought mid to low 5's was a good spot. I didnt get it and I think it is a weaker stock in the group..meaning they wont rebound and move to new highs when others will..

            Damn if my biggest mistake this year was HLIT..I hope someone bot and kept it unlike me..I sold way too early.

            Anyone else see the train wreck yesterday on RCNC? Man I wish I could short little stocks, that one was easy even at 50 cents..


            • #21

              Your right, I took CIEN from your previous list, amoung others.
              Thanks for the update.

              RCNC, Checked their website (
              Will this become one to watch in months ahead for rebound after
              restructuring or will they just be auctioned off? The stock is still
              declining but still being bought, why?
              Will this be another XOCM ?
              "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


              • #22

                Today is a day where the market spanks the crap out of all the winners this year..NAZ down 1% but some stocks are getting pummeled..

                RCNC...I liked it short, but only a few can short under 1 buck..the real issue is will they go 7 or 11..they already defaulted on some senior notes..that is a very bad sign. I think they do the pu$$y way and go 11 rather than working it out and try to dig from the hole they are in. I hate that..

                Looks like I am averaging down in my biggie. They had earnings and it wasnt so hot..but they forcasted great next year numbers, which is good enough for me. All NANO's are getting a whooping is HLIT for freaking has been up up up up up up up up up since earnings..damn it..

                Another day like today and I might get heavier is I am about 40% in there..but a hard close today might mean a hard open tomorrow..then it is time to buy..


                • #23
                  Wallstreet-CLN finally gets FDA approval today, and after jumping initially on the news after trading was halted, stock down around $.07 on the day.
                  Some folks upon news and halting of stock, were making wild predictions about a minimum $2 rise in stock price.
                  I added today,because unless I am missing something in news release or there is more than meets the eye, this company has a bright future.
                  Check it out if you get a chance and tell me what you think.
                  Last edited by savage1; 02-22-2004, 07:09 PM.


                  • #24

                    We will have to see how it trades upon the halt being lifted.

                    I wouldnt hold any water to those kiddos making predictions, I would say 100% of them are making a wish list and would sell if that were the case.

                    I havent seen what it might mean, I also dont see a halt. It traded 7 minutes ago at 1.79??

                    I hope it goes to 10 for you..cant say I think it is likely, but I will root for has been sometime and you have waited for this specific event. I would worry about selling on the news though, but that doesnt always happen..


                    • #25

                      Did you just see the release???

                      RCNC filed for Ch 11...geez.

                      So you know what that means? They will go a few months with a Q on the symbol (RCNCQ)..screw any preferred holders.. negociate to death the little equity that there was in the a huge reverse split..give 90% of the company to the bond holders and debt holders..and come out clean..just like RBAK..

                      What a crappy country we live in..


                      • #26
                        Wallstreet-stock was halted briefly after news was released.
                        It went up briefly and then started its decline;I added more today at $1.55;it seems to me fundamentals are real good and mm's have been taking out stops and that a lot of short term investors selling.
                        That being said, I am a little disappointed that reaction to new wasn't a little better.
                        On the other hand, I think over next year or two stock should do well(hopefully anyways).
                        ps-sorry for confusion over halt;it took place yesterday(2/19) at around 10:15 AM and lasted about 1/2 an hour.
                        When it reopened, the trading seemed very fishy,going up and then down;it seemed like marketmakers were in complete control, and had predetermined where price of stock would go.
                        Last edited by savage1; 02-21-2004, 12:46 AM.


                        • #27

                          (RCNC) Guess that's what I meant by "One to watch" I take it this is NOT a candidate for a get rich quick scheme. Buy at the bottom and sell when they resurface dept free.

                          Looks like CBMX is teasing for more. I notice Volumn is dropping.
                          Hope you get that one in the boat. Looking to get some Mon. if you still like it.

                          Maybe Nader's announcement gets things moving again.

                          Still doing well with WRLS. Lots of contracts on the table, waiting for some good news. Holding pretty stong in high winds.
                          "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


                          • #28

                            I've taken Wallstreets advice and trying to avoid PK & OTC's.
                            BUT! A friend of mine, who does well at it, says to check out
                            (LBTT) Lifeline Biotechs.
                            Seems they dropped over 90% with three big hits at 3:45 on Fri., on no news. All within minutes, went from .026 to .0026 with a ton of volumn. Previous news was all good with marketing initiated in Europe on new products. Hell, what's a hundred bucks, I might grab 40K Mon. I'll wait to see what it does.
                            Thought I'd pass it on, I certainly do not recommend it.
                            "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


                            • #29

                              That is a misquote was based on literally no volume. I think you will see that the 2.6 cents will be the open price on monday.

                              Speaking of pinkies..keep a sharp eye on has dropped and I own it..they will emerge and be relisted in 05, the company plans it and announced it. In addition, Fidelity announced it increased it stake in the company last week. I said a while back that this one is a buy and tuck away stock for me. I expect that when they relist the stock will be a double or triple. They have the revenues and cash flow, they just need to get the past behind them..which they will.

                              Oh and yeah I still like CBMX. Earnings were just basis is 6.75 I think and if it takes a hit on Monday I will add..I like this one quite a bit and have about 1/2 position thus far.

                              So what I have now is.


                              I would say I am about 40% invested. I also agree that Nader in means the democrats lose..I dont like Bush as a prez..but I am speaking only as it pertains to the market.


                              • #30

                                If it's a misquote, I save a hundred bucks. It is showing volumn of 7,998,000 but that's not much when the zero's are upfront. LOL
                                Better than CMKM, one man and a truck, looking for diamonds, trading 2 Billion shares a day. I bet you wait in line to sell that one.

                                Watched that for awhile on your previous recommendation. I think I got scared off with the resignations and Feds. Is 4.50 entry level advisable or wait for 4.00?
                                I really like healthcare and assisted living, with the baby boomers,
                                lots of growth in store. Have been watching SUHG, seems to be revamping nicely after restructuring out of Chap.11 but I'm sure there will be many more.

                                I'm convinced on this one, I don't see how a few cookies out of the jar can hurt this co. They seem to be facing the music and moving on. Waiting for 5.00, if it shows two up days, I'm on board.
                                Thanks, Xx
                                "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"

