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Trade Thread

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  • Trade Thread

    This thread will be for trades I make.

    Current orders in for trade:

    B 1/4 position HLSH at 4.75
    B 1/4 position FIBR at 4.25

    I would like a panic close, get a few others I am eying at pivot points..will update as I get executions.

  • #2
    No fills on the day time trades..

    One trade to report:

    After Hours- Sold 500 NT at 7.45 (bot at 6.25 last week)

    Nice 500 buck trade after commish..

    Good numbers for NT, gotta take a profit though.

    edit) Holy crap they are talking it up on CNBS, missed out on another 40 cents in profit, wait more like 50 cents..damn!!!

    Hope some others had NT, what a nice surprise..
    Last edited by wallstreet; 01-29-2004, 04:52 PM.


    • #3
      I hear a ton of pro investors use "position". Is that the same thing as units in gambling?? If I have $15k in an account and the recommendation is for 1/4 position, does that mean I am purchasing $3750 worth of shares?
      "You're only as good as the effort you put forth!!"


      • #4

        A position is what you could term as units.. but with trading, many will "leg" into a position, not make a plunge rather step in slowly by buying in increments.

        So with NT I never did get a full position, I got a half which in this case was 500 shares. I usually like 1k shares for stocks under 15 or so.

        I usually buy in 1/4 or 1/2 increments, it is such a good lesson I learned over the yrs..leg in and I usually leg out, but when I have a nice gain I just jump out.

        Crap..didnt pull the trigger on IVAN two days ago, it is now a 20% winner..oh well.

        This market needs some fear, I was very unimpressed with the close yesterday, the dip buyers got rewarded and no fear in the market..


        • #5
          Bot 1/4 position in NGEN at 11.75

          Buying slowly, will add another 2X 1/4 positions when the price tells me..


          • #6
            Another nibble..

            1/8 position NGEN at 11.50

            Pulled my MRV order at 4 (was at lunch) might enter around here..will post if I do.


            • #7
              Another nibble on NGEN at 10.50

              In trading account I have a larger order at 10.40


              • #8
                Trading account..

                Nibbling all the way down on NGEN

                Lowest buy 9.90

                Amazing drop, looks like a good opp for a big hit..


                • #9
                  Quick turn-

                  Sold NGEN at 10.75

                  I didnt make a home run, but made 300 bucks. Not bad for a 1 day hold.. She could go higher, just on the back of the employment numbers being a dud, I think the market could sag here...


                  • #10
                    SONS getting knocked in the AH's, I think the news is old and reflects the past of the company, not the future so I have been starting a position for a trade.

                    1/2 position at 5.70 ( a little under water, might need to average down) but this could be a nice hit given a week or two to wait it out.

                    edit) a little more nibbling, lowest I have is 5.30

                    Still not buying a full position, will do that if I get better prices tomrrow.

                    I like this trade quite a bit and am very pumped at this chance..

                    Getting 30% trades are rare for me and I feel this one will net me that range..
                    Last edited by wallstreet; 02-11-2004, 05:36 PM.


                    • #11
                      Wallstreet I would like your opinion in October I bought some stocks, took some advise from one of my brokers and the others were some that I thought were at a really good price. My objective was for a long term investment. Two of the stocks tha I picked LU & RHAT have had some really nice gains, my brokers is telling me to sell; just wondering what your thoughts were on these two stocks? I look at all the stocks I purchased in October as it's own portfolio which is doing very nice!


                      • #12
                        Hold on to Red Hat

                        Have friends & Family who work for the company, look for big things to happen in May or June.


                        • #13

                          How have you been doing with the comeback trail?

                          RHAT- look at the gap up in December from 14 to 19 or so, looks like it tried to fill the gap on this last drop. I think the chart looks fine, had a good pull back, but I have to differ with the other person. I dont like the prospects for this company, I think they are fine but it wouldnt be an investment of mine. I would buy on a pullback to the last area of consolidation, 13 or so.

                          LU- I like this stock as Savage and I have discussed it. The last area of consolidation was in the 3 area, but I dont think it gets there. If it loses 4, then I would let it go.

                          If you wanted to do the smart thing, take 1/2 of your basis on both..and let the rest go with a moderate stop..and let the rest ride since it is the houses money.

                          I think we go higher from here and no reason both these stocks dont go along for the ride.



                          • #14
                            that sounds like a good idea. the only two stocks in the group that I bought in October that are down INTC & ORCL what are your thoughts on those two stocks. I have seen some nice gains in G, GE, YHOO!

                            Come back trail is going good, slow and steady! Tough lesson!


                            • #15

                              I would hold ORCL in hopes that they dont get PSFT...then the stock goes up..if not I think it is dead money..will underperform the QQQ's. INTC is a market leader, very good stock..hold with a mental stop in place..or a buy/add order in place where support is in case we drop.

                              I do not care for GE or G, YHOO is a great stock, same strategy as INTC for holding.

                              Hope that helps!

