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  • #46
    Wallstreet-my biotechs went up for the most part today except my irbh(my contact's stock). It is now down to about where I purchased it;I will hold on for now.
    I had a nice profit slip away on this one;oh well tomorrow is another day.
    ps I will sell 20-25% at least of pkcy should it go a little higher.
    Last edited by savage1; 03-01-2004, 08:09 PM.


    • #47
      Wallstreet-check out miis;this might be more up your alley.
      I bought 2000 shares at 2.49 after reading favorable information from the OTC Journal(I have had good luck with them before) and checking their website.
      Irbh is sinking(below $1) and I have asked my source to tell me what is going on(assuming he know).
      ps I also have been selling my lu and got rid of remainder today to help finance miis. :D


      • #48

        Cant say I have ever heard of that stock MIIS..but now that you are in I will be watching!

        Speaking of about flatlining..the stock looks dead. Might be a consolidation period of sorts, not sure. Same goes for NT..although NT seems to spurt more than LU. I would prefer to own half of NT versus a 100% portion of LU.

        I cant tell you on IRBH volume to the stock, wide spread etc..I hate that and it makes me miss some trades. I cant be in an illiquid trade.

        HLSH sure has drifted down the last few days..I am down about 10% on this one..but I will hold this till 2005..that might mean averaging down a few more times..but I am ok with it.

        Market did exactly as planned greater than demand, no news in the market to bring new $$$, so down we go.

        I am looking to exit SONS..not at 6.25 anymore..more like 6.05. I just want to be more liquid in the hyper account..still about 65% cash now..not really taking any positions..on big fat dips I will, but nothing really grabbing me right now.

        Too bad these plays you have dont carry more volume and have better get into that MIIS and you are already down 2% on the trade..

        Where is that guy who was shorting the home builders? Hilarious as they hit new highs yesterday..


        • #49

          Geez, I leave town for a week and missed two steps on WRLS.
          In at 8-10-12, I missed 14 & 16. Lot's of speculation at 17 but volumn is picking up. Picked up about 15% on BRCD. All in all, it covered my losses on everthing else with some nice gains.

          Southern talk is all about coal (Black Gold). Did not know such a large percentage of industry is still powered by coal. 27 coal fired power plants are on the books to be built in 04-06. That's alot of coal. Checked coal mining stocks today and damn if they weren't up on a bad day. And they pay some nice dividends.
          ARLP 37.25, 1 yr. 70% gainer. 2.02 div. Grandpa always said coal, rails and gold.

          Checking through my list (Your List) and CIEN is getting down there. Does IVAN still have an entry level or is it off your list?

          Your bad weather friend BCON is 1.24? Insiders all sold. New product upgrade hitting the shelf, sales should go up?

          Looks like I missed all the green lights.
          "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


          • #50
            Wallstreet-not to brag but both pkcy and miis are doing nicely.
            The tough part is that I have a double on pkcy and should sell some;but you know as well as I, that is easier said thandone.


            • #51

              Good to see you around again..some comments.

              I noticed WRLS the other day, shocked at the move. At this point if you are still in it I would just hold on and use reasonable stop levels if we get a market drop...this one looks great technically.

              On IVAN..I cant get into it unless it gets slammed one just leaks every day..down a little down a little..then the company comes out and says they are drilling somwhere and it goes up 20-30%. I want to wait and see if it gets way oversold.

              On BCON..same story..they should be getting more run than they are with all this coal talk..they are alternative energy sources..with oil this high and commodities running, the next thing to be talked about is alt energy companies. I dont like the tape on it. No volume and no reason to tell me it is time to get in. Again, if it gets kicked and over sold, then I might get in. That would mean the 1.00-1.10 area we talked about a while back.

              This market is freaky..maniacial actually..check these out today:

              MAMA FMDAY CLWT EWEB and about 5 or so others..all moving like crazy with nothing but day trader money moving them. Yesterday there were a few others that were running hard. People are chasing..and it makes me really worried. In years past I would be right there with them, but smart people would be selling into this mania..I prefer not to go short though.

              On value plays.. I still like SONS..the drop today really makes me concerned though..they need to get clear of this mess and the stock could go back to 9 or 10..muddied waters and I will wait it out a bit.

              If HLIT can get below 11, to the low 10's I like it made a profit last Q..had a hard bull run there and I missed all of it of course.

              For trading purposes I wouldnt be leaping in anything too quick.. things look toppy to me and we need some fear before the bargains are out there..the more I see commercials for trading on TV and the radio..the more the talk about Option seminars..the more I think we are setting up for some head I have to play for singles..and this last month was quite slow for me in trading..I made about 10-20% since the first of the year..but getting more and more cautious..

              Lets hear more stocks from you..glad to see you again!


              • #52

                Well the tape didnt lie.. PKCY is moving on nice dont need to sell it..but keep that discipline in hand, if you get that drop and it starts to know to let it go..have to..But for now, I like the action on PKCY, nice volume..all signs look good. Never know, you might see this one hit 25 cents..not a stretch actually.

                On the MIIS..spread tightening..volume a little better, be careful and enjoy the nice gain!

                I am not impressed with CLN..hope you are keeping a leash on it..nothing to tell me you should see a strong reversal anytime soon..might be good for a pickup if you see a dip on some strong volume!

                Big reversal for the market today..nice to see..but not convincing thus far..


                • #53
                  Wallstreet-I sold 25% of pkcy at .135 and naturally it went up some more;after getting burned by not talking some profits, I didn't want it to happen again.
                  Big deak;there's no level that says I can't buy it back tomorrow as I did with Lucent.
                  Thanks for your take.
                  ps check out "debate" between me and Ty Gaston in sports service thread entitled Sports Service Academy Award(assuming you haven't done so already).


                  • #54

                    Oh you know I looked that over long ago..


                    I have to hand it to you, in regards to going after services you are even more cavalier than I am!!

                    Keep it up, and funny how he responds like he does, if I didnt know better I would say the guy is 16 yrs old. He uses horrible spelling and grammar.

                    I was going to chime in, but then I told myself to behave. My comment to him was going to be if he is making a million a year, then why does he look like a 5 buck hobo on the TV shows he scams the service for? He looks like a freak. And he is very degrading to women..every joke (or so he calls it) out of his mouth is about some big breasted woman and what she does in bed..what a moron.

                    He will never give the real plays out, just like he isnt monitored anywhere that cant be bought..

                    Very funny, you know me and I would track that post down real quick!!!

                    Dont ever feel bad for taking locked in gains for once..maybe more to come, maybe not..


                    • #55

                      Had a memo on that FMDAY, said it's stalling at 1.01 but buy and hold for gush to 1.10 or more. Yea right. Holy Toledo!

                      Sold BRCD, will wait for 6.20 again. Not a big play.

                      Check EAG. I'll buy in the morning, should open at 1.47. More if it goes lower. Lot's of ghost as you call them.

                      This is a free site. at the bottom enter eag in free research box .
                      then click on eag files new form 4 then click on entire document with attachments.
                      it looks to me like he is getting a 1,071,700 option at 1.70

                      And this is after hours today.

                      EAG Eagle Broadband, Inc.

                      Pre-Market | After Hours Market Mar. 3, 2004 Market Close: $ 1.46

                      After Hours Trade Reporting Wednesday March 3

                      After HoursLast: $1.47 After HoursBest Bid: N/A After HoursHigh: $1.47
                      After HoursVolume: 308,500 After HoursBest Ask: N/A After HoursLow: $1.44

                      After HoursTime (ET) After HoursPrice After HoursShare Volume
                      18.14 $ 1.47 2900
                      18.10 $ 1.47 1500
                      18.09 $ 1.47 100
                      16.23 $ 1.45 1000
                      16.14 $ 1.44 300000 ****
                      16.11 $ 1.47 2500
                      16.06 $ 1.45 200
                      16.00 $ 1.46 300

                      Looks like it will go back up to 1.90 or 2.00 again.

                      Thanks for the Welcome back.
                      "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


                      • #56

                        I had EAG on my list for a while and look at it every day..the action tells me NO on this stock. Volume has been miserable and it has been trading really poorly.

                        I will watch tomorrow, but in this environment I expected more from it than I have seen.

                        I want to know 1 day before on these stocks go up 400% in one day, then I can throw 30k at them..



                        • #57
                          Wallstreet-I hear ya and agree!!


                          • #58
                            Wallstreet, a friend of mine called me and told me to buy HQNT.OB. I looked at it.... no debt, positive earnings, outlook seems positive. If you get a chance, will you take a look at it and let me know what you think? Thanks.



                            • #59

                              Looks like these guys make software for healthcare companies..It is hard to find good current information on these guys since they are an OTCBB stock.

                              One thing I dont like is when companies pump out press releases all the time. It makes me think they are working the press and trying to create interest. Companies dont send out press releases everytime they sign a contract or change a product. To me it is clutter and annoying!!

                              One thing that is strange..the company is cash flow positive, they have no debt (which is true), and they have been putting out a dividend for a while too (very odd for a BB stock)..what is strange is they seem to be compliant in many ways..they have revenues, a product..expenses are in check, making a profit, issuing a small dividend..why arent they listed or NASD compliant?

                              The company has working capital..a bit light on cash (260k in Sept) but I dont see anything really bad with these guys.

                              When things dont add up like this I tend to stay back and observe rather than buy. The stock is near a 52 wk high which is good..the only thing I can think is that the growth prospects for these guys arent good.. I cant confirm that, but a company with no debt, making a profit should trade on the NASDQ or on the NYSE..not on the BB.

                              Sorry I cant help more, it looks good but the question on my mind keeps me from investing in it.

                              Savage, what the hell happened to MIIS today????


                              • #60
                                Wallstreet-Miis collapsed and even more so today;I should have got out when the thing soared;such is life.
                                ps great post directed at Ty Gaton;you really put him on the ropes, as did several others after yours.

