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  • #31

    Yep..LBTT was a misprint. I looked at and searched the message board for them, and it was a bad happens from time to time. So you wouldnt have bot the stock there even if you wanted to.

    HLSH, they are being weighed down due to the bad things concerning their ex-CEO and other officers. I fully admit the past and it was "enhanced" but just look at the income statement and balance sheet..they are generating cash..get the PK out of the quote and you are looking at 10 plus. I wanted to add on friday, but some of my funds are in transit from Fido to Ameritrade..

    SONS..similar story to MUSEE and a few others..they admitted to a boo boo and are moving forward. Once the get that straightened out they will be just fine. If we get a market dip, SONS will dip as well and I will add a bit..

    I dont like to go after Ch11 stocks..they have to give away the company to stay in on any rise the stock will get significant selling pressure..just like RBAK. Ramp from 6 to 11 plus, back to 7.

    The only way I like to get into Ch11 survivors if I feel the new leverage will not over comprimise future potential of the stock...which means on a percentage of the float it cant be a majority.. RCNC might be an ok Ch11 play but it is way too early to be trading it for me. If she got down to 15 cents or so all depends on how close it gets to the reverse split date..when they get OUT of the proceedings I imagine there is a play, similar to RBAK.

    Keep those 4 on your list (sons hlsh cbmx ngen)..and keep giving me some of your insights. I can always use new stocks to watch..

    Most others on my list are extended or not in buy range.


    • #32

      Thanks, I'll be watching.
      I see your old friend IVAN has been put on the BUY list. Price looks right. Also liking JDSU, have been stuck in this one for awhile, hoping to get out with a profit, also moved to BUY.
      Time to light up the board.
      "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


      • #33

        The more I read about IVAN, the less I like. It seems that they really arent making that much money and the move was more on speculation and pumping than real earning or real fundamentals.

        HLSH opened nicely, have to see what happens through the day. I am starting to be more skeptical on how the market is going to move after the open..already seeing weakness in some stocks and it is real early.


        • #34

          Valintines day is over, what's with all the red lights?
          Only green today was your HLSH (steady burning) and SONS.
          CBMX, could not keep up with it, all over the board.

          Take a look at BRCD, down 7 days in a row, now 6.16 and 5.50 seems to be the turning point 4 times this year.

          "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


          • #35

            Like I mentioned to Savage (I think) there are quite a few that are coming into my buy area..BRCD is a good one to add to that list.

            Others include:

            HLIT (another 2 days of this)

            And I bet there are 10 others that should be looked at too..

            HLSH looked great today, started up and stayed up all day..CBMX gave up the ghost in the last 30 min of the day. I had a buy order in but didnt get hit.

            I think we get lower prices still and at that point I will keep adding. Also assuming SONS and NGEN on my buy/keep buying list..


            • #36

              Not sure I can post addresses on JD's. I'll give it a try.
              2004 GSM Association Awards going on in France at present.


              Perty good info on who's got what in wireless/mobile.

              "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


              • #37

                Looks like Vodaphone and RIMM and DT are the big names on that list and a bunch I have never heard

                bot 1/4 position CBMX @ 6.10

                Taking things slowly, I dont think we ramp up on the markets for a flow is very negative and that means the markets cannot move higher. Too much supply this week.


                • #38

                  I came across Oxford Ventures (OXFV) OTCBB
                  They're building NASCAR simulators for placement in sportsbars.
                  Right in your backyard (Tempe AR)
                  They've announced a 4-1 stock split March 1st. (1.55 today)

                  Question is, what effect will a 4-1 split have? I know they want to create volumn but I've never seen 4-1 before.
                  I've seen the opposite. LOL

                  Nascar is big and I think there is a hugh market for their product both wholesale and retail. Plus advertisers would pay large portions of production cost to get their name on board. Possibilities are unlimited. IMO

                  I'm not jumping to buy, just curious what to expect as I watch them for awhile.

                  "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


                  • #39

                    You nailed it on the reasoning for the split. Please do not look at the balance sheet..I almost croaked. On yahoo finance you can check a balance sheet..and it was just about a blank piece of paper with a few numbers on it..lmao

                    This one knows it is a OTCBB baby and there isnt anything they care to do about it. Optimally when I want to buy a OTC stock, it would be nice if they were to be compliant and want to be listed..for the first time or again..these guys could care less.

                    Doing a 4 for 1 just so there are more shares out there tells me these guys have no real clue about running a company and will be nothing more and maybe less than an OTC dummy.

                    Watch for fun, but what upside could one expect when the company doesnt seem to care??

                    I have seen that reasoning before and I dont recall seeing those companies moving up much since then either..

                    edit) stock at a 2 yr high right proceed with extreme caution..


                    • #40
                      Wallstreet-I don't recall if I mentioned this "gem" before but check out pkcy;I am in at .063 and stock has been moving nicely on a percentage basis.
                      From their news releases it would seem future is positive.
                      ps I realize that with good reason stocks like this are not ones you usually follow.
                      Also, cln startng to move up again and CC is on Monday-hoping for good news.


                      • #41

                        I was noticing that with CLN. I hope it gets back to 2 bucks for you. It took a big hit, maybe it was general market related, I am not sure..but on a percentage basis the move to 1.25 was just brutal! I could say that about a bunch of stocks crushed when the mania guys got out and the stocks got slammed.

                        What I noticed though some stocks I watch that got creamed got hit on little it wasnt anything that I am worried about.

                        This Park City group is interesting. One negative I do not care for is that the CEO is making 407k a year..that seems a bit out of line when revenues are 6 Million a year and operating net income for last year was negative (even factoring out that non recurring expense of 2.2 M last year.

                        I also dont like PR releases telling me that they got a positive response after their conference call..that is generated by the company and seems a bit lame to me.

                        On the good side, they were profitable last quarter and revenues were up..that is a good thing..and is why the stock is at its high this year.

                        Keep a tight collar on the stock, let it run for you but dont let it take you down. It was at 2 cents just a short time ago..

                        I like when these little kiddies make a big percentage return, I hope it goes to 25 cents for you!!!


                        • #42
                          Wallstreet-thanks for insight and encouragement.
                          After cln, one hand is on the trigger of all these little speculative stocks;I have to be more nimble and not stay married to some of these forever;get profit and get out or get out quick if stock starts down and take a small loss if that is the case.
                          Hope your stocks are doing well also.


                          • #43

                            Sold all CBMX at 7.01- so that means it is time to buy for everyone else..I seem to sell way too early. Made just under 10% on the trade.

                            Also looking at SONS for selling at 6.25, would be a 10% profit on it.


                            • #44
                              Wallstreet-your comment about selling reminded me of my dad.
                              As well as he did over his many years of his investing, the only sure thing according to my mother is that whenever he sold, the stock would go up in the short term and when he bought, the stock would go down for a while.
                              However, as my father was a long term buy and hold guy for the most part, it really didn't bother him, as long as he made money(which he did).
                              ps keep an eye on cln and pkcy. I bought 40 thousand shares of pkcy at average of .065, and it is now (last I checked) around $.10(I think it actually hit .105 earlier today).


                              • #45

                                I did watch that PKCY today..the volume really seemed to pick up as it crossed 10 cents. From where you are at, I would hold on and just make that firm sale price in your head..that say it goes to 7 cents and looks bad that you dont hold it no matter what. Then if you get a double (looks likely) then you peel off 10-25% or so, put a little dough in your pocket..let the rest go with the same rules.

                                I should have held onto CBMX a little longer..its never bad to take a profit though..and I had like 500 bucks in profit..and I always want to keep my profits when I can..I imagine she might head to 8, but if I get another chance I will dip back in the same stock.

                                I watch CLN all the time, mainly due to you being in it. The action looks really bad in it I have to say..volume drop and a price stagnancy..if it were to go to oversold levels then I might get in, but at this price I have to sit put.

                                Did you watch that UFAB today? was acting really freaky..went from 4.77 up to 14.77 today. I was watching it as it crossed 10 to 14..just a low float whack job..I couldnt trade that kind of stock without knowing why..

                                I have a feeling we may get a dip again this week..tons of supply coming into the market again..secondaries and IPO's and not enough $$$$ to support it..just supply and demand..and I think after todays big ramp we get a breather. Todays action was strange..up big, but it was sector specific..not a general market move. I have 30% of stocks on my list actually flat or down today..


