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* * * 100% FREE Week of Service - No Tricks, No Strings * * *

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  • * * * 100% FREE Week of Service - No Tricks, No Strings * * *

    Hi guys,
    Once every month or so, I'll try to stop by with a special offer. Things are going well right now, so I figure there's no time like the present to stop in & share the success. I'm doing very well in all sports & I'd like the chance to prove it. No Tricks, No Sales Pitch & No Misuse of your e-mail address. Just the plays.

    Note: this offer is good from May 1st - May 7th only. You're welcome to join in at any time, but the promotion will end on the 7th regardless of when you join in.

    In case you're curious, here's my record over just the last few days. I'll continue to update my record over the course of my offer (below), but to know for sure, please take part. That way you'll get to see for yourself that I'm posting accurate results. ...

    +235 04-28 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-2 (71%)
    +171 04-29 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 7-5-2 (58%)
    +190 04-30 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-4 (56%)
    +596 3-day Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 17-11-2 (61%)

    Also, my Top Plays have literally been sizzling. My NBA Top Plays are 21-12 (64%) the L33, my MLB Top Plays are 6-1 (86%) the L7 & I'm even coming off a 2-0 NHL Top Play sweep on Wednesady night, with wins on the Devils & the underdog Ducks. I have every intention of keeping it going & if you'd like to try me out, I'd love to make you some money.

    I assure you I'm an honest & capable handicapper & if you've ever considered giving me a try, this would be a great chance to do it. If interested, just drop me an e-mail or call my office & I'll be happy to add you to my client e-mail list. You'll get 1 Full Week of Premium Service (reg. $100), with no cost, hassle or obligation.

    Thanks & Good Luck to all,
    Wes F.
    Wes Fisher Sports - ... Helping You Land the Big Winners!
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Phone: (703) 262-0254, 2-9 PM EST
    Last edited by Wes Fisher; 05-04-2003, 03:25 AM.

  • #2
    Hi guys,
    another winning day, albeit a small one for Thursday. It would have been a solid day if not for a poor showing in NHL, as my NBA & MLB stayed very hot. Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that there are still 6 days left in my FREE Week promotion. You're welcome to hop on board anytime throughout the week.

    For the record, here's my results for the past 4 days...

    +235 04-28 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-2 (71%)
    +171 04-29 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 7-5-2 (58%)
    +190 04-30 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-4 (56%)
    +079 05-01 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 11-9 (58%)
    +675 4-day Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 28-20-2 (58%)

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. All my info is below.

    Thanks & Good Luck to all,
    Wes F.
    Wes Fisher Sports - ... Helping You Land the Big Winners!
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Phone: (703) 262-0254, 2-9 PM EST


    • #3
      Hi guys,
      much like Thursday, we posted another small profit on Friday. It could have been a lot better if not for a big fav on the Phillies blowing a 4-3 10th inning lead. Still, a win is a win. There are still 5 days left in my FREE Week promotion. You're welcome to hop on board anytime, but the final day will be May 7th, regardless of when you join in. Also, thanks for bearing with me as I recap each evening. I'm not doing it just to brag, but by posting a recap it automatically bumps my thread to the top of the page & allows me to keep my promotion running for all to see. I prefer to do all my posts inside this single thread so I don't clutter the forum with multiple threads.

      For the record, here's my results for the past 5 days...

      +235 04-28 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-2 (71%)
      +171 04-29 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 7-5-2 (58%)
      +190 04-30 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-4 (56%)
      +079 05-01 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 11-9 (58%)
      +080 05-02 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 6-3 (67%)
      +755 5-day Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 34-23-2 (60%)

      Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. All my info is below.

      Thanks & Good Luck to all,
      Wes F.
      Wes Fisher Sports - ... Helping You Land the Big Winners!
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Phone: (703) 262-0254, 2-9 PM EST


      • #4
        careful of this guy - he talks a good game but is in last place where he gets monitored since January 1st with over -11000 units. You can do a search at Notice how he took the link away in his last reply...fishy.

        The High Rollers Club All 278 168 110 60.4 % 6101
        Winning Incorporated All 173 113 60 65.3 % 4702
        The Real McCoy All 191 117 74 61.3 % 3433
        Windy City Sports All 672 364 308 54.2 % 2362
        Steam Sports All 417 230 187 55.2 % 2132
        Brian Gabrielle Sports All 759 390 369 51.4 % 1170
        Series Baseball All 17 13 4 76.5 % 821
        The Dare Devil All 4 3 1 75 % 190
        John Ryan Sports All 224 105 119 46.9 % 148
        Cheap Sports Picks All 206 110 96 53.4 % -13
        Toronto Sports Exchange All 395 199 196 50.4 % -680
        C-Stars Sports Picks All 185 98 87 53 % -881
        Joe Gunn Sports All 270 137 133 50.7 % -1076
        Underdog Sports All 421 201 220 47.7 % -1117
        The Insider All 219 111 108 50.7 % -1328
        The Right Choice All 234 114 120 48.7 % -1530
        Camptown Sports All 95 44 51 46.3 % -1604
        Vegas Prophet All 756 389 367 51.5 % -1644
        International Gaming Advisors All 177 84 93 47.5 % -1830
        Hurricane Sports All 536 276 260 51.5 % -2286
        Insider Picks All 154 72 82 46.8 % -2286
        Mother Lode All 602 328 274 54.5 % -3021
        Power Plays All 512 270 242 52.7 % -3220
        Gameday Insider All 701 354 347 50.5 % -3764
        Max Prophet All 534 282 252 52.8 % -4158
        Game Day Decision All 450 221 229 49.1 % -4493
        Prodigy Sports All 572 297 275 51.9 % -4574
        Sports Winners All 433 222 211 51.3 % -5291
        Stat Track Inc. All 1583 825 758 52.1 % -5710
        Paladin Sports All 487 247 240 50.7 % -6037
        Russel Joseph Sports All 602 298 304 49.5 % -8165
        Aces Picks All 1400 730 670 52.1 % -11508
        Wes Fisher Sports All 1642 816 826 49.7 % -11818


        • #5
          Hi guys,
          first, please ignore the idiot known as "Dribbler1". His goal in life is to be ignorant. He's questioned my record throughout the week, but if he really wanted to have accurate info to use as proof in his posts, all he has to do is sign up for my offer & see for himself. I'm sure that even he can afford "Free" plays. The fact is, he has never done that. He just assumes everyone is lying & spreads his gossip. I actually had my 1st losing day today, my 1st in the last 6 days, & just like an honest capper is supposed to do, I'm still stopping by to update my record.

          All I ask is that if you wish to make a judgment about me, please take the time to do it based on "first-hand" experience. I'm not selling my Free Week, which is kind of the point of the word "Free", isn't it? I'm also not pushing a sales pitch, which is what I mean when I say "No Strings, No Sales Pitch". What I am doing though, is entering this Free Week on a very hot run & I'm offering to prove it to anyone who wants to take me up on my offer. That's it. I'm e-mailing each person the exact plays I send my clients daily, followed by a recap that same evening.

          I will be the first person to step up & say that if anyone at all is receiving my plays & finds my posts to be innacurate or dishonest, PLEASE take a moment to say so here on the forum. You are welcome to post any of my e-mails in their entirety as proof. I know that isn't possible, because I am as honest as they come, so likewise, if you've received the plays exactly as I've stated in my nightly recaps, I would certainly welcome a brief comment to that effect as well.

          It's a shame there are people out there like Dribbler1, because I agree that our forums would be abetter place without all the cheats & liars, but I'm talking about you "dribbler1", not me. The forums are not your personal pulpit for talking trash.

          Now, to my recap...

          Here are my complete results for the past 6 days...

          +235 04-28 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-2 (71%)
          +171 04-29 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 7-5-2 (58%)
          +190 04-30 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-4 (56%)
          +079 05-01 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 11-9 (58%)
          +080 05-02 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 6-3 (67%)
          -189 05-03 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-6 (46%)
          +566 6-day Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 39-29-2 (57%)

          Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. All my info is below.

          Thanks & Good Luck to all,
          Wes F.
          Wes Fisher Sports - ... Helping You Land the Big Winners!
          E-mail: [email protected]
          Phone: (703) 262-0254, 2-9 PM EST


          • #6
            Please post a comp play along with your post per the rules of the forum.



            • #7


              • #8
                notice how Mr. Wes Fischer got so offensive when Dribbler showed his record. this site is better than a Drama movie
                Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                • #9

                  your too funny man

                  TOO FUNNY

                  :eek: :D


                  • #10
                    Tell me how to beat a sore dick?
                    There are no strangers here, just friends we haven't met yet.


                    • #11
                      Note to Moderator: Is this is the type of forum you run here? Very disappointing. I actually thought this forum was run professionally & with a little class. At least that was my impression up until reading some of the posts you allow. As for the comp, I didn't know it was a rule for posting here. I missed it. Still, I would've thought that giving away ALL my plays would be enough. If I need a Free comp to post here, then fine ... Kings Over the Mavs to win their "Best of 7" 2nd round matchup. Satisfied? Good, now I can finish my post.

                      If anyone out there wants to question my integrity or honesty, don't bother. It's impossible. There isn't a handicapper alive with more integrity & honesty then I have. Those who have dealt with me know it & that's why I've never had posts like this from my actual clients, but I've had many come to my defense with positive things to say. If you care to read this entire response, I bet I can even change some of your opinions about me before it's finished.

                      First, let me just say that I didn't come here asking anyone to buy my service. I haven't quoted a single rate. I also didn't come here to take shit. I came here saying that I was doing well & I was willing to offer a Free Week of Service to anyone who wanted it. No Strings, No Tricks. 100% Free. Just like my post says. No misuse of e-mails. Just the plays. Before you take offense, you may want to take a closer look at the intent of the offer. When the Free Week was over, it was my honest hope that I would've made a few people some money & that was all I set out to do. If I was lying, you undoubtedly would have nailed my balls to the wall right here on the forum. I just figured you would have given me the courtesy of finding out FIRST before you started making judgments. I actually thought the offer would be appreciated. Judging from the response I got, I was mostly correct. I guess the rest are just the same type of bitter posters that litter otherwise decent forums with their classless comments. I know the type. You're the ones who aren't winning, so you go around angry & resentful of anyone who is.

                      It's not like I claim to have won & then just stopped by to brag.
                      I'm trying to include you, so why the anger?

                      Do you think I've been making up my results? If so, then I don't blame you for being angry. You've probably been ripped off enough times, but there were a lot of people who took me up on my offer who I'm sure can relate their experience thus far. Hopefully, someone will take a moment to do just that. If not, no biggie. All I know is that I've been giving out Free winners & a Free week of Premium plays to a LOT of people who took advantage & after Sunday, I've now posted a profit in 6 of the L7 days. If you don't believe me, all you have to do is sign up. If I e-mail you the plays & then lie about my record, you can post the e-mail right here & reveal me to be the scam artist you think I am. For the rest of you, if on the off chance you might like to deal with a handicapper who's actually been doing what he says he's doing AND who's willing to give it away for FREE, then there are still 4 more days to my offer.

                      What amazes me is that there are so many angry people who have actually been given the opportunity to pick up some free winners, but who instead would rather just sit around & bitch. Hell, even if you don't want the plays & just hate guys like me, I'd think that from a pure "entertainment" standpoint, you'd welcome the opportunity to see me lose & to prove it to everyone. Hell, I challenge you to do so. But no, instead, posters like knowlez & shanks would rather have advice on how to whack off or have sex with a goat. I'm sorry, but I handicap sports. If that's the info you need, you might want to ask you're dad, because sex with a goat is likely how you came to be in the first place. Also, ''how do you beat a sore dick?'' Easy, hit yourself in the face with a stick. (Note: I don't like to stoop to this level, but unlike the original comments, THAT was just too funny & hard to resist. I'm over it now)

                      For the record, if you want a bit more proof that I can win for you,
                      first let me tell you how I do business. I rate my plays as either 3* plays or 5* plays & I assign $20 per *. That simple. That's why my results say "$60-$100 bettors". I e-mail my clients the plays, along with the ratings & the actual lines from the time the plays are sent (not made up lines that give me an edge & that you won't be able to find anywhere on earth even with a compass). I later follow up with a nightly recap, with the final scores & the exact results of the evening. My results are impossible to make up. I keep an actual record in every e-mail & it's all there for my clients to follow along. They are 100% accurate & contain the exact same results I post in the forums. I've never called one single play a winner that wasn't or adjusted a single line so much as a 1/2 point in my favor to sneak out an extra win.

                      Anyway, I'm giving these plays away. I don't understand how anyone can get angry with that type of arrangement, but before I go on, here's the revised total counting Sunday ...

                      +235 04-28 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-2 (71%)
                      +171 04-29 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 7-5-2 (58%)
                      +190 04-30 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-4 (56%)
                      +079 05-01 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 11-9 (58%)
                      +080 05-02 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 6-3 (67%)
                      -189 05-03 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 5-6 (46%)
                      +250 05-04 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 3-1 (75%)
                      +816 7-day Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 42-30-2 (58%)

                      If you want to prove me wrong, then the challenge has been issued from me to you. You think you're calling me out? Well, pardner, I'm calling you out. Prove I'm not winning & I'll kiss all your asses right here on this forum, then leave forever never to be heard from again, but if I can prove to the skeptics that I'm both honest AND capable, then do me a favor? Have the class to stop back by here & let everyone know. What have you got to lose? Nothing! You win or at the very least see what kind of person you're dealing with, or my plays lose & you can send me packing. What have I got to lose? my reputation.

                      So, I know you guys have challenged the reputation of a lot of cappers. Well, I'm challenging you. Do you want to learn how to have sex with a goat or do you want to win?

                      By the way, I just saw the post from SDLT21. You think Dribbler1 nailed me by posting my record? I tell you what, don't believe everything you see. Hang on a sec ...

                      Handicapper League Games Wins Losses Percent Units
                      Wes Fisher Sports All 322 181 141 56.2 % 2557
                      The High Rollers Club All 51 36 15 70.6 % 1950
                      The Insider All 64 40 24 62.5 % 1322
                      The Real McCoy All 46 30 16 65.2 % 1300
                      Hurricane Sports All 123 71 52 57.7 % 1161
                      Winning Incorporated All 33 20 13 60.6 % 570
                      Steam Sports All 81 46 35 56.8 % 492
                      Camptown Sports All 20 12 8 60 % 320
                      International Gaming Advisors All 97 51 46 52.6 % 40
                      Stat Track Inc. All 360 195 165 54.2 % -91
                      Joe Gunn Sports All 58 29 29 50 % -316
                      Sports Winners All 66 36 30 54.5 % -355
                      Gameday Insider All 149 77 72 51.7 % -425
                      Game Day Decision All 62 31 31 50 % -581
                      Prodigy Sports All 124 67 57 54 % -717
                      Max Prophet All 90 47 43 52.2 % -801
                      Brian Gabrielle Sports All 138 67 71 48.6 % -816
                      Mother Lode All 125 65 60 52 % -865
                      Paladin Sports All 97 50 47 51.5 % -1123
                      Power Plays All 115 58 57 50.4 % -1320
                      Vegas Prophet All 158 78 80 49.4 % -1355
                      Russel Joseph Sports All 139 68 71 48.9 % -1590
                      The Right Choice All 74 31 43 41.9 % -1636
                      Toronto Sports Exchange All 61 25 36 41 % -1645
                      Underdog Sports All 112 49 63 43.8 % -1826
                      Aces Picks All 243 129 114 53.1 % -1969

                      Do you know what that is? They are search results from the SAME site where Dribbler1 got his. They are for the month of February. Go visit the site & run the same search to see for yourself. Hang on, I'll be right back ...

                      Documented Streaks
                      MLB Top Plays (+293) 13 - 8 L21 62%
                      MLB Overall Sides (+485) 15 - 8 L23 62%
                      NBA Top Over/Unders (+550) 11 - 5 L16 69%
                      NBA Top Sides (+380) 6 - 2 L8 75%
                      NBA Top Plays (+860) 24 - 14 L38 63%
                      NBA Overall Plays (+660) 11 - 4 L15 73%
                      NHL Overall Over/Unders (+1070) 113 - 93 L206 55%
                      NHL Top Sides (+140) 3 - 2 L5 60%

                      Do you know what these are? These are Documented streaks that belong to me for what I have been claiming has been a very successful run & it's these results that prompted me to make my Free Week offer in the 1st place? Why should you believe these results? Did you believe the post of Dribbler1? Fine. These Documented Streaks are from the exact same site. It's likely that he saw them too, but posting them would obviously not serve his purpose, so instead he only posted a record that served to make his point. So who's really guilty of misrepresentation? Me or him?

                      My point? I have good months, I have bad months. I bet I can run a search for any capper anywhere on earth & find BOTH good results & bad results. Do you believe it's possible to do the same?

                      My problem isn't that Dribbler1 ran a search, it's that he ran only 1 search based on a specific time frame. If he ran a search during a good month, I doubt he'll take the time to post that & recommend me. No, my problem isn't with people getting info. It's with someone who will slander an honest person without seeing for themselves the actual results. Are you starting to get the picture? This guy didn't e-mail me with a serious question. No, all he did was make an assumption & go around making unfounded posts on forums.

                      A lot of you may not believe this, but monitoring services are not all that accurate. They may grade plays differently & they may not take into account a handicappers' play ratings, etc. Furthermore, the plays that are monitored are not always accurate with the plays a capper actually gives out. If I e-mail you my plays on a given day, there is no "monitor fairy" that automatically tracks the plays. The way plays get monitored is by the handicapper taking the time to actually enter them into a database. If a capper is unable to enter them or can't enter all of them, for whatever reason, that doesn't mean he didn't give them out to his clients or that he didn't win, it JUST means he didn't get them into the system to be monitored. That's all.

                      Am I saying that monitoring is useless? No, I'm not. But I am saying that it doesn't give the whole picture. Not even close. To be honest, it should be the last resort for someone who has no other means of finding out about a capper.

                      Ultimately, the only way to know for sure is by judging the capper's results firsthand. I understand this, which is why when I have a good month, I don't refer to a monitoring service to prove it. It's also why whenever I run a promotion, I don't try & sell the plays. I prefer to give them out & to do it for at least a week so that potential clients can make an educated decision based on "actual" results.

                      Let me say one more thing, is the record that Dribbler1 posted accurate? The answer is YES (bet you didn't see that coming did you?), but it's accurate only to the point that it's the record of those plays entered into the system. Is that fair enough for you to agree with? Beyond that, it doesn't take into account play ratings & it doesn't necessarily reflect every play that was released over that time frame. Was I in last place for the search he ran? YES. Was I in first place for the search I just ran? YES. Did I really make everyone +2557 for the month of February? Honestly, I don't know. It could have been more, it could have been less. Did I actually lose as much as the search that Dribbler1 ran shows? NO. I know for a fact that while the "record" is accurate for the plays that were entered into the system, the $ amount is way off.

                      Before I go on to explain, I'm sorry for the long e-mail, so for those of you who are tired of reading, please accept my apologies. I understand if you want to quit, but if you want to read a few examples of how that record can be inaccurate & so you can have it explained to you in a sincere & accurate manner, then please read on. I'm willing to take the time to explain to you what everyone should know, but very few cappers will bother explaining in a manner that makes sense to the everyday bettor. Besides, I'm on a roll, so I might as well address every issue & get this cleared up.

                      Here's the record that Dribbler1 posted in his warnings to the world about me, because after all, he's a great guy & he is the protector of the world against the ruthless scamdicappers ...

                      > Wes Fisher Sports All 1642 816-826 49.7% -11818

                      He says that he ran this search from Jan. 1st to present. Fair enough. Now, I have no intention of disputing the record, but clear your minds as I try to explain why it MIGHT be inaccurate when compared to the actual results of my clients.

                      First, let me explain the way that the monitoring works. It has to be a fair scale for everyone & they monitor Wins & Losses only; therefore, they grade EVERY play based on a $100 Wager. It doesn't matter if it's a "Free Play", a "Regular Play" or a "Top Play" (the 3 types of plays you can enter). Every single play is graded as a $100 wager.

                      Now, here's why it isn't 100% accurate ...

                      1) It doesn't take into account play ratings: This is the most important & the longest to explain, so bear with me. As I mentioned above, I rate my plays as 3* & 5*, with a recommended wager of $20 per *. Back in January, I did something that I no longer do, which is that I also rated plays 1*, 1.5* & even 2*. For some stupid reason, I not only gave out all my 3* & 5* plays, but I gave out opinions on just about everything else as well. For instance, I tried to offer an opinion for every TV game on any given night. Now, the reason I no longer offer those plays is because it was stupid of me in the first place. The plays were of low quality & quite frankly they did terribly. In fact, the month of January was one of my worst months EVER & my clients got killed (luckily, we got most of it back in a near record February). Now, I'm admitting to an awful month & telling you that I lost most of my opinion plays, so is it safe to assume that you all believe me when I'm actually admitting to a terrible month? Good, then it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to ask you to believe this ...

                      I entered most of those opinions into the database at to be monitored. Now, a lot of those plays weren't even played by my clients, but they were still in the system. I'm admitting to losing a lot of them, so if I assign $20 per * & I'm telling you that I gave out a lot of 1* opinions, then what I'm also pointing out is that when I lose one of those plays, for each play I lost, my clients lost -$22, BUT the plays were graded at the monitoring site based on a $100 wager, so officially for the monitoring service, each loss was recorded as -$110.

                      Now, if you can believe that, then you'll understand that the results of the monitoring service would show a loss 5x greater than the actual loss my clients experienced. For every $200 in actual losses, the monitoring site would show $1,000 in losses. I think you'll agree that this can possibly make a big difference?
                      I'm admitting that the plays did terribly; otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten rid of them. So, let's take another look at my record from Dribbler1's post ...

                      > 816-826 49.7%

                      That's pretty close to .500, so if you'll give me the courtesy of believing the scenario I just told you above, then remove a large handful of losing 1*, 1.5* & 2* opinion plays over the course of 1-2 months & you remove a great deal of the crap from my record.

                      Also, forget the opinion plays completely. Even my 3* plays, which made up 80% of my nightly plays, would produce inaccurate results at the monitoring site. Every loser I gave out was -66, not -110, but -110 is how it was graded.

                      2) It doesn't necessarily reflect every play that was actually released: This one doesn't take long to explain, so all I need is an example ....

                      On 05-01 my first update of plays contained the following ...

                      +100 WIN 5* = Expos -140 (5-0)
                      +100 WIN 5* = Expos U9 -110 (5)
                      - 066 Loss 3* = Twins -1.5 -110 (6-5)
                      +060 WIN 3* = Twins O9 -120 (11)
                      +100 WIN 5* = Cardinals -155 (6-5)

                      That's every play I gave out & I'm sure you'll agree a great start to the day, right?

                      Well, all you have to do is take a quick look at my recaps in this thread for that exact day & you'll see that the record I'm claiming is ...

                      > +079 05-01 Total for $60-$100 bettor, Record = 11-9 (58%)

                      Well, if I'm lying about the overall record for that day, it wouldn't make much sense that I would intentionally worsen my own record, right? So, it stands to reason that if I started out 4-1, +291, that I must have gone 7-8, -211 to finish right? So what does that have to do with my monitored record? Simple, I'm human & I got a late start to the day. As a result, I got the early plays out to my clients & went 4-1, but I didn't get the chance to enter them for monitoring, BUT as luck would have it, I did enter the late plays. Sadly, I posted a win for my clients, but the monitored results of my plays read ...

                      > 3-6 33.3% -378

                      Big difference, right? Why does it read -378 instead of -211 like I just told you? For reason #1 above, it graded some 3* losing plays that were actually -60 plays as -100 plays.

                      I actually went 11-9, +079 for my clients, but I was monitored as having gone 3-6 -378. If you visit the site & run a search for just 05-01, you can verify this.

                      Does this make up for all the losses for the year? No, but it does show you an example of why just because monitoring differs from what I say, that doesn't mean that monitoring is accurate.

                      3) It doesn't accurately grade every type of play, especially plays that involve Money Lines or Run Lines: Finally, this is the last inaccuracy at monitoring sites. Let me tell you that my limit when playing baseball favorites is around -175 to -180. I generally won't lay more than that. On the season, I maybe have played one -200 favorite & even if I did, I would have made it a lower rated play due to the steep price. However, if I really like a big favorite, I will often lay the -1 1/2 runs in order to get the game at a fair price.

                      The monitoring site doesn't take this type of play into account, but it does provide me with a "note" field next to each play. That way, when I enter a play into the system & a client purchases that play thru a package, they'll be able to see my recommendation that they actually play the game -1 1/2 runs, BUT when the game is graded by the site, it's graded based on a $100 wager & using the full Money Line. If the Play wins, it's +100, but if it loses it can easily be -300+. As a quick example, let's say I see a line on the Red Sox -300 & -1 1/2 -110 on the run line. If I release that play as a 3* play using the run line, then the wager I give my clients is Red Sox -1 1/2 for $66 to win $60). If the play loses for me, my clients lose -$66, but the monitoring site will grade it at -$300. Again, lose 3 plays like this on the season & what is actually –198 in losses can look like –900. Big difference.

                      Like I said, this can all be checked out. Just visit You don't have to tell them that it was one of their handicappers who told you all this, or if you like, you can. That's up to you. But if anyone has any lingering doubts, just e-mail them & ask them. Include anything I've written here & ask them if it's accurate?

                      Well, that's it. I've addressed every issue & despite being legitimately irritated by some of the posts & their unfounded attacks, I've tried for the most part to answer in as professional a manner as I can.

                      If you wish to visit the site to validate or check on anything I've written or to visit my web page or to conduct your own search, then be my guest. I’ve included several hyperlinks to make the trip easier. If you want, e-mail the site's administrator. Tell them what I told you above & ask them if it's accurate? I don't know if I can be any more truthful or accurate in providing you with all the info & tools you need to understand how this whole process works.

                      Now, I'm not saying I produced a profit for everyone from Jan. 1st to present, despite the record that Dribbler1 posted, but I am saying that it's possible despite the record you see. If I tell you I did, I can't prove it anyway, because I honestly don't have the exact plays going back that far. So all I ask is that you understand some of the reasons why you should use firsthand results as the main way to judge a handicapper. If you check the site anytime overnight, the main page will also show ‘’This Weeks TOP 10’’ & ‘’ This Week 70% CLUB’’. It just so happens, that out of 33 Professional Cappers, I’m currently in the Top 3 in BOTH categories.

                      Now, please do me a favor? Take a moment to consider my effort in replying to this post & ask yourself if you're still 100% positive that I deserve having that clueless jackass Dribbler1 take shots at me without having the facts? This is how I make my living. I'm not in this business to rip people off & I've got better things to do with my time then advertise all the time trying to find the next "sucker". I'd rather do something more productive like finding winners for my existing clients & proving myself to potential new clients.

                      I guarantee that I can & do win. I win often enough, that even my free picks on my site are hitting 58% lifetime. In fact, just from my Free Plays since December, $100 bettors are up over $3,000. If that's not a reflection of my ability, I don't know what is. They are always one of my actual client selections, so feel free to bookmark the site & see for yourself.

                      I also guarantee that I have an unequaled level of honesty & integrity. When I run a special, I don't want your money unless I can prove without a doubt that I can be an asset to you. That's how I do business. Now once again, I've offered a Free Week &
                      for those who want it, there's still 4 days left. If you want to see what I have to offer, then I welcome the opportunity. If you're not interested, that's fine. I wish you the best of luck.

                      Thanks & Good Luck to all,
                      Wes F.
                      Wes Fisher Sports - ... Helping You Land the Big Winners!
                      E-mail: [email protected]
                      Phone: (703) 262-0254, 2-9 PM EST

                      P.S. - & Yes, that's my phone #. That alone should give you an idea of the type of person I am.
                      Last edited by Wes Fisher; 05-05-2003, 06:12 AM.


                      • #12
                        This is an open forum and what is allowed in this forum is pretty much goes.

                        Send me the free week of plays and let me see how well you do at [email protected]

                        You can always post comp plays for documentation on my site like other cappers do.


                        • #13
                          > This is an open forum and what is allowed in this forum is
                          > pretty much goes.

                          Fair enough. I assumed that if it were your post & I replied asking how to suck goat cock or fuck a goat or whatever it was, that as administrator of the forum, you might kick me off. If not, that's cool. As long as the rules (or lack of) apply equally to everyone, that's fair with me.

                          > You can always post comp plays for documentation on my
                          > site like other cappers do.

                          Let me reply to this one first. I appreciate the offer, but monitoring my comp plays doesn't do me any good & quite frankly, I don't have the time to go to a seperate sight each day to offer them. I'm already monitored; besides, the point of my reply above is that monitoring really isn't that accurate or reliable anyway. Even if you do the monitoring, I doubt it will take into account play strength, etc. Even if so, I see no point to monitoring free plays. If I win my comp, that doesn't mean I produced a winning day for my clients. If I lose my comp, that doesn't mean my clients lost either. It just means I won a comp or lost a comp. Also, it's not that I'm trying to avoid providing comps as a reflection of my ability, because I do actually provide a daily comp(s) on my own site & as I mentioned above, it's always an actual play from my service, so if comp watching is important to anyone out there or if you want to see a reflection of my ability thru these plays, then you're welcome to bookmark my site & simply monitor my comps on your own. In case anyone's wondering, my comp record stands at 158-114-16 (58%). $100 bettors would be up +$3,260 on these plays.

                          Also, one more reason I'm not willing to spend the time offering comps on a seperate site is because I am, after all, offering to go 1 step further by occasionally offering a Full Week of actual Premium Service. The way I see it, if someone can't trust a full week of service delivered right to their mailbox so they can witness it firsthand, then they're a lost cause anyway. I don't see how comps will do the trick. So, in regard to your offer, I appreciate it, but I will politely decline.

                          > Send me the free week of plays and let me see how well you
                          > do at [email protected]

                          I tell you what, I'm happy to do that, but if you just want to check out my plays, then the offer is good thru May 8th only. I'm happy to provide the remaining 4 days just as I would do for everyone else; HOWEVER, if you'll do me a professional courtesy, then I'll extend the offer to a Full Week just for you.

                          If all you want is 4 days, that's fine. Everyone replying today will get the remaining 4 days, but if you'd like a Full Week, then all I ask is that you take a moment at the end of that week to post some honest comments here on your forum, based on your experience with me. I don't want you to suck up or kiss my ass, just honest comments. I assume that as moderator of your own forum, that you are respected by the majority of the people who post here. So, at the end of the week, I'll post each day's results & the totals for that week. If I'm off by so much as $1 or 1 winner from what you actually receive, then you take a moment to let everyone know & nail my ass, BUT if I do what I say & I post 100% accurates results which you agree with, then you take the time to let everyone know that too. Frankly, I expect to win, but I don't know for sure that I will. I do know that I'll provide 100% honest service with 100% accurate results, win or lose.

                          So you tell me if you're willing to share your honest experience with everyone? If so, you've got a week.

                          The funny thing is that this whole thing came about because that shitstain Dribbler1 never took the time to see firsthand what I'm always willing to prove to anyone willing to see for themselves. He ran a search, wet his panties & ran around forum to forum disputing every daily record I've posted this past week, when all he had to do was drop me an anonymous e-mail & see for himself. Of course if he did that, he wouldn't have the ammo for his accusations, so better to stay ignorant then be informed I guess.

                          Anyway, I never shy away from a challenge or a chance to prove myself. I already put you on my client e-mail list for the next 4 days. I'll stop by later today to see if you want to make it 7 days.

                          Take care,
                          Wes F.
                          Wes Fisher Sports - ... Helping You Land the Big Winners!
                          E-mail: [email protected]
                          Phone: (703) 262-0254, 2-9 PM EST
                          Last edited by Wes Fisher; 05-05-2003, 07:45 AM.


                          • #14
                            My problem isn't that Dribbler1 ran a search, it's that he ran only 1 search based on a specific time frame.
                            Like I said in the other forum, take more time capping and less time writing this crap.

                            So you had one decent month in February, woo hoo. That makes you down 14375 units in January, March and April, an average of 4791 each month. One decent month and 3 awful months for the year. Good job. I did my seach the easiest one possible - from the 1st of the year. People care how you do in the long run and you don't do very well. Bottom line is that the amount of plays you give out with a lot of those being big favorites will hurt you in the long run, which is obviously the case with you. You did a free trial during CB season and gave out 33 plays for the day. No good handicapper plays that many games in a week, let alone a day.


                            • #15
                              Tell you what, I've already addressed your issues about my record in my reply above. I've also agreed to let the forum administrator at this site monitor me for a full week. If you have the balls to make your accusations, then have the balls to back them up. The simple fact is that you're going around disputing even every daily record I've posted & I've gone on record to offer proof that what I post is 100% accurate. You want to stand by your original posts without any clue asto if you're correct or not, go ahead. It shows what a classless little puss you are. If you were a real man, you'd be willing to see for yourself.

                              I tell you what you little monkey, I'm challenging you right here on this forum. I'm willing to provide a Week of actual service to the forum administrator. If my posted results on this site are off by even 1 game or $1 from the actual resultsI claim, I'll apologize to you RIGHT HERE on this forum & I'll NEVER post on this or ANY OTHER FORUM EVER AGAIN! On the other hand, if I do as I say, you come back on this forum & apologize to me, admit that you're a worthless piece of crap & you dissapear from the forums forever. I don't ever even want to see the name Dribbler1 ever again!

                              So I ask everyone on this forum, does that seem like a fair challenge? and do you have the balls to put your lack of life on the line and risk what you live for, which is making annoying & innnacurate posts on forums from morning 'til night?

                              Pal, I'm challenging YOU to prove to everyone that I'm a liar & a fraud. Do it & I'm gone. Fail & you dissapear. Basically, either accept or shut the hell up already. I'm tired of your crap. It's put up or shut up time.


