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FB-"BIG GAME PLAYS"...w/ indepth Write-Ups & Big Game Analysis!

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  • #91

    Wow, I take a few days off and come back to see this Clown Ripple in my threads TALKIN OUT OF HIS ASS AGAIN!

    He accuses me of all sort of things..and states all kinds of fictious shit, starts to twist shit around and even wants to try and slander me....And again, All Without Providing Any Proof of Anything...LMFAO!

    No one since I came here has ever came into my Running Threads, which btw, I am the only one who has been running my threads like this inorder to provide everyone ONE thread where they can verify all my plays, see the hard quality work I put into these plays, and also a thread which I can use to Document my records and where I can post a record as well....But this Clown wants to come into this FB thread after he came into my MLB thread at seasons end trying to create shit again....But, it is so funny because he is the only one since I came here who has tried to say shit about me and my service since I came here...And I wonder why that is...Hmmm?

    I have gotten nothing but positive endorsements by many veteran cappers/posters here at BC...Spark (who I, as well as, others respects..for his work with watching BC's members backs, so no service can come in and start scamming them.) has generously given me his endorsement by telling others that I am a honest and hard which he didnt have to do at all...but which, I appreciate alot that he took the time out to do.

    I also have gotten endorsements from other veteran cappers and posters here at BC, as well as, many Well Wishes, Good Job CC, Thank You for the Hard Work, Keep up the good work, etc....Just to name a few of the Veterans who has come into my threads with only Positive post...Truckin, Kmann, BigMike, LSUfan, moondog22, CHICAGODOG, BigTicket, Rook, and also new posters like Goldsheet, bwade210, and Eljugo..just to name a few....Now I dont know how it works on Ripple's planet..but I dont think these Veteran cappers/posters would do or say this to me, if they thought I was a Scammer...or someone, who Ripple says has shitty plays and who puts out half-ass work, now would they...I dont think so!!!!

    Hey Ripple, sorry but your little Scam you run on other services...which is to threathen to talk shit about their service all over the net, in hopes they send you all their not going to work with me Kid!...So, if you want my plays your just going to have to get them like everyone else does...Oh except those many Comp plays I post..which is my responsibility to do, as well as, my pleasure to share with everyone here.

    Oh and btw..stop accusing others of being in cahoots with one is and no one is asked, by me, to come into my threads and say good things for me...I dont need that and I dont ask that from any of my clients...I know what I can do and I know what I provide my clients...Annnnnnd, I am not afraid to show everyone else what I release or why I release a play as well, especially a big play (see Write-Ups and Big Game Analysis I posted in this thread).

    Oh, and when shock1 called you a Fuckin Idiot...well he was right you are one....because if you werent one, then you would of already known that I have posted all my plays released in FB right here in this thread at BETTORSCHAT...Idiot!!! ....And if you did you homework, then you would of seen my many post which I have always stated to others where the Fuck they can find all my plays posted should they need to verify them (past and present), ******, **, OGD, OPU, Bettorschat......Annnnd, you would know that I currently only post RUNNING THREADS at TWO FORUMS this year by choice, at Bettorschat and at the **....And, I am the only one at both forums who post all my plays and runs a Running Thread as well..

    So, my suggestion to you is to stop talkin out of your ass...Get Educated before you talk....Go to the ** so that you can see that my Running Thread their is exactly like the Running Thread here....and then stop making up shit about me or anyone else, because someday KID, you might get Spanked on your Ass for Lying and making up shit....Asshole!

    Now, its 4:50 am in the morning here in Hawaii (probably going to say that I am lying about even living in Hawaii, I am going to hit the sack...But, tomorrow...I will have for you more things you said and accused me and others of doing and being...and then show you everyone's post in my threads...where and what # post they were so you can see where these Veteran Cappers and Posters had nothing but good things to say to me and about me....

    Like I mentioned, you are the only one who came into any of my threads here and accused me of Scamming others questioning my records, disrespecting others, , and claim to have others, who has complained about my service to you...LOL...and the funny thing is that you say they complain to you as well....Now that is some Funny shit...Who the fuck are YOU?...Well Kid, let me tell you who you are to me....You are a nobody to me...So, do what you want and knock yourself out...because all I am going to do is keep posting and running my threads like I have been doing so that everyone can see and verify everything I claim I provided my clients...And the results will speak for themselves just like have been doing since I came here.....Like I always say, All The Proof You Need is right here in the work I provided....However, I think that All This Proof is What is Going To Make You Look Even More Stupidier Than You Already Do...especially if you want to keep up this Bullshit Game your trying to play with me...

    Again, sorry but your not going to get my plays sent to you for FREE just so you dont have to pay for them...and as you said "so You have the Proof"...LOL....Do yourself a favor and go back in this thread to do your Homework correctly and Get More Educated, as well as, Informed!....Then please, Get A Grip!

    ps: If you think Shock1 is trying to kiss my ass or is in cahoots with me...Then why dont you go ask Spark..if I asked him to run an IP Check on him when he came into my MLB thread to Bash me...You Clown!

    Yeah, Yeah..I know Fuck You Co-Captain....Well, cause I know your going to say that to me...Fuck You Too!

    ================================================== =========================================


    Sorry and excuse me everyone for this mornings shit...but sometimes when people like this come after you and starts accusing you of wrong doings, which you are not doing at all...And then wants to go on and say things, like you dont Respect others, and that you provide a shitty half ass service...then the shit needs to stop!...This kind of thing has no place in here...and it does no good to this industry which already has a bad bad reputation to start with, and especially when these guys want to try to attack those who are trying to change it to positive, the best they can...

    Now, I am not perfect at all and I do make mistakes at times...But, I have never Scammed anyone, tried to Scam anyone, or even have the intentions of Scamming anyone...I dont need to do that kind of thing...and having a Running Threads, like I have, is the best way I feel I can continuously prove this to everyone....Like I mentioned it is Frickin hard and very time consuming work to keep one of these threads continuously updated....But, it must be done inorder for me to separate myself from those that are in this business to scam others, so I will continue to try and do my best to do just that....Now lets Kick More Bookie Ass...GL and Aloha as always, CC.

    *Posted below is each Weeks Damage I did to the Man so far...As I mentioned many times before, Football is my Strongest and Best Sport to Handicapp...and my Records of $uccess this early in the season simply speaks for itself....Annnd, all of the plays are right here in this Running Thread!...LOL!.

    CFB-WEEK #1 (CFB) Comb Record: 8W-1L-1P= +17.00 Units

    FB-WEEK #2 (CFB/NFL-Wk 1) Comb Rec: 17W-12L= +12.95 Units

    FB-WEEK #3 (CFB/NFL-Wk 2) Comb Rec: 16W-13L-3P= +11.80 Units
    ================================================== =========================================

    *05' FB-YTD REC (CFB/NFL):41W-26L-4P=+41.75 Units (61%)


    • #92
      dude i dont want you plays never did,nor do i want them now..i never ever been on ** so u get ur facts straight..and yes shock kisses ur ass and he blast vegas sports like you used to when u went into everyservice thread and bashed them and wayne and spark had to ask you to stop.They like me got numerous emails about you bothering other services,but to your defense after i called you out on that you have stopped..i dont ask for anyones plays i really dont care what you guys have that post in this your 100% wrong thinking i want your get your facts straight..hey anyhow good luck,no matter who it is i dont want to see anyone lose when theres money involved..oh by the way i never said fuck you to you or anyone on here till they said it to me forst so hey FUCK YOU AND YOUR SHITTY ASS PLAYS..and yes spark and wayne can tell you the same thing they had complaints about you bothering other cappers..when we had words amonth ago they both told me that also so im not lying about that or that i recieved emails about fuck off dirt bag,,i never once said FUCK YOU.
      Last edited by Ripple; 09-22-2005, 11:43 AM.


      • #93
        and heres a email i got today...regarding your service ,,

        Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 12:27:06 -0700 (PDT)
        From: View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
        Subject: Re: cc
        To: "Rips-Fades"

        This guy is such a fuckin liar. He does not post his BGP big game plays till after the game is over or into the 1st half or 3rd inning. He posts the comp plays in his thread before the game starts. He does (once and a while) posts a game before it starts but its about 30% of his plays. His record is BS and he does not post all his plays at **, he is a liar. He is afraid of monitors because his real record will be shown. Fuck him, Im glad he got a taste of his own medicine. Just because he makes a fuckin 1000 word high school essay for every play he thinks he is Jimmy the Greek. Until he is monitored his is BS!

        of course i took the 2 email addys out mine and the person who sent. it...


        • #94
          **ATTENTION ALL--PART 2**

          Wow, I take another day off from posting and I come back to see this Clown Ripple once again in my thread talkin out of his Ass again...Hey kid, I will address all your comments and questions and accusations you posted, once and for all to see.....I am on to your game Kid, so I will educated you alittle....I apologize to those incharge of this place, but it seems this guy needs to get EDUCATED/INFORMED/ AND A GRIP..and if I need to do it, them so be it...Sorry for the language but I think he deserves it...

          Posted by Ripple to Me:

          if ur posting ur plays on another site than you should post them here or dont post ur record here..why should we run all over the net to see your plays than u come back here and post ur record..
          #1 post ur plays and record here

          Hey Dumbass, look in this THREAD before YOU TALK OUT OF YOUR ASS AGAIN!

          #2 or dont do either

          Who the Fuck are you?...You are NOBODY TO ME KID!...Arent you just another poster?....LOL!

          #3 or just get lost..guys like you is why people hate services,,u post shit all over the net and do a haldf ass job at it,,either post everything here or nothing,,if u want to get treated with respect than dont treat us like were stupid mother fuckers,,im not running all over the net to see if ur telling the truth,,do it all here or GET THE HELL OUT NOW..DONT THINK TO MANY PEOPLE WANT UR SHITTY SERVICE HERE ANYHOW,,

          LMFAO!....Guys like me is why people hate services, you say...Really and you speak for the people, huh...Get a grip!....I do a half ass job of it, you say....Really, show me another service who will put together and back their Big and Small plays up like I do in my Second to None Write-Ups and Big Game Analysis....When you can do this yourself or show me at least 3 others that can, then you can open your mouth...Wait, when YOU yourself can step up to the plate and show us your worth with YOUR PLAYS then you can talk and judge other people's plays...Until then, grow some balls before you say shit about other peoples plays...cause you have no right to say Jack Shit Kid!..Either Walk the Walk or Shut the Fuck Up!

          You say I treat you guys like your stupid mother fuckers...Who, I ask, is US, you dumbshit?...I see no one else ever in my threads talkin shit and out of their ass, except YOUR DUMBASS....Now why is that Kid???....And, if you had a brain in that head of yours and actually read what I wrote here in my running threads several times...then you would know exactly where you can find all my plays I released....Again you ask me, like a Fuckin Idiot to post it all here....Hey Fuckhead, go back in this thread and Fuckin Get Educated Before YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH AGAIN!


          Posted by Shock1 to Ripple:

          You're a fucken idiot Ripple. He does post all his plays here you just have to go back and look at the threads. He posts his plays a little after the games starts for tracking purposes. You're talking all this shit when you don't even know what's going on. Maybe you should be the one to get the fuck outta here.

          Shock1...I dont know who you are and you unfairly bashed me in the past, but thanks for at least taking the time out to know that everything is right here in this thread for everyone to see and verify....To bad some other Clowns, like Ripple, dont do the same before they talk out of their ass!


          Posted by Ripple to shock1:

          shock kiss my ass,,i wassnt talking to you,,hes been nothing but trouble here and we get plenty of complaints about ur buddys service..mind ur own business,,dude get monte to ban me no him ..ur the fucking idiot to buttinto someones thread..go back to buddies asshole site where u came from moron..

          Again, this guy Ripple talks out of his Ass without even knowing the Truth....Hey Kid, I dont who this guy is so dont be accusing him and me of anything...And, I see your the one who causes trouble like this here...So, you go and expose scammers..and now you want to claim that I am doing that as well...Well Kid, FUCK YOU!...AND YOU BETTER GET A FUCKING GRIP AND IF YOU WANT TO COME AFTER ME...THEN LETS SEE SOME PROOF AND FACTS...AND NOT ANY OF YOUR FUCKIN LIES AND SLANDER KID!....

          Either show us all the proof of these things that you claim I am doing, or shut your mouth cause you are looking like a Big Ass Clown...Trust Me On This Kid!

          And if you want to know where else I have my plays DOCUMENTED IN A RUNNING THREAD JUST LIKE THIS ONE IS....ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS GO RIGHT TO th***.COM AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!...And if you dont got their, then that is Your Problem...not mine, Got It!


          Posted by Ripple to Me: (statements separated inorder to answer each)

          dude i dont want you plays never did,nor do i want them now..i never ever been on ** so u get ur facts straight..and yes shock kisses ur ass and he blast vegas sports like you used to when u went into everyservice thread and bashed them and wayne and spark had to ask you to stop.They like me got numerous emails about you bothering other services,but to your defense after i called you out on that you have stopped..i dont ask for anyones plays i really dont care what you guys have that post in this your 100% wrong thinking i want your get your facts straight..hey anyhow good luck,no matter who it is i dont want to see anyone lose when theres money involved..oh by the way i never said fuck you to you or anyone on here till they said it to me forst so hey FUCK YOU AND YOUR SHITTY ASS PLAYS..and yes spark and wayne can tell you the same thing they had complaints about you bothering other cappers..when we had words amonth ago they both told me that also so im not lying about that or that i recieved emails about fuck off dirt bag,,i never once said FUCK YOU.

          (Each of Ripple's statements were separated inorder to answer each of them.....Ripple's shit is highlighted)

          dude i dont want you plays never did,nor do i want them now

          You say you dont want my plays, Huh...Funny I could swear in your Email to me that you insisted that I send them to you as Proof!...I still have that Email Kid, would you like me to post it for you???...

          i never ever been on ** so u get ur facts straight

          I never said you were at the ** you get your Facts Straight and dont put words in my mouth....You said you dont want to be running all over the Net to see my plays...and I said no one has to if you just read my thread I already said many times that my Running Threads were at Bettorschat and the **....Idiot!

          and yes shock kisses ur ass and he blast vegas sports like you used to when u went into everyservice thread and bashed them and wayne and spark had to ask you to stop.

          Again accussing Shock and me of being in cahoots and shock1 of kissing my ass...You Fuckin Clown, use this Link and go see post #214 (shock1) #215 (me) #221 (shock1) #222 (me) #223 (Spark) #224 (Spark)....and post #225 (me) get Educated Dumbass!!!...I am sure you will see how he Bashed me and then I asked Spark to run an IP Check on him...Yep, that really sounds like a guy who give a shit about me... Ripple you are one Clueless Big Mouth Clown!

          I went into several Scamming Services thread to exposed them with the FACTS not with bullshit Non-Facts like you want to use against me...Wake the Fuck Up Kid!....and get this straight, Wayne only told me to stay out of the main forum early on when I went and told another Scammer ($Jimmy$) off, and only when he tried to challenge me....and Spark has never asked me to stop ....So again Stop Your Lying Asshole!

          They like me got numerous emails about you bothering other services,but to your defense after i called you out on that you have stopped..i dont ask for anyones plays i really dont care what you guys have that post in this your 100% wrong thinking i want your get your facts straight.

          Again making up shit....Hey who the fuck are you, that others will report to you...Your a Nobody Kid!..And did you ever once realize that the ONLY ONES , who is bad mouthing me in Emails to you could be my Jealous Competitors who cant stand it that I kick ass in all sports and because of this, no one has been coming to them to get their plays.....Did it ever cross you mind that this is what is going on??? ....Well, did it?....Again, stop with the "I dont care about what you guys have and post in this section" ...Are you kidding me, or what....Didnt you just say for me to post all my plays in this section or I should "Get Lost" ....Hmmm, yeah, I can really see how you dont care...Kid, you should really get your Facts straight!

          hey anyhow good luck,no matter who it is i dont want to see anyone lose when theres money involved..oh by the way i never said fuck you to you or anyone on here till they said it to me forst so hey FUCK YOU AND YOUR SHITTY ASS PLAYS

          Hey Kid, you think I am in this to fuckin make people lose...Do you think I would put in as much hard work in my Write-Ups if I did...But, realistically in this game Winning and Losing go hand in hand and that is a Fact that you need to realize, or else this game is Not for you...And Ripple, quit the "I'm an Angel with a Sweet Mouth Act", Ok...You are one who may not say Fuck You...but you do say Fuck You, in many many different ways Kid!...So quit with the innocent act, cause you aint innocent!....And Lastly, you keep saying I have SHITTY ASS PLAYS, HUH.....Well if this is shitty:


          -2003-04 season BIG GAME PLAY--GAME OF THE YEAR selection in CFB....Hawaii ov Alabama (EZ 37-29 Outright Dog Winner!).
          -2003-04 season BIG GAME PLAY--BOWL GAME OF THE YEAR selection in CFB (Fiesta Bowl).....Ohio St ov K St (35-28 Underdog Winner!)
          -2003-04 season BIG GAME PLAY--GAME OF THE YEAR selection in CBB......Hawaii ov Utep (EZ 85-63 Blowout Winner!).
          -2003-04 season BIG GAME PLAY--NCAA TOURNEY GAME OF YEAR selection in CBB (Finals)...Uconn ov GT (EZ 82-73 Blowout Winner!)
          -2004-05 season BIG GAME PLAY--CWS GAME OF THE YEAR selection in Coll Bases (Finals).....Cal St Full ov Texas (3-2 ML Underdog Winner!)
          -2004-05 season BIG GAME PLAY--WS GAME OF THE YEAR selection in MLB (WS game 4).....Boston RS ov St Louis (EZ 3-0 Winner!)
          -2004-05 season BIG GAME PLAY--GAME OF THE YEAR selection in CFB......Hawaii ov La Tech (EZ 34-23 Winner!)
          -2004-05 season BIG GAME PLAY--BOWL GAME OF THE YEAR selection in CFB (Gator Bowl)........Florida St ov WV (EZ 30-18 Winner!)
          -2004-05 season BIG GAME PLAY--NCAA TOURNEY GAME OF THE YEAR selection in CBB (Sweet 16).....Mich St ov Kentucky (EZ Winner!)
          ================================================== ====================================

          ~ "BIG GAME PLAYS"--GAME OF THE YEAR selections Record: 9-0= 100% (2003 - present)
          (All plays DOCUMENTED at the **, Cov**, and/or Bettorschat)

          Or if this is Shitty.....

          CFB-WEEK #1 (CFB) Comb Record: 8W-1L-1P= +17.00 Units (89%)

          FB-WEEK #2 (CFB/NFL-Wk 1) Comb Rec: 17W-12L= +12.95 Units (59%)

          FB-WEEK #3 (CFB/NFL-Wk 2) Comb Rec: 16W-13L-3P= +11.80 Units (55%)
          ================================================== =========================================

          *05' FB-YTD REC (CFB/NFL):41W-26L-4P=+41.75 Units (61%)

          Or even this....

          *My 05' Football (CFB/NFL)-All Top Rated Plays, Spec-Top Rated Plays, & "Big Game Plays" Comb Rec: (Wk #1), (Wk #2), & (Wk #3) posted below...

          3W-0L= +13.00 Units (WK #1-CFB)

          12W-6L= +16.00 Units (WK #2-CFB & NFL-Wk 1)

          10W-5L-3P= +13.50 Units (Wk #3-CFB & NFL-Wk 2)
          ================================================== =========================================
          ~TRP's & Higher-YTD Record (Wk 1-3): 25W-11L-3P= +42.50 Units (70%)

          Then Kid, I will take my Shitty Plays any day of the Fuckin Week.....Believe It!

          and yes spark and wayne can tell you the same thing they had complaints about you bothering other cappers..when we had words amonth ago they both told me that also so im not lying about that or that i recieved emails about fuck off dirt bag,,i never once said FUCK YOU.

          Well Spark and Wayne, never said anything to me about any complaints....And to get this straight and so that you again are Educated on the Issues...The only people I bothered were those SCAMMING TOUTS...Who 2 of them are Banned from this place...and the others were already Exposed by Spark for running two Services here Under the same IP Address....So maybe you should again THINK, that maybe these guys who are EMAILING YOU about me and complaining and saying shit about me...could possibly be these disgruntle SCAMMING TOUTS , who I helped to expose, as my way of trying to help this place rid itself of those Assholes who are trying to rip people off.

          Did this ever enter into your Pea-brain head of yours?...Probably not...Or, what about my competitors who are NOT able to provide people what I provide them...or produce what I produce in this business...Did you ever think it may be possible that they are the ones who are Emailing you and spreading lies about me to you?....Again, probably not....Damn, are you that gullable to believe every Email that you get....Probably!...So, I say to you to fuck off dirt bag... UNTIL YOU REALIZE THESE THINGS ASSHOLE!

          ================================================== ========================================


          Now again you claim to get all these complaints about me...but yet you are the ONLY ONE who has come into my Threads, since I been here, to ever Bad Mouth me and call me a liar, who has shitty plays, ....yet I again continue to get Respected and Positive Posts by Veteran Cappers & Posters from Bettorschat, which I sincerely appreciate....and to which you cannot even hold their jockstraps too...who has endorsed me, posting Well Wishes, saying Good Job Co-Capt, Keep Up the Good Work CC, Thanks You for the Hard Work, etc to me.....

          Just to name a few of the Veterans who has come into my threads with only Positive post....Oh and btw...use this Link
 to VERIFY this...Truckin post # 43, 111,138....Kmann post # 218, 322, 398, 401.....BigMike post # 30, 60,104, 339, 391....LSUfan post # 172, 175, 188, 198, 201, 228, 234, 294, 305, 313, 318, 324, 338, 352, 387.....moondog22 post # 290....CHICAGODOG post # 239....BigTicket post #278..... Spark post # 9, 204, 272, 289.......and also new posters like Goldsheet, bwade210, Rook, and Eljugo...just to name a few.

          Now, I dont know how it works on your planet Ripple ...but I dont think these Veteran cappers/posters would do or say this to me, if they thought I was a Scammer...or someone who is lying and making up shit or who as you say, has Shitty Plays and who puts out Half-Ass Work, now would they...I dont think so!!!! ...Or maybe these guys are Kissing my Ass too, just like how you accussed shock1 of doing, Right. ... Ripple, get a Grip!

          Remember this Ripple ...posted on 08-21-2005, 07:35 AM Ripple Post you got me asap and i need proof and not made up records.....Well do you Kid!

          Sorry Ripple, but again I am still NOT going to send you my Hard Work and Shitty Plays so you can get them for Free...Hey if you want them, then you need to pay just like everyone else...Seems your little Scam is to slander and make up shit about other services who are KICKIN THE MAN'S ASS, as a way of getting them to send you their plays for FREE...LOL....Again, Ripple, it wont work with you go on and keep talkin your shit and telling your lies about me...and saying that I do a half-ass job of it and that I have shitty plays....And all I will do is what I have always been doing...since I got here and that is to keep the ONLY RUNNING THREAD here so that everyone can see exactly what I released and why I released them, especially for my Big Plays..and continue to Kick the Mans Ass...So go fuck-off an play someplace else Kid, cause you just got Exposed! ... LMAO!

          Shitty plays, huh...LOL...Half-ass, huh....LMAO....That is some funny shit....Hell, anyone who came in my threads to get my Comp Plays along with the Write-Ups I provided with them...have already made some $erious Profit off of them...and in all sports combined....ALL SPORTS, KID!....Get A Grip and again go back in this thread and get educated before YOU TALK OUT OF YOUR ASS AGAIN....Aloha CC.

          PS: If you keep on posting your bullshits and lies about me in my thread...I will post Part 3 further showing everyone how you go on to TALK OUT OF YOUR ASS KID!...Trust me on this, I got it ready to post...That is the benefit of having a Running Thread..its all here and easily accessible...and only I have the Balls here to run a thread like this...Ever wonder why...You should Believe It!...So stay the Fuck Out of my threads if you dont want to get Spanked, with the Truth, even more...Got it.....Good!

          Now back to kicking the Man's Ass....Big Weekend coming up, with another possible "BIG GAME PLAY" as well...Stay tuned!


          • #95
            Courtesy Bump, for those who has not read both **ATTENTION ALL--PT 1 & 2**.

            Aloha CC.
            Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-24-2005, 01:46 AM.


            • #96
              *COMP PLAY 4 "SUPER SATURDAY" ....ENJOY!

              *Regular Play On:

              NW +8.5

              - "BIG GAME PLAY"-GOW...going off in early action...still have time to get on it...GL and Aloha CC.

              Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM


              • #97

                -My 1st Set I released today on "Super Saturday".

                *SATURDAY'S PLAYS (9-24):

                {CFB-1st Set}
                **TOP RATED PLAY ON: (3 Units)

                Clemson -2.5

                *REGULAR PLAYS ON: (2 Units)

                NW +8.5 .................................................. ...... comp play
                Minny -2.5

                - "BIG GAME PLAY"-GOW...going off in early action...still have time to get on it...Also, my 2nd Set and 3rd Set in CFB today is also still available for you Rock the Man with as well...Jump on board as I go for my 4th Consecutive Winning Week on the Gridiron.....GL and Aloha CC.

                Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM
                Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-24-2005, 12:16 PM.


                • #98

                  -My "BGP" and last play I released in my 1st Set today..

                  "BIG GAME PLAY"-REVENGE GAME OF THE WEEK: (6 Units)

                  CMich -5

                  -Game currently in 1st Q..score 0-0 with 7+ mins.

                  **TOP RATED PLAY ON: (3 Units)

                  Tulane -3

                  -If your on the same...then GL to Us...My 2nd and 3rd Set in CFB for Saturday is still available...just contact me and I will set you up to Rock-N-Roll with them Bad Boys going off in afternoon and night action....Aloha CC.

                  Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM
                  Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-24-2005, 01:34 PM.


                  • #99
                    *2nd HF COMP PLAY 4 "SUPER SATURDAY" ....ENJOY!

                    *REGULAR PLAY ON: (1 Unit)

                    Clemson -3 +100 (2nd Hf)

                    -A very good sign for the Tigers is that their running game has gotten on track as they now (not counting Whitehurst) has rushed for 88 yards on 12 carries for 7.3 ypc on BC's stingy run defense...This is very important as that will definately open up that generous secondary of BC (gives up 238.3 ypg through the air)...QB Whitehurst has gone 10-15 for 51 yards so far..but that should change because of the running success they established...This year Whitehurst is hitting 65.2% of his passes with only one int, so I expect him to definately improve on that 51 first half total passing yards....

                    BC running game has seemed to slow down as they rushed for 71 yards on 17 carries for 4.2 ypr....and this tells me that one them "Big Uglies" are getting tired trying to block all that SPEED Clemson has and also that Clemson has finally realized that to beat the Eagles, you need to stop their running game and make their yound QB, making only his 2nd start, to try and beat them through the air....So far, he has done a good job going 12 of 18 for 100 yards...but he has thrown 1 costly interception.....I expect more from him as Clemson will bring the Blitz on obvious passing situations.... GO TIGERS!


                    • FYI:

                      -My 2nd Set I released today on "Super Saturday".

                      *SATURDAY'S PLAYS (9-24):

                      {CFB-2nd Set}
                      **TOP RATED PLAYS ON: (3 Units)

                      BYU -3
                      WF E................................................. .... comp play

                      *REGULAR PLAYS ON: (1 Units)

                      Va Tech -10 (buy .5 pt)

                      - 3rd Set in CFB today is also still available for you Rock the Man with as well...Jump on board as I go for my 4th Consecutive Winning Week on the Gridiron.....GL and Aloha CC.

                      Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM



                        **TOP RATED COMP PLAY ON:

                        Michigan -3

                        -If Wisky had that devastaing NFL Defensive Line back this year...or even their talented RB Davis for this one...then I would definately side with the Badgers at home...But with Wisky having to relies on QB John Stocco on offense....he is not a match for Michigan's balanced offensive attack led by QB Henne...And that should be more than enough to get this one done on the Road and in their opener where they havent lost one since Moses parted the Red Sea..or something like that...LOL....Gotta go with the Wolverines today!
                        Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-24-2005, 05:52 PM.


                        • FYI:

                          -My Last Set I released today on "Super Saturday".

                          *SATURDAY'S PLAYS (9-24):

                          {CFB-Last Set}
                          **Special-TOP RATED PLAY OF THE DAY ON: (4 Units)

                          Tulsa -2

                          **TOP RATED PLAYS ON: (3 Units)

                          Michigan -3................................................. ...... comp play

                          *REGULAR PLAYS ON: (1 Units)

                          Wyoming +3

                          I still have 2 possibly 3 more plays being released in this Late Set...and will post when they go off.

                          -Tomorrow we roll in the NFL...The first Two Weeks in the NFL I have Kicked Some Major Ass posting an overall +16.55 Units with my NFL Plays combined....Also, my NFL-Top Rated Plays & Higher continued to remain on Fire posting a : 12W-4L-1P= +24.80 Units (75%)...for My Best Plays I released.

                          Jump on board as I go for my 4th Consecutive Winning Week on the Gridiron...Dont miss out Gang.....GL and Aloha CC.

                          Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM


                          • *2nd HF COMP PLAY 4 "SUPER SATURDAY" ...ENJOY!

                            *REGULAR PLAY ON: (1 Unit)

                            Wyoming +3 -118

                            -Just like I thought...the Cowboys will have a field day through the air with Bramlet and Brooknight already 192 yards through the air...compared to the Rebels QB Lane with only 33 yards on 11 attempts...Pathetic!

                            Check back latter as I will post another Solid Comp Play for games going off at 10 pm EST....Until then, GL and Aloha CC.
                            Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-24-2005, 08:55 PM.


                            • FYI:

                              -Remaining plays released in my Late Set.

                              **TOP RATED PLAYS ON: (3 Units)

                              NM +3

                              Hawaii -1................................................. ...................................... comp play

                              -I know the stats on the road, for this my team from the islands is bad...but I feel they will be able to get it done vs a team who the Warriors have dominated in the past....They are 4-1 vs the Vandals the past 5 games played against them..

                              The Warriors are also coming off of two ass spankings by USC and Mich St...however, I seen some positives from this offense that I like...For one, the new QB Brennan is hitting 70% of his passes and has 3 TDs and only 1 int vs USC and Mich St Defense and that is a positive in my book...Another thing I like here is that this game will be played in a climate controlled Dome at Idaho and also on turf...which is the surface the Warriors many small scat backs can use to their advantage...The Warriors are coming off of a two week rest, so they should be more than ready and prepared to start their conference play today...

                              One thing you have to remember, and which I know played a big part in the past when Hawaii's offensive skilled players, were seemingly sleep walking in games played on the mainland, is the fact that almost all of them were local boys from the islands, who never before took long trips like that when they flew to the mainland and off of the island...For most it was their first ever trip off the islands and that seriously caused big time fatigue and affected their performance....However, today's Warriors are made up of boys from all over the mainland, as far away as, New they should be more equipped to handle the mainland trip and time they have to spend their before, during, and till the game ends...I noticed a difference watching the Mich St game....and I think they will show today that they can handle playing on the road...

                              Some stats of interest...Do you think that the Warriors will score 20 or 30 or even 40 pts on the Vandals today....Check these stats out..

                              -Hawaii is 35-12 when scoring 20 or more points...Idaho is just 9-22.

                              -Hawaii is 34-3 when scoring 30 or more points....Idaho is just 7-7 when putting up 30 or more...

                              -And, Hawaii is 22-0 when scoring 40 or more points.

                              Today, I feel the Warriors will be able to put up enough points on this Vandal team who is allowing 35.3 ppg and 200 yards on the ground and through the air as well...

                              Lastly, with 2 weeks off and two former NFL Head coaches in Glanville and Jones in charge of gameplanning...they better be able to beat an Idaho team ranked in the preseason at #108 out of 119 Div 1A teams.... Go Warriors!

                              **TOP RATED 7 PT TEASER PLAY ON: (2 Units)

                              Ariz St +.5pt & NM +10

                              *REGULAR PLAY ON: (1 Unit)

                              Ariz St -6 (buy .5pt)

                              -Check back latter for possible 2nd HF plays .....Till then, LETS GO GET EM! ....ALOHA CC.

                              Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM
                              Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-24-2005, 09:36 PM.


                              • TOUCHDOWN HAWAII....14-0!

                                Hawaii's QB Brennan is 15 of 19 for 194 yards and 2 TDs...Idaho only 84 total yards so far in the 1st half....3:39 left to play in the 1st half.

