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  • #16
    Well its too early for him to be drunk so there goes that explanation.

    I too hate services, got burned by several of them and hate those POS, but you are not going to save the newbies from themselves Kyle. They have to learn the hard way buddy, just like you did
    Questions, comments, complaints:
    [email protected]


    • #17
      And Monte, look at the bright side, if you have to be a dick, better to be a stiff one than a limp one
      Questions, comments, complaints:
      [email protected]


      • #18
        jc, Many of us have been burned by services, myself included. I lost about 3 grand when i was 19 to services thinking they would pull me out of the hole i was in. I was young, dumb, and didn't know what i do now. It doesn't excuse the way kb has talked to Monte over the last couple of weeks or Spark for that matter. It isn't their fault and they do not deserve the things that have been said. There are scammers EVERYWHERE in life from Sports services to car dealerships and everything in between. It's life.

        I have been Kyle's biggest fan here and i've defended him tooth and nail but i can't this time. Something happened to him or something because the guy i knew simply wouldn't treat people this way and especially over services. No way. I just don't get it but it is beyond disappointing for me personally, i can't even express to you how much i mean that. Kyle is a very nice, kind and giving guy. This isn't him and i'm not sure what is going on.


        • #19
          People dont believe something is hot because you tell them it is. They do believe you and wish they wouldve listened after they get burned though.



          • #20
            Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
            It doesn't excuse the way kb has talked to Monte over the last couple of weeks or Spark for that matter. It isn't their fault and they do not deserve the things that have been said. There are scammers EVERYWHERE in life from Sports services to car dealerships and everything in between. It's life.
            Thanks Wayne ..


            • #21
              Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
              At least let me read his gawd damn reply. What the fuck did I say that was so bad anyway? Give me a fucking break you stiff prick
              Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
              What the fuck was so bad that I said? That I question he has his spies over in Hawaii??? Fucking weak man, FUCKING WEAK
              Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
              Why stop the ban at this thread? Might as well make it permanent. Sorry for hurting your little feelings making fun of all YOUR service boys. I remember where you came from.

              Sorry for trying to keep newbies from getting burnt as I did when I first got in the game. Enjoy being Monte's fucking puppet. Doing his leg work. Jumping how high he tells you to fucking jump. Getting treated like dog shit.

              Keep those services on the up and up buddy
              Seems like he was joking???


              • #22
                Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                Well its too early for him to be drunk so there goes that explanation.

                I too hate services, got burned by several of them and hate those POS, but you are not going to save the newbies from themselves Kyle. They have to learn the hard way buddy, just like you did
                Too early for him the be drunk??? Come on now, there is no "too early".

                Jaeger Bombs + KB = Banned.

                Damn, have a great holiday little guy
                2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                21 - 20 - 0

                2012 - 2013 NFL

                14 - 10 - 1


                • #23
                  How long is KB banned for? Im beginning to think the B in KB stands for banned.

                  comp play Toronto


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by longnex View Post
                    How long is KB banned for? Im beginning to think the B in KB stands for banned.

                    comp play Toronto
                    Comp Play!

                    Any inside info on that play???


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                      Comp Play!

                      Any inside info on that play???
                      My contacts saw a few Charlotte players hanging out in the VIP lounge at a strip club. They were out all night.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by longnex View Post
                        How long is KB banned for? Im beginning to think the B in KB stands for banned.

                        comp play Toronto
                        Comp Play !!!
                        jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            Dear Mr. Spark, In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let's be thankful for a spirited member like KB. His heart is in the right spot, he's just a little direct. Please allow KB to come out and play!

                            Any others want to sign the petition???
                            Last edited by ToDaClub; 11-25-2009, 08:31 PM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by longnex View Post
                              My contacts saw a few Charlotte players hanging out in the VIP lounge at a strip club. They were out all night.
                              Your in my posts saying yes gonzaga up 13!! Then you make comments like we are giving false information. I too got burned by services when i was 17 or 18 and i wanted to create a cheap honest service that actually won. People keep saying you will get burnt by services well if you were one of my clients the last 2 days you would be 11-0 i dont think thats considered being burnt. There are hundreds of services out there and close to 90% of them suck, but there are alot of solid ones.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by gametimesports View Post
                                Your in my posts saying yes gonzaga up 13!! Then you make comments like we are giving false information. I too got burned by services when i was 17 or 18 and i wanted to create a cheap honest service that actually won. People keep saying you will get burnt by services well if you were one of my clients the last 2 days you would be 11-0 i dont think thats considered being burnt. There are hundreds of services out there and close to 90% of them suck, but there are alot of solid ones.
                                Calm down dude. I followed you on Gonzaga. And I went in there and gave you props for the pick. I was just having a little fun here. Dont get your panties in a bunch over nothing.

