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Why is the NBA the most boring league ...

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  • #31


    • #32
      Let's face it, the NHL is Soccer on ice. Just no excitement factor right now. The NBA and their playoffs should be GREAT!


      • #33
        I agree Wayne, I won't watch a second of hockey unless it is the Montreal Canadiens because the fans are very much into and they are my hometown boys but other than that I have no interest in watching....It is quite boring and I would like to see more 4 on 4 to open it up!

        GO HABS!

        As for the NBA, there will never be a conclusion on this topic so to each his own, I will continue to watch because I love basketball


        • #34

          Originally posted by Chado1
 dont even have NHL in here...the most skilled and physically tough all around athletes of any of blood, grit, and battle war for april and may throughout the playoffs....fuckin hillarious...why dont you add ballereena dancing to your list....

          Chaodo----your totaly predujice and bias position on Soccer is thoroughly disgusting and sickening......

          there's no blood, grit and Battle in the NFL and CFB.....

          don't kid yourself about believing soccer can't be a head butting and bloody sport either.....I guess you've never seen 2 men going to head a ball, at full force, with no protection, most don't even wear Jock straps....and when they collide, heads split open and blood flies.....PS the ball is traveling in exess of 45 MPH---you try it....and how much stamina must one have to play

          CBB and NBA....on a hardwood flour, no protection, they get their bodies wiped out on rebounds, dunks, and nothing but hard floor underneath try this one for a while....

          MLB/CBB---how would you handle being at the plate, 60' 6" away from the pitcher, who is throwing a hard ball (not a snow ball) in excess of 100 MPH at'd shat your pants....course this takes no blood, guts, sweat, etc....

          Course you can't dunk I know, cause you carry too much predujice and bias on your shoulders....

          Here's some new Olympic sports coming where the Canadians are heavily favored....

          1) Most bias and predujiced country, thinking only their sport (Ice Hockey) really counts....

          2) Country that was fucked over the most by the "FIXED""Rigged" NBA....

          3) Country that detests the USA the most for their prowress and success in any sport they endeavor, includiong (Ice Hockey).....

          4) Country that believes that they are the only one that doesn't have any "sports scandals".....

          5) country that has done the most whineing and crying about losing....any sport they bet on, including their own NHL.....

          6) Country that will never be up to par with USA sports, cause they have narrow minded citizens, such as yourself, going around in an "AMERICAN" forum, stating their bias/immature/erroneous opinions....

          and yes Chado---you're right about being entitled to your opinion, as we all know, it's an american FORUM, and we gave you that right....nice of you to chastize us for it.....

          grow up Chado----you're getting worse IMO....and I for one, think you're full of shit, hard headed, and not old enough to be wise and knowledagle enough to make your statements...I have gas vapors in my bathroom from farts older than you.....

          Get off the NBA, American Sports, and your God Almighty belief that NHL is the only real thing in life.......Habs will go down this year, as you will also, IMO...

          Last edited by Kaptain; 03-10-2008, 05:08 PM.

          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

