i hope old d comes through...i did another round robin with them the az cards indy and denver.......thanks for the pick ............gl the rest of the way....
Glad my Steelers got lucky as hell and covered. I was so pissed at Little Ben Worthlessburger i stopped watching. Still cant believe those losers covered.
hey john what do you think about villanova 2 nite....am i missing something there besides its in the virgin islands....i know they have lost a few guys but seem 2 still have the fire power.....oi feel like unloading but..wanted 2 know what ya though......thanks......
hey john what do you think about villanova 2 nite....am i missing something there besides its in the virgin islands....i know they have lost a few guys but seem 2 still have the fire power.....oi feel like unloading but..wanted 2 know what ya though......thanks......
Please explain what oi, ya, though mean. I am assuming that your butchering of the English language you mean oh, you, and thought
Leave that game alone, suck up your losses and go rake the sand that is your front yard.
CBB this time of year is a dart board, its best left alone. Take 1/2 of what you lost today and put it on Denver and a little on the under.
I'm scared of nova still bov.....they are still a TBD team to me.
I passed completely if that tells you anything.
btw...ODU up 9 with 8:30 left!!
Damn I'd love to cash that +650 dog
Thanks for the Cards last night, as much a homer i am i wasnt touching the Cards last night, i got your email literally as i was leaving for the game and decided if you liked it, i would bet it. It was a sweat, but hey so was the Steelers. In the end the scoreboard tells the bookies who to pay.